
a brief inquiry into online relationships
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Seulgi couldn't believe that she had left Joohyun on read.

It was the ultimate way of saying You act like you care, but will you take the initiative to find out if I'm really okay? without actually saying anything.

Okay, who was she kidding. She initially resisted replying to Joohyun's messages, preoccupied with trekking back to the dorms and taking a nice long shower. But once she was fully settled in the confines of her room, the guilt of leaving the president on read and at the party began to creep in.

Worse, she was afraid that Joohyun wouldn't take that initiative to prod further and find out what was up with her. That she'd be too distracted by Minho, and forget about Seulgi's whereabouts altogether. Seulgi didn't think she could handle such a revelation just yet.

So after a few agonizing minutes of debating whether to be a cold, silent or just a really passive aggressive , she finally caved in:

Kang Seulgi: I'm fine. Felt a headache coming on so I left early

Terse sentences marked by periods instead of exclamation marks. No emojis. Seulgi felt powerful, as if her stiff response was payback to Joohyun for having a boyfriend.

She sighed heavily. How stupid and immature of her to think like that! Joohyun hadn't done anything wrong; it wasn't her fault that she was with a (douche-y, but) eligible guy like Minho. It was Seulgi's own fault for falling for Joohyun, even when she knew it wouldn't have worked out in the first place.

Joohyun immediately saw her message and was now replying, the animated ellipsis next to her contact photo repeatedly flickering and pausing as if she was carefully choosing her next words. Seulgi quickly exited out of the app to avoid acknowledging that she'd read the impending message, instead monitoring her notification bar for the reply:

Bae Joohyun: Okay, I'm glad that you're safe

Seulgi's eyes widened. Joohyun's response didn't seem like her usual teasing self, and she could think of only one reason for that.

Herself. She wouldn't be surprised if she had made Joohyun uncomfortable with that move she'd pulled earlier on the dance floor, in a heated rush of passion.

A plethora of conflicting emotions rushed through her mind, all of them pointing to the same conclusion: Joohyun was never meant for Seulgi to keep, and now even their friendship was in jeopardy. She dropped herself at the foot of her bunk, pulling her knees close to her body and burying her head in her arms.

The solitude was of little comfort when all she wanted was to be by Joohyun's side.

Seungwan arrived back at their room around midnight, surprised to find her roommate balled up on the floor.

"…Seulgi? You're back already?"

The monolid girl lifted her head, revealing a tear-streaked face and red-rimmed eyes. Seungwan instantly knew that something bad must have happened at the party for her friend to be crying like that.

She immediately dropped her purse, rushed to her friend's side, and enveloped her in a big hug, which only made Seulgi want to cry harder.

"Shhh, it's okay, I'm here. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"We danced. But like, dance danced, without leaving room for Jesus. Honestly she was a little drunk and probably wasn't in her right mind."


"And I…I don't know what got into me, but I grabbed her waist and pulled us together."

"SHIIIIIT," Seungwan's eyes were popping out of their sockets.

"She froze up, I apologized and told her I wasn' know," Seungwan's face fell at this. "I had to! What did you expect me to do, come out right then and there?"

Seungwan sighed, "Fair enough. Coming out is basically unheard of here...go on."

"Then I went to get us some water, and when I came back, Minho was there. He kissed her...and I really couldn't handle seeing that," Seulgi recalled bitterly. "So I panicked and told Yongsun and Jisoo where she was, and left early."

"Okay, but you lied to her that you didn't like girls. How is she supposed to confess to you after that, hypothetically assuming that she actually likes you?" Seungwan asked, still holding out hope that this was all a fluke and that Seulgi maybe misread the situation.

"Well, Yongsun also said that Joohyun's love life is complicated, and that I'd only know one of the people involved. And after what I saw, I think we can both agree that it's Minho."

"Hold up, is Joohyun being a hoe? What's that supposed to mean?" Seungwan was understandably confused.

"I don't know... maybe someone we don't know is trying to break her and Minho up? But clearly I'm not involved, if Minho is."

"," Seungwan breathed, "So I was wrong. The rumors are true. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry if all the things I said gave you false hope-"

"Nah," Seulgi cut her off, giving a grateful eye-smile, "Thanks for always being there for me, Wannie. And don't worry, I knew you were being delulu. I believed the rest of KSCE but didn't listen anyway, so it's honestly my problem."

"You know I'll help out however I can," Seungwan patted her on the back. "But I don't know what to tell you for this one…what are you going to do?"

