Letter Five—Chanyeol

Paper Airplanes

Dear Baekhyun,


The ticket is stapled and taped (for good measure) to the letter. It’s for December 18th, until January 5th. I don’t want to hog you for the whole break, you still have family in Seoul to see, but I’m making you have New Year’s with me and my family. I tried to get a decent time for you, but the only time I could get was 4:15 AM. It was either that, or super late in the evening and I want to spend as much time with you as I can.

YES! I put your photo on the back of my phone. It’s the modern way of putting a photo in your wallet, everyone I know does it. I like to have a reminder that you’re real and that my soulmate is cuter than everyone else. No one can beat you in the department of cuteness, I swear.

My break goes from the 15th until January 28th, too. I’m also not going to deny that I had intrusive thoughts about dropping out too. We just have to get through it. If I can get through it, you can too. We got this!

I’m glad if I made you Leader of Fiji, I’d be the trusted soulmate, not the co-Supreme Ruler (heavy sarcasm intended). I’d have more power over you, since I’d be richer than you because I bought the whole freaking island for you. Money equals power, right?

If you can to Ulsan, I would have cried if you stayed in a motel. You’re my soulmate, you have to stay with me. It would be a mortal sin if I made you not sleep at my house. If you want the guest bedroom or the floor, be my guest. My bed is more comfortable though. Oh God, I cringed after realizing what I wrote. Don’t hate me, Baekhyun! I want the whole story why you slept in Jongdae’s bathtub. You can’t just mention it and not elaborate on it.

I talked to Sehun, Kyungsoo and Junmyeon, and they’re all game for a sleepover. Although, Sehun said we’re too old to be calling it a sleepover. Whatever, it’s a sleepover. (I’ve written sleepover so many times that sleepover doesn’t even feel like the word sleepover anymore. Sleepover. Ugh.) When I come up to Seoul, I would love to meet Jongdae and Minseok. From what you’ve said too, they seem like really sweet guys.

I love how you say your family really wants to meet me. My mom and dad are already trying to think of ways to embarrass me in front of you. That’s how excited they are. I love my mom and dad, but they are… weird. Very weird. At Yoora’s wedding, they told a story about when she was four or five, she pooped herself because she was too nervous to ask to use the bathroom and she proceeded to not tell anyone until mom noticed Yoora smelled less than nice. That’s my parents for you.

I think all these superstitions are made to keep the sacredness of the letters alive. I mean, if I just followed you on Instagram or whatever, it wouldn’t have been as special to get a photo from you and see what you finally look like. Or, there’s direct messaging on those apps, so we wouldn’t have to send letters anymore. I think that it’s just tradition that’s turned into a superstition to keep it alive. Which, I don’t find bad, right. To me, it’s a lot more special having a letter fly through my classroom window and sit on my desk, instead of getting a text message and leaving it on read.

I asked my mom, she said that photos don’t contribute to the curse, since people have been sending drawings of themselves for thousands of years. People would send drawings of themselves to their soulmates, because they were desperate to get an idea of what they looked like. If drawings didn’t count, photos shouldn’t count then, right? I hope not, or we’ve been cursed for thousands of years.

I’m so excited too, Baekhyun. I have no idea what I’m going to do when I see you walk out from the train. Either I’m start crying, kiss you, or both at the same time. Actually, doing both doesn’t sound like a bad idea. You don’t mind seeing a grown man cry, do you? Because I don’t, so cry away! I just hope it isn’t my charming looks that make you cry.

I can’t wait to meet you.




Park Chanyeol

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Chapter 2: Keep goin baek
Chapter 1: That infant part crack me up???
Chapter 11: YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! As I was reading Baekhyun's letters...I couldn't wait to finally get to Chanyeol's first letter to Baekhyun!!!!!!!

Haha! Chanyeol's mom laughing her head off at how many letter's Chanyeol got! Yup! It is like Harry Potter!

HHAHAHHAHA HIS SISTER HAS KIDS FOR BAEKHYUN!!! If he can get the gremlins off her!


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: This was adorable! Just Baekhyun rambling on to his soulmate about everything and nothing.

HA! His brother's comments on kids!
Chapter 9: Aww Baekhyun seems lonely this Halloween.
Chapter 7: I knew Baekhyun was going to be jealous of Jongdae! At least Minseok seems cool and sweet!

Baekhyun is definitely getting frustrated at no response at all from his soulmate.
Chapter 6: HA! Pushing a watermelon out! Not that he is a lady..

Awww Baekhyun is an uncle! Oh yes! he is totally one of those uncles!

HA! I loved his P.S to his soulmate!
Chapter 5: Poor Baekhyun! He turned 18 before Jongdae but the second Jongdae turned 18.. he got letters from his soulmate! And Baekhyun is still getting nothing! I'm surprised Jongdae hasn't rubbed it in his face yet.

"A psycho or the sweetest person ever"! <3

Did Baekhyun JUST COMPARE HIMSELF TO ANNE FRANK?! This boy needs a reply back before he goes off the deep end!