ιdol ѕcнool ─ accepтιng ѕтυdenтѕ!
so for faceclaims, you can use anyone as a faceclaim except fromis9 members! since this is the second installment of idol school, fromis9 is an actual group and all the members remain the same.  just make sure your faceclaim has enough photos online for me to use.

age ranges for this show go from 2004-1990, since the last season had a large range of girls ages on it.

remember, nationality is a persons label towards a country, while ethnicity refers to the cultural aspect of it. for example, if your character was korean born in the united states, your character would be american for nationality, and ethnicity would be korean/asian.
with that being said, all nationalities and ethnicities are welcome, however they must be fluent in korean and explain how they are fluent/where/why they learned
personality and background
so i expect a good amount of positives and negatives for each character. i don't want to give you a minimum/maximum amount of positive and negative traits but make sure your character isn't perfect...thats all. 

when creating a background, make it as realistic as possible. i don't really want to see every applicant have an idol brother/sister or have a ton of experience with previous agencies and 10 scandals. 

i don't have anything special to say about trivia! but i like a lot of it!
Training section
so this is where it gets interesting. if your character was a previous trainee or idol, you can write your experience where it belongs. if not, you can ignore it.

* important * these characters should not be currently trainees!! they have left their agencies if they used to be trainees! and if they weren't ever trainees, ignore the trainee sections!

for the major section, put down if your character wants to focus more on singing, dancing, or rap.

for the minor section, put down if your character wants to focus on producing, acting, modeling or business. since i want things to be equal, there will be a capactiy of 10 girls per minor. password is your favorite song at the moment.

there is no capacity for majors...
however, for example, if there are only 3 dance majors while the rest are vocal or rap, the dance girls will most likely get more written about them, because it's easier to rotate between them. so take that as you wish!

also, these characters won't just be focused only on their major. for example, a rap major will still have to do a few singing activities, to make them more well rounded. with that being said, you will have 10 points to distribute between singing, dancing, rap, and visuals.

if youre a dance major, most of your points should go towards dance, like this:
vocal: 2
dance: 5
visual: 3
rap: 0 
i know i mentioned not wanting every character to have these things, but i want some to be more interesting. these are a few ways to peak my interest. of course, you can think out of the box to make your character stand out as well:

- being a past idol whos group didn't do well
- being a sibling to a famous person
- having a scandal 
- being a trainee for a long time
- COLLABS! Obviously the girls don't have to all know each other before the competition for them to have each other on the relationships section! as long as you mention that they met at the competition and how they act together, i don't mind!
- adding my characters somewhere in the app (rs section)

i don't have a preference in regards to idol face claims because i love a lot of girl groups!

as stated before, you can apply 4 times and it's first come first serve... i am accepting 40 girls so i need as many as quickly as possible so this doesnt take months! 
turn in - source code  - example 1 - example 2 *big wip*

enjoy and have fun creating characters!
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14 streak #1
Are you still doing this?
Chapter 1: Ohhhhh! I'm gonna make an app ASAP! I loved the show
14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Yay it’s open
I’ll try to give you some apps ASAP!
14 streak #4
Seolhyun, Hani, Suzy, Hyolyn and Jiwoo? YES.
Mnet should do a school based idol show like they did before. It's a good yet underrated concept tbh! Better than seeing pd shows cause how many pd shows can you possibly make? (No hate, just repetitive imo)