Seulgi looked up to the ceiling, contemplating her response.

"I thought I'd be fine, liking her even if she was with Minho. But it's pretty useless doing that. I should focus on myself, right? I should move on."

Seungwan nodded slowly. It hurt to see Seulgi giving up on someone whom she clearly felt so much for, but she had a point. If Seulgi couldn't be with Joohyun, then there was no point in dwelling on lost love.

"I'll slowly distance myself. Try to get closer to Baechu again, maybe that'll help me forget my feelings for Joohyun…"

"It's always going to be between those two," Seungwan mused. "I'm surprised at how much weight that online relationship has on your life. It's honestly touching, makes me believe in soulmates and whatnot."

"Yeah," Seulgi huffed a sigh, "It's been my struggle…do I go for Joohyun? Or stay true to Baechu, who's been by my side for over two years now?

"It's all in the proximity. They both make me feel the same way, but Joohyun is right here and she also happens to be incredibly pretty. And that really factors into why I found myself drifting towards her, she's real and insanely beautiful, as compared to Baechu who I can't see or touch.

"Doesn't that make me superficial? On an emotional level it's an obvious tie between the two, but I feel like I'm straying from Baechu because Joohyun's so gorgeous. But true love isn't about physical beauty, it's the deeper connection that matters.

"And when it comes down to it, no matter how Baechu turns out to look, I know that I'd be just as happy with her. Just because I met her online and don't have a single clue what she looks like, doesn't make whatever we have any less valid. It's like long distance…with a lot more faith involved, but if she can make me feel as in love as an insanely beautiful girl in real life can, then I think it's worth the fight.

"And that's my brief inquiry into online relationships," Seulgi gave a lopsided smile and turned to her friend, "Sorry for raining on your date night…you haven't complained yet, so I take it that it went well?"

"That was beautiful, Seulgi. To be honest, I questioned your blind faith sometimes, but if you really feel this strongly about the both of them I don't think I can tell you what to do anymore. Just…follow your heart," Seungwan sniffed, getting emotional. "And yes, it went well. Don't feel like a burden - since my love life is thriving, it's only natural that I support you through yours."

Suddenly, they heard knocking at the door and froze instantly. "Seulgi? Seungwan? Are you two there?"

"Joohyun," Seungwan mouthed, "I should answer."

Not ready to interact with the president just yet, Seulgi leapt into her bed, pretending to be fast asleep. She screwed her eyes shut just as Seungwan opened the door.

"Can I come in? Is Seulgi here?" She could barely hear Joohyun's soft voice.

"She's sleeping, she's just really drained from the party. Did you get home okay? She feels bad for leaving you."

"It's fine, Minho drove me, Yongsun, and Jisoo back. I asked to stop by the convenience store to get this, though." She heard the rustling of plastic bags and a muted clunk of something being set down on her desk. "Sujebi, Seulgi's favorite."

Seulgi felt constrict hearing her AFF name slip through Joohyun's lips. It was exactly how she imagined Baechu might say it, which was trippy and totally not helping the situation.

She jolted back to reality, registering the duality of Joohyun's statement. She remembered Seulgi's favorite food, but Minho had driven her to get it.

"Thank you, she'll really appreciate it."

"Can I... see her?"

"I-" Seungwan began, but apparently Joohyun didn't wait for confirmation because Seulgi heard light footsteps approaching her bed. All at once she felt the warmth of the president hovering above her, her slightly alcohol-tainted breath lightly fanning Seulgi's face.

A cool hand gently placed itself on her forehead, trailing down her face and cupping her cheek. Seulgi waited with baited breath for what seemed like an eternity, heart beating wildly at the intimate gesture.

Joohyun finally lifted her hand, "It's a relief, I thought she might have fever but she's not too warm..."

Silence. Even though she was supposedly asleep, she could feel the president's gaze burning right through her eyelids.

"Seungwan, can you make sure she eats the soup when she wakes up? It's good for the stomach," Joohyun murmured after a bit.

"Of course," Seungwan replied, sounding a bit awkward and probably knowing how conflicted her friend was feeling right now.

"Thank you. And actually, one more thing."


"Please don't tell her it was from me."

"…Sure," Seungwan complied, but as Seulgi predicted, her curious nature got the better of her. "Um, may I ask why?"

Joohyun didn't reply for a while, leaving the other two to nervously contemplate the request she'd just made. At length, she took in a shaky breath, exhaling in a feathery sigh.

"It might be better if I don't make her feel like... I'm getting too... close."

