Chapter Five

Angel in the Marble

For the last hour, all Wendy could think about was what she had said to Irene. Even amidst all the drama as she waited outside the principal’s office for her final verdict, all she could see was the crushed look on Irene’s face. How could she have said something like that? It made the whole situation more miserable, knowing she had turned into this person she hardly even recognized anymore, and she hated that she couldn’t find her way back to who she once was. 


“Miss Son, you can come in now.” Her principal said in a weary voice. She stood up, head hung low, making her way into the office. She sat down across from him, the desk between them, and sighed shakily. “So it’s come to our attention that you have some issues.” He sighed, and Wendy managed to peek up at him, He was focused on flipping through her file. “Obviously if it had just been the case of the in your locker, then you’d be in detention for a week done and done. But there’s something else going on here.” Wendy chewed on her thumbnail, heart pounding. 


“Are you going to expel me?” Wendy asked in a whisper. She hadn’t realized how terrified she was of that prospect until she said it out loud. She wouldn’t get to see Joy everyday, she would have to face her parents after everything else she had done. She hated to see their faces, so sad and disappointed, unable to understand where their daughter went. How could she explain it to them when she didn’t even know herself?


“No, we are not going to expel you.” The principal said. She let out a breath of relief. “We are going to be putting you in a program of sorts, to help get you back on track. You’ll be moving from your study hall ninth period to a private room where you’ll be tutored, to help bring your grades up. You’ll also be required to see the school psychologist once a week until further notice. Do you think you can do that?” 


“Yes.” Wendy nodded fervently. “I can.” 


“We want you to get better, Miss Son.” The principal looked at her sympathetically, eyes filled with confusion but kindness as well. “We were informed of the issues you had at your old school, and we want you to know things like that will never happen here.” 


Wendy nodded. “Are you going to tell my parents?” 


“Technically, I’m supposed to.” He said, hesitating. “But, if you excel in this program and show improvement in your grades and your behavior, I will keep this between us.” 


“Thank you.” Wendy said in a hushed voice, gratitude evident. 


“As far as what you said in the hallway,” He went on. “That can never happen again.” 


“I understand, sir.” Wendy assured him hurriedly. She knew this was her chance to try and get better, to find a way back to who she used to be. 


“Go ahead and get back to class.” The principal told her. She stood and took a deep breath, clearing her eyes for the final time. He gave her genial smile and said, “I have faith in you, Miss Son. Don’t let me down.” 


She managed a smile and nodded, turning to go out the door and down the hallway. She knew by now it was the end of fifth period, so she headed to her Algebra II class, opening the door as quietly as possible. Everyone stared at her as she walked in and she felt herself go red in the face; she hadn’t even considered who might have heard her when she was having a breakdown, but now she realized just about everyone had heard her. She found Joy, who was sitting with Momo and Jeongyeon, and quickly took her seat beside her best friend. Since it was the very end of the period, nobody was working and they were allowed the last few minutes to talk. 


“What happened?” Joy whispered, putting her arm around Wendy. 


“They found the weed in my locker and I just-” She stopped, shaking her head to clear it. Everything was overwhelming, the last hour feeling like it happened a million years ago. “I lost it.” 


“Did they expel you?” Joy asked. Wendy shook her head and Joy exhaled, squeezing her closer. Jeongyeon and Momo leaned in, listening attentively. “What did they do?” 


“I’m getting tutored ninth period and-” She stopped herself before mentioning the psychologist. She was going to keep that entirely to herself. “I have to bring my grades up.” She finished. 


“That’s it?” Jeongyeon added finally. 


“Yeah. I think they felt bad for me.” Wendy answered. 


“I feel kind of complicit, since I sold you it.” Jeongyeon said. 


“No, don’t feel bad.” Wendy told her immediately. 


“Well at least take the twenty dollars back.” Jeongyeon insisted, handing over the twenty dollar bill. “I won’t take no for an answer.” Wendy sighed. 


“Thank you.” She said. The bell dinged and they all stood up. 


