Letter Eighty-One—Baekhyun

Paper Airplanes

Dear Park Chanyeol (my soulmate, oh my God),


It’s November 27th.

You’re not a baby! Huzzah! My prayers have been heard! Well, you’re younger than me, so you’re a baby to me, but not a baby baby. Do you get what I’m saying?

Happy belated birthday, Park Chanyeol.

Oh, you think I scared you? When your paper airplane flew through my class window and onto my desk, I thought I was dreaming. I nearly passed out. It was very… embarrassing, to say the least. Jongdae thought I was having a heart attack when I froze and grabbed my chest. He debated calling the school nurse, but I recovered and told him to shut it.

I had to wait and get home to write this. I would have been unfocused if I sent it during school hours. I was distracted by the letter, either way. I half expected you to not respond to my letters at all, if you want the truth. I was pretty convinced that you were a newborn baby.

Thanks for the late happy birthday! It only took you about seven months to tell me that. You didn’t send the cake recipe. Will you send it with the next one?

I’ve seen the first three Harry Potter movies. Once they hit over two hours and a half, I start falling asleep. I barely made it through them.

YOU’RE KOREAN AND LIVE IN ULSAN! That means you can so visit me on the weekends. Or I can visit you, one or the other. Hey, at least you only live a three-hour train ride from me. There’s a Dong-gu in Ulsan? I’ve never been there, so I didn’t know that. That’s cool. You should come up to Seoul since you haven’t been here since you were a kid. It’s pretty different, even I can see a difference that’s happened in the last few years.

I was born and raised in Seoul. I love it here, but sometimes when we visit my family in the country, I like it better. It’s nice to get away from the busyness and pollution of the city. I’m sure it’s just as bad in Ulsan. (Nevermind, in Seoul, we have nine-million people. In Ulsan, there’s just over one-million. It can’t be that bad.)

I’m absolutely willing to take your niece and nephew off of your sisters’ shoulders if she needs me too. They’ll love me, I’m sure. Kids love me. Everyone loves me. Even my enemies (I’m not sure about that, but I think they do). Your sister’s name sounds familiar, I’m sure my mom knows her (Yep, she does. She pulled up a photo of her and if you look like her, you’re very handsome then).

I’m not dating anyone, either. I think that was obvious, though.

I’m surprised you didn’t say Baek-beom is my twin. I think you’re the first person to say that, even my mom mixes us up. She’ll see me and she’ll be like, “Baek-beom! I didn’t know you were visiting,” and she’ll realize it’s only me, Baekhyun.

Isn’t Ye-rin a pretty name?! I don’t know why my sister-in-law could refuse to name Shin-hye that, even though Shin-hye suits my niece. I still like Ye-rin a lot.

Can you actually send those receipts back? My mom likes to keep track of them, in case anyone gets sick because of food. Or if something we bought broke, which happens more often than not. Damn outsourcing and making things super, super cheap.

And don’t mock my mac and cheese. It’s a guilty pleasure food, I’m sure your food habits aren’t any better.

The fair only comes in mid-July, so we still have nearly half a year until the next one. That’s more than enough time to save money to come here. You can stay with me if you come, Baek-beom’s room hasn’t been used since he moved out. We can always share my room, too.

I have no idea what you said in Spanish. I can’t speak Spanish, I can barely speak proper Korean. I don’t know how my English mark is so high, I only speak it in class. I’m sure what you said was right, always trust Google Translate.

Well, if we get together, we already have the kid talk done. I mean, a surrogate is expensive and it takes nine months of someone else’s life to have a child they can’t even keep, but it would be nice to have a biological child. Adoption is helping the overpopulation crisis and giving a child a home. I can see perks of both. I want an established career before I have a kid too (I think you meant ‘established career’ instead of ‘establish career’).

Well, if you don’t think saying ‘I love you’ is too forward, I love you too. Wow, I’m smiling now, this is great. I don’t want to know what my reaction is when we meet in person and say that. That made my heart smile. This letter is filled with warm fuzzies, isn’t it? You do this to me, man. But, you’re right. It feels natural to say that to you.

If we start dating, we should totally move in together, whether it be in Seoul or Ulsan. We could move to Mars, and I’d be happy. I didn’t expect myself to be this happy when you responded. I think I know what Jongdae was talking about. He said when he got his letter and met Minseok, he felt this ‘blanket of utter giddiness and relaxation’ come over him. That’s a pretty accurate description of what I’m feeling.

I have nothing else really to write now, so I’m going to send this off.



Byun Baekhyun


P.S.: I just remembered that Baek-beom and my sister-in-law are going down to Ulsan for Christmas to see the in-laws. I can try to hitch a ride with them to Ulsan. Knowing Baek-beom, he’ll probably say no, but if it’s for my soulmate, he’ll say yes. I mean, he did the same trip six years ago (HE MET MY SISTER-IN-LAW SIX YEARS AGO, HOLY.)

P.P.S.: Also, from that photo, they look like they’re in order. I didn’t realize I sent that many, sorry!

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Chapter 2: Keep goin baek
Chapter 1: That infant part crack me up???
Chapter 11: YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! As I was reading Baekhyun's letters...I couldn't wait to finally get to Chanyeol's first letter to Baekhyun!!!!!!!

Haha! Chanyeol's mom laughing her head off at how many letter's Chanyeol got! Yup! It is like Harry Potter!

HHAHAHHAHA HIS SISTER HAS KIDS FOR BAEKHYUN!!! If he can get the gremlins off her!


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: This was adorable! Just Baekhyun rambling on to his soulmate about everything and nothing.

HA! His brother's comments on kids!
Chapter 9: Aww Baekhyun seems lonely this Halloween.
Chapter 7: I knew Baekhyun was going to be jealous of Jongdae! At least Minseok seems cool and sweet!

Baekhyun is definitely getting frustrated at no response at all from his soulmate.
Chapter 6: HA! Pushing a watermelon out! Not that he is a lady..

Awww Baekhyun is an uncle! Oh yes! he is totally one of those uncles!

HA! I loved his P.S to his soulmate!
Chapter 5: Poor Baekhyun! He turned 18 before Jongdae but the second Jongdae turned 18.. he got letters from his soulmate! And Baekhyun is still getting nothing! I'm surprised Jongdae hasn't rubbed it in his face yet.

"A psycho or the sweetest person ever"! <3

Did Baekhyun JUST COMPARE HIMSELF TO ANNE FRANK?! This boy needs a reply back before he goes off the deep end!