Cooking With Namu

Cooking Youtuber AU
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summary: Woohyun is a man with a mission and Sunggyu's stomach makes the decisions for him.



“…and with just a pinch of salt, voila! It’s done. The best stew you will ever eat, maybe second only to what our mom makes, because we all know that will always be our favorite, hehe. Anyway, you guys can now try to make it yourself!”

“Not gonna happen.” Sunggyu sighed wistfully. The last time he tried to cook something that ‘Cooking with Namu’ made on YouTube he almost burned the house and the people inside of it. Safe to say, Howon banned him from the kitchen, although, to be fair, he’s at the same level. And this struck most painfully now, when their dorm flat was hit by the great college famine. All the shops were closed at this hour and like all wise college students, nobody thought of buying food before that. Not that they had any money to get decent meals begin with.

All that was left for him was to torture himself by watching the channel’s new videos religiously, imagining the smell, the taste and then pretending his usual sad lump of ramen was more than met the eye.

“What do you guys want for next time? Let me know in the comments! ” the faceless youtuber ended his video, the hands making the magic happen only visible as usual, bracelet clinkering as he gesticulated.

“I want to hire you but you don’t take requests and my wallet grows spider webs anyway.” He groaned.

On the other side of the room, two voices were whispering inconspicuously- or at least they thought they were, as Sunggyu could hear every word damn clearly. Crouched with his hand theatrically at the other’s ear, Howon was gossiping with the enthusiasm of a granny with too much free time.

“Hyung, he is talking alone again. I think the no food hell finally got to his brain- or more likely, the wrong side of it.”

“I don’t know Howonnie…maybe we don’t pay enough attention to him? But he is the one closing himself… Maybe it’s time we staged an intervention?” Dongwoo replied worryingly.

“I have some emergency Cheetos…we can try to lure him with that.”

“I am not that cheap to go for Cheetos!” the person in question retorted loudly, startling the nosy duo. “If you have that much time on your hands, why don’t you do something useful, like making me food?”


“You have nothing to give back; I have no intention to get into that kind of one-sided arrangement.” Howon snorted.

“Why you little- ”Sunggyu’s undoubtedly intelligent comeback was interrupted by the sound of the door. He frowned in confusion. “Who the hell is coming here on a Monday night?”

Howon crossed his arms as if to make a statement. “I don’t know, but you are the one answering.”

Oh, that’s a good one. “The hell? Why me, dare I know?” he voiced his displeasure immediately.

“You need more people to socialize with!” Dongwoo brightly answered, yet unneeded. “This could be the start for the new Gyu.”

“Why does the new me have to talk to weirdos who ring the bell at 11 pm?”

“The new Gyu is an adventurous boy!” Dongwoo decided for him happily, retreating to his shared room with a cackling Howon. “Fighting!”

“Urghhhhhhh” he voiced his distress as the door closed behind them. He really doesn’t want to talk to anybody. He is so hungry. With grumpy steps and the most unfriendly expression he could coax into a few moments, he opened the front door unwillingly. Seeing who it was, Sunggyu huffed. “Christmas is in 3 months, come for caroling then.”

“I’m not here to sing, although I will if you want me to!” the below flat’s resident idiot and professional shower singer (daily at 12 when Sunggyu is trying to sleep and the bad sound isolation of the building is his enemy), answered cheerfully: the one and only Nam Woohyun. Why is he happy too? Why is everybody merry when Sunggyu is hungry and salty about it?

“What do you want Nam?” he eyed the other with suspicion. He looked even more insufferably attractive than usual, white V-neck and jeans like he’s just out of Abercrombie, but Sunggyu was sure there was something wrong with him.  He didn’t trust good looking people. They had to give something away from their personality for it to be fair and Sunggyu didn’t want to find out what that was.

“Okay listen, I know you don’t like being bothered, but I forgot my keys inside when I took the trash out and the door, as you know, locks automatically.” The young man explained, wearing the kind of pleading puppy expression that would have worked on Sunggyu on another day, one when he didn’t hate everything around him that didn’t classify as a meal. “A little bird told me that you’re the best door picker guy after Sungyeol.”

“Who the hell acquired that information about me and shared it???” Sunggyu asked scandalized. Or no, wait. “Ah, but it’s Lee Sungjong, isn’t it??”

“No, it’s not him.” The younger man said with a mock serious face, winking. “Definitely not Lee Sungjong.”

 Sunggyu wanted to hide and maybe die for a bit. This guy was the embodiment of the embarrassing adjective. “Then why don’t you ask Sungyeol?”

Woohyun’s expression finally changed. “He is busy faces with the hot otaku boy.” He informed sulkily.

Well the world didn’t enough apparently. “Kim Myungsoo? With- with-… him ?!” Sure, Kim Myungsoo slept in Attac

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716 streak #1
Chapter 2: so cute
Chapter 2: I thought it's continuing
It's too short for my liking but
It's really good
Chapter 2: lol!
This second one was so fun to read!
I feel you Gyu, food rules.
And in the first one... my heart melted! jdufje hg jfj
As if I didn’t need more reasons to fall in love with Woohyun Xd
I am still sad about the first cake Gyu threw out though
Chapter 1: this is sooo cute and sweet!
Chapter 2: Omg I can't stop laughing on both sides of dumb gyu towards his admirer and his salty comments
The jokes are brilliant, I like it XD
And sunggyu is me, once I ruined the dinner and almost burned the kitchen so my cousin decided to order us pizza, but I still can cook pasta so I'll add that to my LinkedIn profile lol
Chapter 1: Oh this is so fluffy!!! Do you watch cooking tree videos too? ASMR cooking that is mouthwatering, I would love to taste those cakes too~
I can imagine if it was hyun as the youtuber, what a cute way to get a date lol
Chapter 2: Omg it's a trap or trick thing XD thank you
Chapter 1: Wow this is new and super interesting. I like how you gave unexpected things forward. Thank you ^^
Chapter 1: I saw the tag for the YouTube channel, and first video I picked to watch was the same u wrote abt,conny.
Omg,i was as giddy as a teenager.
The start of a sweet woogyu?