Pet Shop Clues, Bar Shop Blues

Start Your Engines

A/N: I know I said I would figure out a schedule, but maybe I lied. Classes started again, college is hard, ready to die. But at least this story is here. Also, 10/10 Mina is the best person in this story and in real life. Love that supreme thot to death.

Anyways, on with the story.


“Did you know that kangaroos can’t fart? That’s wild, bro.” Chaeyoung is at her wits end. There was a point in time where pet stores with Tzuyu meant waiting by the door while the other girl did her thing. Kind of like a child who had to wait for their mom to finish grocery shopping. Well that’s all over now apparently, seeing as Dahyun and Mina are here.

Dahyun is very frustrating to say the least. She could say a lot more, but she’s pretty sure Jihyo would somehow find out and kill her. On this trip so far, Chaeyoung has found out more animal facts within the past 20 minutes than she has ever learned in a lifetime. That’s also including living with Momo and Tzuyu, being Jeongyeon’s pseudo daughter, and having Jihyo come to the garage with a list of cat facts nobody needs. To be fairly honest, Chaeyoung would prefer all of that to whatever Dahyun has been telling her.

(Not really, she doesn’t notice, but she has a small smile every time Dahyun says literally anything.)

(Everyone else in the store notices. It’s kind of endearing, in a ‘that idiot is really falling already’ kind of way)

(Everyone meaning, Mina, Tzuyu, and Deborah the cashier, not Dahyun)

“Hey, did you know that bats fly left when exiting a cave? What’s with that? Maybe they’re on to something,”

“What does that even mean? How could they be on to anything? How could exiting a cave to the left have any use to me? And what do you mean kangaroos don’t fart? What the ?”

“Nah bro, that got me too. Wait till I tell you about the ing sharks,” At that, Chaeyoung just grabs Dahyun’s elbow and leads her to the other two hidden deep within the store. Really, the store is extremely large, to the point where it just seems unnecessary. Finding the two quietest people they have ever met will be a challenge of the lifetime.

(Not really, Tzuyu is always near the dog stuff, sometimes close to the cats and bunnies. Chaeyoung and Momo have also learned to find Tzuyu no matter where she is. It’s kind of like GPS, but somewhat impractical and stupid. At least that’s what Jeongyeon told them.)

Which brings Chaeyoung to her next gripe about this apparent “new group” she and Tzuyu must travel with whenever they go to the pet store. Mina and Tzuyu are perhaps the most frustrating people to watch interact. Mina can’t even look Tzuyu in the eye, and knowing her best friend, she KNOWS this.

What Chaeyoung has gathered from her intense observation of Mina, she’s a badass, can drive well, knows her guns (from the many she’d seen in ‘hidden’ in the backseat of her car), is absolutely whipped for one Miss Chou Tzuyu. It’s somewhat sad really. Because Mina is ing awesome but the minute Tzuyu even glances at her, she turns red and looks like she’s about to fall over.

“Bro, there they are! Over by the dog items!” Dahyun points to the two people sitting in the middle of a large pile of dog leashes, toys, and food.

Oh geez, if they come back with 4 carts full of stuff for Gucci again, Momo is going to be pissed. Which means, Chaeyoung is going to have to do all of the chores while Tzuyu gets a slight scolding.

“Okay bro, you’re going to have to help me out for this one,” Grabbing Dahyun’s hand, the two make their way over, noticing a small puppy in Mina’s arms. This may be harder than Chaeyoung had originally thought.


“Listen here you piece of . If you do this, I will divorce you and take Sana with me,”

“Please, why would she go with some deadbeat loser with no money, when she can have me? Someone with multiple houses and a ton of money?”

So, when Nayeon suggested Monopoly to play, she didn’t expect the main fight be between Jeongyeon and Jihyo. She had initially wanted to absolutely destroy Momo and take her property, but here they are, both relatively “okay” in standing, watching as the other two try to decimate each other. Sana has since given up and is now drinking. Which, Nayeon really can’t blame her. After this, she wants 10 bottles of wine herself too.

Glancing at Momo, she can tell that she’s not the only one that’s somewhat horrified with the outcome. Jeongyeon has taken the dark blues, the greens, and the railroads. Jihyo on the other hand has obtained the reds, yellows, and the utilities. Theoretically, Jeongyeon should be winning, she has the most expensive properties and the best placements. However, due to her absolutely atrocious rolling, she’s left to defend herself against Jihyo. Jihyo with her 6 hotels, one on each property. 4 of which Jeongyeon has landed on in her past 4 turns.