Was Joohyun that creeped out by Seulgi, that she was trying to appear more distant?

"Oh," Seungwan said in that "Oh " tone that confirmed she was thinking the same thing.

"Well, I'll be on my way now. Goodnight and thanks again, Seungwan."

"No problem. Goodnight."

The door closed shut, leaving the two friends alone again. Seulgi was shocked at what had just happened. No doubt the president was treading on egg shells around her; after all, she didn't even want Seulgi knowing that it was she who had delivered the soup. She was probably even relieved that she ended up going home with Minho instead.

But Joohyun had also gone out of her way to see how she was doing. And how soft and gentle her touch had been against Seulgi's skin...Why did she have to do all that? If she was truly disgusted at Seulgi's accidental and not-so-heteroual advances?

Why was Joohyun making it so hard to fall out of love?

"…Seulgi?" she heard Seungwan say tentatively.

She didn't reply, couldn't reply. Feeling the tears flow freely, she her side, curling up and pulling the sheets over her head. She stayed like that for the rest of the night, silent sobs wracking her body before she finally gave in to sleep.

The next morning Seulgi woke up with rings of cakey crust around the rims of her eyes, making it slightly difficult to squint at her phone screen.

Baechu: Good morning, haven't talked to you all week :) Ready to work on some fics?

Baechu: I'm available all weekend ^^

Sujebi: Morninggg. And wow, all weekend? Recently you've only been available on Saturdays...Not that I'm complaining though ;)

Sujebi: Btw I just woke up. I'll be ready to go in 45 min or so :)

She really was pouring all her flirtiness into the messages with Baechu, knowing that she shouldn't, and wouldn't banter like that with a certain someone else any longer. For her own sake.

Groaning, she got up and retrieved the sujebi from the mini fridge where Seungwan had placed it. She poured half of the huge plastic container's contents into the electric kettle to heat up in broke college student fashion, saving the other half for her friend, who was still fast asleep.

As she groggily spooned the steaming clear broth into , the events of last night flooded her mind. She felt bad that she didn't actually have any physical ailments, unless a broken heart constituted one.

The delicious, savory warmth seeping throughout her body was a welcome distraction, though, and she almost thought to invite the president over to share the soup with her. Almost.

In no time, she finished the remnants of her portion, rinsing the kettle before proceeding to wash up. True to her word she was at her desk in forty-five minutes' time, ready to take her mind off of Joohyun with Baechu and her virtual occupation.

Baechu: Yeah, midterms just finished for me so I'll be more available in general :)

Sujebi: Perfect, my midterms just ended too :D I've missed talking to you, we definitely need to catch up ^^

Baechu: Yeah, let's do that :)

It was like the good old times, losing herself in the online community and Baechu's company for two days straight. She almost didn't notice that Joohyun failed to show up at her door on Sunday to do readings, but other than that, the weekend was picture-perfect and highly successful from an AFF writer's point of view.

Hers and Baechu's highly anticipated story updates were extremely well received, with the readers ecstatic that their favorite authors had finally emerged from hibernation. Some readers even speculated that they were secretly dating given their identical update times, which embarrassed Seulgi but also made her incredibly giddy.

But the following Monday meant going back to reality. And things were awkward, to say the least, because Monday meant all four intro classes and workday, which meant a whole lot of seeing Bae Joohyun.

But contrary to what her absence over the weekend might have indicated, Joohyun wasn't acting strangely at all. It was as if nothing had happened on a certain Friday night at the KSCE party.

Well if she looked from Joohyun's perspective, besides a slight altercation with a very touchy friend, technically nothing had happened. There was nothing wrong about receiving a kiss from one's significant other. Seulgi was the only one being impacted here.

Joohyun still gave the routine small smile and wave whenever they caught each other's eye, and even pulled her aside to personally ask if she was feeling better. Although Seulgi did notice very subtle changes, like the absence of a shoulder nudge, or the way the president's smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

Workday proved to be difficult, because she was constantly trying to avoid Joohyun without making it seem like she was actively doing so. Every time the president got within talking distance, she'd smoothly double that distance, excusing herself to the other side of the room to help some poor underclassman.

She couldn't understand the perplexed looks Joohyun was giving her. Wasn't distance what she wanted? So that to Seulgi, she wouldn't seem so…close?

She wished that Joohyun wouldn't continue to act so nicely, so it'd be easier to give that distance.

It didn't help that she had a plastic bag full of the president's hair that she had cut, ready to be mixed into their concrete. It was a reminder of the intimate moments they'd probably never have again.

