
𝔼unhaetopia ღ Writing Contest
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Update #1 || 21.7.19


10 days left for the registration period to end and I only received four entries so far. If the number of entries stays this low I’m afraid I have to cancel the contest :( 

Are the rules so strict? Is the timeline not conveint? Are the prizes not tempting? I was so excited to host the contest but now I’m just ... disappointed 

If your are planning to join pleaae please send me an email 



Update #2 || 25.7.19

We have updated the registration period time frame, please check the contest main page 




Update #3 || 8.9.19 

Due to many requests, the 5 chapters rule has been removed. There is no word count/chapter restriction rule! I hope this can encourage more writers to join ^^



Update #4 || 6.11.19 

The competition is soon coming to an end ^^  Just to make everything more clear, please check the timeline below: 

[1/12/2019] registration will be closed, no new entries will be accepted. At this stage, the story don’t have to be completed.  [1/1/2020] all registered stories should be completed by this date, all uncompleted stories will be automatically disqualified.  [1/2/2020] - winners will announced. 

I hope this will help cleared any ambiguity ^^ if you have any questions please feel free to comment down below or send me a pm or you can reach me out on my twitter account @eunhaef

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Chapter 16: I really love fic contests like this because it showcases the immense talent of writers and it gives us a looooot of new amazing stories to enjoy. Thank you so much for hosting this and for the writers who joined 🙇🏻‍♀️💕
Thank you for hosting this. I found many great fics from this contest :D
Dear Eunhaefanfics nim, thank you very much for hosting this. We really appreciate you and your effort as I understand how much you put your time, effort and money into this contest. We've got to read many great fics from this contest. You gave strength to the authors to keep writing and to gain confidence. Thank you again.
Chapter 17: thank you so much for hosting the competition!! :-)
Chapter 17: Thankyu so much for hosting this contest! Really sad I couldn't make it in time for the deadline and withdrew.. but I think it did help me get back to writing and improve too! ^^ Will definitely join the next time~
Congrats to all the winners and kudos to every writer who participated! Everyone has done well <3
Chapter 17: Thank you so much for hosting this contest. The stories were so well written. I guess contests bring out the best in the writers.
Chapter 16: congratulations to the winners. But other authors really did well too. Love all of them ♡
Chapter 16: Thank you for allowing us writers to participate in this competition! It's been fun (●'◡'●)
Chapter 16: Congrats to the winners!!!
av_versiera #10
Chapter 16: Thank you for hosting !!