“Hey guys, um. I know that we are all really enjoying Monopoly,” Nayeon ignores Sana’s ‘IM NOT’ in the background. Her main goal is to keep Jeongyeon from choking out Jihyo, “But maybe we should take a break and play something else? I think I saw Uno earlier?”

“Yeah I kind of agree with Nayeon. We also have the races tonight and I need to make it there in time. Don’t want to miss out beating Miss can’t last 5 more seconds on the tracks or the bedroom over here,”

“You know what Hirai? you and your crusty bangs. I’m pretty sure those are taped to your forehead at this point,”

“ANYWAYS, I think Momo and Nayeon both have a point. Regarding the game and . Can we just agree that Jihyo has won the game? I mean she has the most money and hotels, but, it doesn’t mean I love you any less Jeong,” Sana has been through too many family game nights. She should have stopped the game when Jeongyeon cheated and slipped the ‘Go to Jail’ card back into the pile for Jihyo to pick up.  Jihyo nearly choked Momo out of pure frustration.

“You know what? FINE. I guess she wins, whatever. I’m going to the back real fast and shower because someone,” with a pointed look at Nayeon, “poured their drink on me for taking Boardwalk.”

“You can’t prove ,” with a smug look, Nayeon helps the others clean up the board. Next up Uno. This one, she knows she can win. If she’s playing these losers, that is. She tried to beat Mina at game once and was left on the floor crying as Mina listed out all the favors Nayeon now owes her.


“C’mon Chaeng, I neeeed it. Please?” Mina is watching Tzuyu beg Chaeyoung for the 17th time today. All over whether she can purchase this dog tag, this dog bed, these 12 cats. Really, just about anything in this store at this point. She doesn’t know how Chaeyoung can stay so strong against Tzuyu. God knows that Mina would have had 12 carts full of things by now.

“I really don’t understand how Chaeng can stand so strong against Tzuyu. She makes a really good argument,” Mina whispers to Dahyun, who’s still searching through animal facts.

“What? All she’s been saying is that she needs it. That barely counts as an argument. What does she even need a 12 feet tall cat tower for?” Dahyun didn’t really understand Chaeyoung’s frustration with Mina and Tzuyu before. She thought it was cute. That was 2 hours ago. Now she wanted to shove their faces together and watch as they drive off into the sunset.

“Maybe she does need it. Who am I to judge?” Mina turns her head back to the arguing friends in front of her.

The scene was actually quite comical. Tzuyu towering over Chaeyoung and carrying said cat tower in her hands.

“Look Tzuyu, I know you think that you need it, but Momo gave you a $2000 limit this time. This tower is $2500. Do you see the problem here?”


“How do you not see the problem? It’s simple math? Look, if you have $2000 and you already bought $1500 in dog stuff for Gucci, how much do you have left?”

“$2500 for the cat tower”

“What? What the actual ? That doesn’t even make any sense. Don’t make me call Momo. I will 100% do it right now,” Mina sees Chaeyoung slowly take out her phone. Maybe it’s time to step in.

Walking towards the nice old lady at the counter, Mina puts on her nicest smile. The one where Nayeon and Dahyun have both told her they heard angels start to sing.

“Excuse me, but can I talk to the owner please?”

“Oh! That’s me sweetheart. What can I do for you?”

“That’s great! That makes this so much easier. I was just wondering if I could purchase the store from you.”

“… You want to purchase this store,” gesturing to the large warehouse, “This entire store?”

“Yup! Just name the price and I’ll pay it, promise,” Mina pouts. The pouts always work.

“Oh, um, well, I have owned this store for 35 years now. It’s my entire life, I don’t know if I can just go a day without coming in. I have been working with these animals for years,”

“Well, you could still work here, I would just pay the rights and have someone come in and do the paperwork for you. I promise, nothing drastic will change. Other than the fact that my friends and I will come in occasionally to take some things off the shelf. But that will be handled by the new management team. You can still stay with the animals, just let me pick up the grunt work,” Mina can hear the argument pick up from a few aisles away. She needs to seal the deal

(“Give me the ing phone Chaeng, don’t make me kick your !”

“Yeah right! I’m calling Momo right now and she’s going to be ing pissed at you.”

“Please how can you call her when you can’t even reach the phone?” Tzuyu holds Chaeyoung’s head back as she raises the phone with her other hand.



“Look, I will offer you top dollar for this store. I promise that nothing bad will happen to it,”

“I, you know what? Okay, let’s do it! Let me go get the papers, you look up a nice lawyer and this place will be yours,”

“Oh, thank . TZUYU I FOUND SOMETHING BETTER THAN DOG FOOD” Mina actually yells out to Tzuyu as Deborah walks to the office.


“Please don’t. Sana, I am literally begging you, please do not. Put down any other blue card, just not that one,” Jihyo looks close to crying.

“Haha, do what? Oh, UNO! Haha I love this game you guys” Placing the reverse card down, Sana coincidentally skips Jihyo’s turn, who actually had 1 card left. She really didn’t know how to play Uno, despite owning the game for 4 years now. But whatever, she enjoys a family friendly time. She may also be slightly drunk. Who cares.

Jeongyeon is laughing now, she doesn’t think she has ever laughed this hard in her life. Finally. FINALLY. She will be able to make sure that Jihyo will face defeat. Sure, she loves the girl. However, when it comes to any family game night, they have a running tally up (courtesy of Sana) to see who has gained the most points. As long as Jihyo loses with more cards, then the number on Jeongyeon’s name can go from 67 to 68 and Jihyo’s will stay the same at 67. She’s glad that Nayeon and Momo agreed to play games with them. Winning will be just this much sweeter now.

“Sorry Jeong, I have to skip your turn,” Placing the card down, Momo looks like she’s afraid Jeongyeon might hit her.

“Oh no problem, I’m actually okay with that,” Jeongyeon can hear Momo’s sigh of relief but she pays attention to Jihyo instead. She peaked at Nayeon’s cards earlier, and it’s safe to say, she is for once thankful for someone else taking the seat next to her.

“Um. I am so sorry Jihyo,” Nayeon looks like she’s about to cry, “I really didn’t want it to come to this. I just want you to know that you are my favorite of the three of you, and that this does not change it.”

“Please Nayeon, skip your turn. Please don’t do this to me. What happened to kindergarten promises? WHAT ABOUT TRUST? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE THINGS WE’VE BEEN THROUGH?”

“I’m so sorry. Green,” It happens in slow-mo. The fall of Park Jihyo. Nayeon places the card on top of the pile. A draw 4. Jihyo has never felt so betrayed. She looks straight at Nayeon with tears gathering in her eyes, a disgusted look adorning her face.

“I can’t believe you could do this to me,” Jihyo spits out, picking up 4 cards, adding it to the singular card she held in her hand, “Would Momo do this to me? Maybe. But I never thought it would be you. You make me SICK. I hope you lose to Momo at the races tonight. It feels like I got kicked in the face.”


The end of the first official elderly game night. Sana won, Jihyo lost, Jeongyeon is an evil , Momo is confused, and Nayeon is pretty sure she’s going to get murdered in her sleep.



  • The Sharks

“Did you know that sharks have been around for longer than trees have?”

“Yo, what the bro?”

“Yeah, I know bro, that left me in that state too.”

“But bro, how?”

“I don’t know bro, but we can search more about it when I can get my stuff moved in at the garage?”

“Sure, homie but bro, I think you mean when you move your stuff home.”

“…Bro you mean it?”

“Yeah, I did.”

  •  The Shower

“Look, Jihyo won fair and square. But I’m so surprised that Jeong had admitted it.”

“Yeah, me too. That’s so weird. Where is Jeongyeon?”

“She’s still showering. I think she’s trying to drown herself.”

“Yeah, that sounds about right.”

  • The Purchase

“You bought me the store? But I asked for dog food?”

“I, um, thought you said store ownership papers? You know, for when you just want things but don’t want to pay for them?”

“Why would she say store ownership papers? That makes no sense.”

“Shut the up, the music you listen to makes no sense. I’m taking you off my Bluetooth Chaeng.”



A/N: So, like, this was a lot shorter than I wanted it to be, but I needed the filler as I prep for the next official race. I bet you guys forgot that this was a racing story huh. Because I almost did. Anyways, yes Mina bought Tzuyu a pet store. Why? Because reasons.

Hopefully I can upload next week at a decent time. Sorry for the wait.

Until next time,



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Inisolation #1
Chapter 2: MoTzu is *heart*
And with MiTzu thrown in? I'm sold!
Plus NaMo!
Inisolation #2
Chapter 1: Wow! I'm liking what I'm reading so far! Nice! :)
Chapter 4: This is the funniest! hahaha
Chapter 4: uno can really ruin friendships lmao
Chapter 4: I'm dying Mina dead bought Tzuyu a whole as pet store xD
Chapter 4: "Love that supreme thot to death."

Yes. Please. I need more.
1412_kid #7
Chapter 4: Yeahh i already forgot that this is a racing story xD
babibu #8
first of all a big thanks to deborah, now I have respected deborah more than karen
12 streak #9
Chapter 4: I must say that this is one of the cutest fanfic ever!!! Really love it <3