"Concrete is weaker in tension than compression. Tensile strength is typically increased with the use of synthetic fibers, but I want to see if human hair can substitute as natural reinforcement for our concrete," she explained, passing out 10-mm pre-snipped portions of Joohyun's hair to the students.

"Where'd you get this hair, Seulgi-sunbae?" a curious freshman girl asked, as everyone was busy folding the hairs into their mixes.

"Ah, that," Seulgi scratched at her neck nervously. In her peripheral vision, she saw Joohyun looking at her expectantly.

"That hair is from our very own president. Joohyun," she said quietly, ducking her head and pointedly refusing to look at said girl.

"Oh, from when you cut her gorgeous bangs, right?" the girl squealed excitedly. "I heard about that! Although I can't believe Joohyun is friends with you."

Seulgi sighed. Just what she needed, another reminder that Joohyun was unobtainable in so many ways.

"Yeah, I get that a lot-"

"It's like, the ultimate friendship! The pragmatic president and the genius project manager. Everyone knows that Joohyun-sunbae is royal and respectable, but people are just beginning to realize that you're super cool, Seulgi-sunbae," the girl gushed.

Seulgi's mouth dropped into an 'o' at the unexpected twist, "What, me?" She jabbed herself in the chest for emphasis.

"Yeah! Like, you're so on top of your , you're basically the Wikipedia for concrete, your fashion choices are eccentrically trendy, and now you're apparently a five-star hairdresser."

Seulgi could understand the first two reasons, but really? Her fashion choices? Seungwan had pushed her to pay more attention to her wardrobe on the first day of school but she'd gotten lazy, resorting to randomly grabbing items out of her closet. She would pair collared shirts with oversized sweatpants or use ties as belts, too occupied with more important things to care if her peers thought she looked weird. It all ended up dusty with cement, anyway. But if they thought that was cool, sure, she'd take it.

She saw the other members nodding their heads in agreement, along with Seungwan and Joohyun who were smiling proudly. Maybe she did need to give herself more credit, instead of always thinking of herself as Kang Seulgi, nerdy and lowly Eco Concrete project manager.

"I beg to differ," a booming voice resounded throughout the Structures Lab. At the doorway stood a tall figure, one that Seulgi and Seungwan had come to absolutely resent.

"Don't mind me, just coming through to grab many hard hats for my many Construction members, as opposed to this sad, shriveled up excuse of a project here." Bogum purposely strolled through their workspace even though the hard hats were located right next to the doorway. The members timidly parted the way for him as he looked around in disdain, his eyes landing on Seulgi.

"You. Don't think you're suddenly a hotshot just because you're smart, have a somewhat badass fashion sense, and are the mastermind behind my ex-girlfriend's ravishing haircut," he sneered, "Because you'll always be Kang Seulgi, nerdy and lowly Eco Concrete project manager. I mean really, concrete is lame as hell. What do you even do here? Mix some and call it a day?"

In situations like this, Seulgi would usually shrink into absolutely nothing, nod meekly, and wait for the conflict to diffuse. But today was different. She was on edge from dancing around a certain insanely beautiful president all day, and Bogum had just pulled her trigger.

However, just as she was about to pop off, she noticed something in Bogum's face that reflected a lot of what she saw in her own. Insecurity. Except Bogum had always been able to mask his with his popular façade and hoard of cronies. And although the guy was her mortal enemy, she immediately felt sympathy filling her heart.

"It's alright, Bogum. I know that you're dealing with insecurities of being liked and accepted, which make you want to exert your dominance over the so-called weak. I too struggle with confidence, although not to the extent that I have to overc

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THANK YOU so so much for reading, and especially to those who commented over the past year but i didn't have time to reply, please know your words always made my day :) And one last note - Gomdori Restaurant is from this fic:


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I really enjoyed reading, i learned more things here about concrete than in my materials classes hahahaha.
Good work author
Chapter 10: Very good author
77 streak #3
Chapter 10: cutie😭
77 streak #4
Chapter 8: WE CHEER!
77 streak #5
438 streak #6
Chapter 10: Never thought id enjoy reading about concrete but here we are lmao. Loved this and it was great seeing their efforts validated/acknowledged❤️ the kang family are hilarious lol
438 streak #7
Chapter 8: OMO i was on the edge of my seat during that last scene 😭
1064 streak #8
Chapter 10: aaaaaa i love it!! thank you!!
Purple1313 #10
Chapter 10: Lovely fic, I greatly enjoyed the Gomdori/UTKL cameos.