Baking Tree

Cooking Youtuber AU
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summary: Someone keeps leaving cakes on Sunggyu's doorstep.



It just started randomly one day. Sunggyu wanted to go outside to buy some groceries and almost tripped over a small box in front of his door. He blinked in confusion and picked it up. It was white and had little green trees printed all over it. Sunggyu turned it in his hands to find a recipient or sender but there was nothing. He looked around but also found no one who could have forgotten this on his doorstep. Sunggyu looked at it again. The box actually reminded him of these transport boxes bakeries sometimes gave you. His curiosity picked, Sunggyu opened the lid and looked inside. His eyes slightly widened when he saw the cake. It had strawberries on top of it and looked beautiful. He was about to close it and put it away for whoever had forgotten it but then he noticed a note inside.

“For Sunggyu-ssi“

Sunggyu pulled out the note and turned it in his hand as well. „It’s for me? But who left it here?“

He looked around for a clue but no luck. Sunggyu went inside to put the cake in his fridge. He wasn’t sure about eating it but it would just spoil out there in the sun. The cake felt slightly cool still, so it probably didn’t wait on his doorstep for long. Sunggyu wondered about it while he was outside to buy groceries. When he returned, he got the cake out again and put it on the table. He lifted it out of the box safely and sat down to stare at it. It was a beautiful cake indeed. It definitely looked like it came from one of those fancy bakeries. Sunggyu was tempted to try it but his mind told him to be careful. Who would eat something randomly left on their doorstep? It could be poisoned for all he knew.

The older man sighed after his mind won. He took a picture of the cake before he threw it away. It felt like a waste and he regretted it the rest of the week, but Sunggyu figured it was better to be safe than sorry. He loved sweets but this was still a little suspicious.


The next week, Sunggyu found another box on his doorstep when he returned home from work. It had the same pattern on it. Once again he looked around for a sign of the person who left it but without luck. Sunggyu picked it up and brought it inside again to inspect it. There was another note inside.

“Did you like the strawberry cake? I made the recipe thinking of you“

He blinked at the words. Sunggyu wasn’t sure if he was supposed to feel flattered or crept out. Okay, maybe he was a little lonely and really liked to hear that someone made something new for him. He felt a tinge of guilt because he had simply thrown away the last cake.

“Sorry for not showing my face. I hope you accept my choco-logy.“

The pun made Sunggyu cringe a bit but he put the note away to get the cake out. It was clearly chocolate cake at first glance. Once again it was decorated finely and with much care. Everything was made so perfectly Sunggyu didn’t think a total amateur could have done it. The cake looked like the ones you often saw in expensive bakeries. He stared at the cake hard. Sunggyu took a picture of the cake and sent into a group chat of him and his friends.

SG: Hey, guys. Recently, someone has been dropping cakes on my doorstep. Is it one of you?

He added the pictures of the two cakes.

DW: They’re so pretty, oh my god!
SJ: What do you mean left on your doorstep? I hope you didn’t eat them
SG: No, of course not.
DW: But that’s such a waste!! Give it to me, hyung!!
HY: Are you dumb? It could be poisoned..
DW: =3= eeehh...this looks too good to be poisoned
SY: Somehow I feel like I’ve seen these cakes before
SG: ?
SY: Maybe it’s from a bakery nearby, hmm

Sunggyu decided to take a picture of the box as well and sent it to the group.

SY: Wait. Wait...I need to check something

It was quiet for a while. Sunggyu waited and waited for Sungyeol to write something else but only his other friends kept talking and spamming the chat. Their reactions were as mixed as Sunggyu’s emotions. Then finally Sungyeol appeared again. He dropped a link to a Youtube video in the chat. Sunggyu frowned and tapped on it. His eyes widened when he saw the chocolate cake in the thumbnail. He paused the video and compared the picture to his own cake. They looked identical. Sunggyu tapped play again and watched the video. The sound was really quiet and after a few minutes, he realized the person wasn’t going to talk or show more than his hands. They were clearly the hands of a man but he moved them with a grace and carefulness Sunggyu didn’t possess. He showed step by step how the cake was being made. So did Sunggyu’s mysterious cake baker watch these videos and decided to make them for Sunggyu? But the cake really look

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708 streak #1
Chapter 2: so cute
Chapter 2: I thought it's continuing
It's too short for my liking but
It's really good
Chapter 2: lol!
This second one was so fun to read!
I feel you Gyu, food rules.
And in the first one... my heart melted! jdufje hg jfj
As if I didn’t need more reasons to fall in love with Woohyun Xd
I am still sad about the first cake Gyu threw out though
Chapter 1: this is sooo cute and sweet!
Chapter 2: Omg I can't stop laughing on both sides of dumb gyu towards his admirer and his salty comments
The jokes are brilliant, I like it XD
And sunggyu is me, once I ruined the dinner and almost burned the kitchen so my cousin decided to order us pizza, but I still can cook pasta so I'll add that to my LinkedIn profile lol
Chapter 1: Oh this is so fluffy!!! Do you watch cooking tree videos too? ASMR cooking that is mouthwatering, I would love to taste those cakes too~
I can imagine if it was hyun as the youtuber, what a cute way to get a date lol
Chapter 2: Omg it's a trap or trick thing XD thank you
Chapter 1: Wow this is new and super interesting. I like how you gave unexpected things forward. Thank you ^^
Chapter 1: I saw the tag for the YouTube channel, and first video I picked to watch was the same u wrote abt,conny.
Omg,i was as giddy as a teenager.
The start of a sweet woogyu?