
Come Here

Champagne, glitters, chatters, and music everywhere.


Those are the things she noticed when she goes inside the atrium. She sighed thinking that her boss should give her a bonus for attending this socialising event on a Saturday night. She looked around trying to see if she knows someone. 


“Min Young!” She heard a familiar voice calling her name.

“You’re here!” Min Young greeted a petite lady running towards her. 

“Yea, you see my boyfriend is one of the speaker here” Mina informed her.

“That’s great! I bet Chanyeol will do a really great job with that speech. Where is he anyways?” Min Young asked her friend.

“Probably at the back trying to calm himself” Both girls laughed.


They started walking around to explore the venue.


“You look really pretty. I guess Kai is really taking a good care of you!” Mina giggled.

Min Young just smiled and pushed Mina slightly.


“Where’s Kai anyways?” Mina looked around. It’s weird to see Min Young without her boyfriend since they are always stuck with each other like super glue.


“Oh…Jong In is probably in his apartment.” Min Young said. 


“Call him! I want to say hello to him. I haven’t seen him for like a month.” Mina said.


Min Young reached for her phone and started calling her boyfriend. It took a few rings before Jong In finally answered her call.


“Hello.” Jong In answered. Min Young can clearly hear a loud music.


“Hi Jong In. Where are you?” Min Young asked. Slightly nervous.


“Oh I’m at the club right now with Taemin and Ravi. Why?” Jong In casually informed his girlfriend.


You didn’t say anything about this…It’s like Daniel all over again.


“Nothing..” Min Young replied. Trying to hide the anxiety of her voice. Trying to sound as neutral as possible.


“Kai it’s your turn!” She heard Ravi on the other line.


“I have to go. Enjoy the party.” Jong In said to Min Young and immediately ended the call without waiting for Min Young’s answer.


“You okay?” Mina asked Min Young after seeing the way her mood changes.


Min Young nodded and they walked inside the atrium for Chanyeol’s speech.


It looks like after this night, Jong In will leave me. 



Jong In is walking towards his friends. He feels uneasy because of his girlfriend’s sudden change of tone. 


“Kai, you okay?” Taemin asked him.


“Yea, it’s just that Min Young’s tone in our call suddenly changed” He answered while looking at his phone’s wallpaper. It’s Min Young peacefully sleeping in his bed.


“Maybe it’s the time of the month?” Ravi asked him


“I don’t think so. She’s not craving for noodles yet so I don’t think that’s the reason” He informed Ravi.


“Oh! Did you tell her about our plans for tonight?” Taemin looked at Kai 


Oh no I’m dead! 


Kai looked at his friends realising his situation right now.


“Oh my gosh Kai! You should have told her. We don’t know what’s going on your girl’s mind right now!” Taemin and Ravi panicked. 


“You know what happened with Daniel right. That incident really freaked her out!” Taemin yelled.


“Plus, you guys are on your third year of your relationship.” Ravi added.


“That’s like Min Young’s exes limit. You know how she usually joke around that at the third year of your relationship you will leave her like what the others did.” The three boys are now panicking.


“I have to go…”Kai took his stuff and goes straight to his car.



“Min Young, how are you gonna go home?” Chanyeol asked his friend while having a hard time making his girlfriend walk straight.


“Uber or cab?” Drunk Min Young answers.


“Oh gosh Kai will kill me if he found out that you got drunk under my watch” Chanyeol sighed.


Min Young is trying to look normal as possible. Though she’s pretty sure that she looked wasted right now.


“Pfft. Jong In is not my boyfriend anymore. He’ll break up with me tomorrow.” Min Young slurred 


“What?” Chanyeol looked at his friend. 


“He’ll break up with me tomorrow.” Min Young repeated herself. 


“Who will break up with you?” A familiar voice asked her.


Min Young looked behind her a she saw Kai, her boyfriend walking towards her. Looking hot as ever.


“What are you doing here?” Min Young asked him.


“Picking up my drunk girlfriend.” He answered while giving Chanyeol a dead look. Chanyeol smiled apologetically.


“Kai, Min Young is saying that you’ll break up with her tomorrow? What’s happening?” Chanyeol asked Kai


“Nothing. I just made a mistake but will definitely not leave her.” Kai sighed while looking at his drunk girlfriend who is trying to stand straight.


“Okay okay. Take care. We’ll go ahead” Chanyeol patted Kai’s shoulder before walking towards the parking lot.


“Let’s go home.” Kai said to his girlfriend who silently followed him towards his car.



The whole car ride is silent and it is killing Kai now knowing what his girlfriend is thinking. 


He looked at her and she’s peacefully sleeping. He removed his jacket and drape it over Min Young.


“Hey babe, we’re here” Kai said softly. Trying to wake his drunk girl.


Min Young opened her eyes and she saw Kai’s face in front of her.


“Can you walk? I can carry you.” Kai asked her.


“I’ll walk…” Min Young said quietly. She stood up and slightly loose her balance good thing Kai has fast reflex he held on her elbow to stabilise her.


“I can walk.” Min Young tried to pull herself away from Kai.


Kai let go of her and both of them walked towards the elevator.


Same as the car ride, both of them are just quiet inside the elevator.


Kai is looking at his girlfriend feeling really guilty.


When they walked inside the apartment, Min Young walked straight to the sofa. Making Kai confused.


“You can sleep on my bed tonight, I can sleep on the sofa.” He said.


“No. I will not stay here. I’ll leave once I’m already sober.” Min Young said with a cold tone.


Kai hates it when Min Young doesn’t follow his orders especially if it is for her safety.


“No. You’ll sleep here.” He said with a stern voice.


Min Young stood up and faced Kai. She’s frowning at him.


Kai just sighed and opened his arms.


“Come here..” He said with a calm voice


And just like magic, Min Young cried and ran towards her boyfriend. Hugging him tightly.


“I know I’m sorry.”  Kai just hugged his girlfriend and kissed the top of her head. 

“ I should have told you about my night out with the boys.” 


Min Young is not saying anything.



The next day.


Min Young woke up with a really bad headache and she felt a warm body behind her.


She knows that she’s in Kai’s apartment right now but she can’t barely remember anything about what happened last night.


Min Young turned around and to her surprise Kai is already awake and looking directly to her eyes.


Must not melt….


How are you feeling?” Kai asked his girlfriend.

“Fine but my head hurts.” She wined as she hurried her head on Kai’s muscular chest. Kai smiled in content at least he knows that they are okay now.


Min Young slowly pulled herself away from Kai’s embrace and sat up.


She saw that she’s wearing Kai’s hoodie over her dress from last night. She looked at her boyfriend and smiled.




“Anything for you babe..”Kai smirked and this made his girlfriend laugh. Oh Kai loves her laugh so much.


Min Young crawled towards Kai and sat on his lap.


“Thank you.” She said as she hugged Kai once again.


“I love you.” Kai whispered as he hugged Min Young’s small frame.






Please let me know what you think. These comments will surely help me improve my writings in the future. Thank you!

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FayeYi #1
Chapter 1: Awww, this is super cute & the fluff I need every morning !! It’s good & not rushed like most one-shots I’ve read. Keep it up author-nim!!!