“Hug me.” Joy said, pulling Wendy in close. “Please, never scare me like that again.” 


“I’ll try not to.” Wendy mumbled against Joy’s shoulder. 


“Don’t bottle stuff so much. You can always talk to me.” Joy let go of Wendy but kept a hold on her shoulders. “I love you.” 


“I love you too.” Wendy half smiled at Joy. Jeongyeon and Momo both pulled Wendy in and hugged her, which surprised her, but she hugged back just as tightly. 




“Miss Bae, can I speak with you in my office?” Irene heard from behind her as she was walking to her locker before lunch. She turned quickly, finding herself faced with the principal. 


“Am I in trouble?” She asked in a timid voice. 


He chuckled. “No, of course not. I need your help with something.” He gestured for her to follow him and she did, trailing behind him down to the office. Once they were settled into the office and he was behind his desk, he folded his hands together and leveled gazes with her. “You are aware of the situation that occured in the hallway this morning, correct?” 


“With Wendy?” Irene whispered. “Yes, I-I saw a bit of it.” 


“Well I was wondering,” The principal began. “Since I noticed you have a study hall ninth period, would you be willing to tutor Wendy and kind of help get her back on the right track?” 


“Help her?” Irene was dumbfounded. “How could I help her?” 


“Help her do her schoolwork, encourage her not to partake in illegal substances, things like that. You’re a model student, Miss Bae. You are the most likely candidate for valedictorian and from what I’ve heard colleges are just about throwing money at you.” He sighed. “I think you’re just what Wendy needs to help get her back into the swing of things.” 


“I can try.” Irene offered weakly. The idea of being around Wendy every single day kind of made her feel sick, but she felt too bad not to try. What if she really could help Wendy so she wasn’t so sad and angry anymore? Isn’t that what God would want her to do? 


“Perfect!” The principal pulled a sticky note off his desk and scribbled something onto it. “Go down to room 216 from now on ninth period, okay?” 


“Okay.” Irene agreed. He smiled at her and thanked her and she tried to smile back, despite the fact her stomach was churning. What had she gotten herself into? 


She headed off to lunch, not bothering to get her paper lunch bag, and the minute she entered the courtyard she had Seulgi running up to her. “Come sit over here with us, please?” She beamed at Irene. “I hate seeing you sit all by yourself.” Irene felt herself being dragged over to the table of jocks and cheerleaders, where she certainly did not fit in, and she was planted between Seulgi and the freshman girl Seulgi had befriended, Yeri. 


“Ooo, fresh meat.” Yeri joked, grinning at Irene. “I’m Yeri.” She offered a hand. 


“Irene.” They shook hands a bit awkwardly. Immediately, Yeri turned to Chaeyoung, a midfielder, and said, “This game is gonna kick my ing , dude!” 


“You’re gonna be fine, drama queen.” Chaeyoung laughed. “You’re half the reason we’re going to championships.” 


“But this team’s offense is really good.” Yeri debated, and on went the sports talk, all around Irene, flying over her head. She felt incredibly overpowered by so many voices, so many people she did not know. This was Seulgi’s world, not her’s, and it wasn’t really a world she wanted to be part of. She turned and looked out over the courtyard, finding the bench Wendy was stationed at with Joy, their hands locked, talking animatedly with one another. Irene fixated on the girl who she was now responsible for turning around and wondered again how was she ever going to do this.

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Chapter 6: author nim i miss u pls come back 😭
ShinHye24 1340 streak #2
I miss this
Favebolous #3
Chapter 6: already miss this
Heh this is wayyyyy too interesting, I'm glad I actually read it
Chapter 6: That's good. A good start.
Favebolous #6
Chapter 6: If Wendy is a senior, maybe she will make a speech
Favebolous #7
Chapter 3: I want to know Wendy's past
Favebolous #8
Chapter 2: pretty good start
Favebolous #9
Chapter 1: It's good
Chapter 6: I hope they will get comfortable with each other in no time.