
New Dimension | BG Applyfic | BxB | Open/Accepts Most | On Wattpad

1. Add this book to your library or reading list, so you can know when updates are.


2. Be a nice and respectful human being.


3. Be active! Comment and favorite.


4. Fill out the forum completely!


5. Do NOT make your characters be perfect. I like characters with a messed background/personality. It makes them more interesting and helps the story.


6. If you change your name, tell me!


7. Do not be upset if you don't get in. If you don't get in with one country/territory, you can try again at another. 


8. You can only make one character per country/territory, but you can fill out forms for other countries/territories.


9. This is probably the most important rule: Do research on the country/territory you want! I want an accurate ethnicity and name from each country/territory. 


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. You can either comment questions here or PM me.

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Chapter 2: Clean forum:

New Dimension is an apply fic on Wattpad. You can either submit your forum or forums here or on the Wattpad story (under the same name) or PM me here or on Wattpad @LimKiYoung
Clean forum at the end.

Birth Name: Accurate birth name from the country/territory and ethnicity.

Stage Name:

Birthday: (Month/Day/Year) Oldest Age Limit - None. Youngest Age Limit - 2003 (16).

Place of Birth: It has to be the country/territory you selected.

Nationality: Aka the country of birth's demonym.

Ethnicity: The character's ethnicity must match the country/territory's ethnic group.


Representative Country/Territory: The country/territory you are applying for.

Languages Spoken:

Religion: Research your country/territory's religion.

Personality: At least a few sentences. Can be as long as you want. I like detail.

Background: At least a few sentences. Can be as long as you want. Can be as dramatic as you want.

Family Relations:

Random Facts: As many as you want.

Likes: As many as you want.

Dislikes: As many as you want.

Fears: As many as you want.

Mental Illnesses: If any.

Hair Color:

Piercings/Tattoos: If any.

Clean forum:

Birth Name:

Stage Name:


Place of Birth:




Representative Country/Territory:

Languages Spoken:




Family Relations:

Random Facts:




Mental Illnesses:

Hair Color:
