What the Heck is Going on?

Sent to a Bloodsucker

"Chunji hyung! Where did you go?" Ricky called, losing sight of Chunji. "Chunji hyung!"

On the other hand, Chunji was too focused on finding the way out himself, and had unknowingly left Ricky behind. He made quick decisions, heading towards one specific direction, until he finally reached the way out. 

"See, I told you I'd find our way out," Chunji said, as if he had lead them out of a warzone. He stood at the doorway, holding a confident stance, waiting for the compliments of his greatness. When silence replied, he turned around, ready to scold the boy for being ungrateful, when emptiness greeted him. 

"Ricky? Ricky where are yo-"

"HYUUUUUUUUUNG! CHUNJI HYUNG HE-" Ricky's cry was cut short. 



"Whoo, I'm tired," you puffed, jumping off the bike racing machine. You wiped the sweat forming on your forehead, and flapped the jacket a few times to let the cool air circulate. "Where to now? We pretty much played everything here."

L.Joe shrugged. "We've got the whole day ahead of us," he pointed out, checking his phone for the time. "It's time for lunch if you'd want to go eat." Before slipping his phone back into his pocket, his phone buzzed silently with a message. 

"Where can we eat? Maybe we can look around and see what we can afford~" you suggested, leaving the arcade.

"Sure," L.Joe agreed, replying to the text he received. 

You stepped out, smelling the fresh air outside and basked in the sunlight that hit your skin. L.Joe swiftly held your hand, leading the way away from the arcade with a sneaky smile. 

Surprised with the sudden move, you gave an audible laugh and covered your face with embarrassment. L.Joe looked over and smiled, enjoying the feeling of love for the first time in his life. 


"I'm bored." 

"Well, who isn't?"

"I'm not."

"Can I go check?"

"NO," they all protested in unison. 

"That's unfair, just because you teleport there," Hyo grumbled, jealous over the powers his friends had. 

"Not my fault that I was born this way~" Jisu sang in a teasing tone. "But no seriously, can I go check? Just for a minute~" 

"No! Take me with you if you are going to go," Yuhan interjected. 

Haewon eyed the maknae suspiciously, sensing his odd presence. "Aren't you supposed to be at school? It's already lunch time."

"...No, it's Saturday," Yuhan blinked innocently. 

"Don't lie to me!" Haewon scolded, grabbing the boy and his school uniform from their room. "Change now and I'll take you to school."

Yuhan rubbed his arm, changing in the living room. "Naggy old grandpa..." 

"What was that?" Haewon challenged. "This grandpa has bad hearing."

"You guys..." Hyun shook his head and headed to their room, refusing to stay around the boys.

They all watched him leave the living room, when Hyo interrupted the silence.

"Ugh, I'm so bored," he repeated, rolling onto his stomach. "I need a girlfriend." 

"We all do, well except Yuhan," Jisu said, realising that all the hyungs were single. "Wow... Since when were we so sad..."

Hyo grabbed onto Jisu's ankle suddenly, surprising all of them from his quick movement.

"What are you doing?" Jisu questioned, shaking his leg around.

"I'm holding onto you, just in case you teleport there, so you can bring me with you."

That then triggered the pile up from the other boys in the room. 


"This seems a little expensive..." you said aloud, completing your little look around the restaurant. "It seems like old couples might come here."

"Well, half of us is old, does that count?" L.Joe attempted at a joke. 

You laughed, your eyes forming into curves. "That was pretty lame..."

"Kimchi Stew and Soybean Cold Noodles," the waitress came and placed the bowls down, taking her leave with a smile. 

"Thank you," you said in unison, pulling your dish closer to yourself hungrily. 

After a few spoonfuls of the stew, you looked outside the window, watching the people pass outside on their way around the city. A middle-aged man grabbed hold onto his girlfriend's hand beside him, helping her cross the road hastily, and made their way towards the restaurant you were in. The glass doors slid open automatically, letting the couple in. 

"Reservations?" the waiter asked, standing a metre behind L.Joe at his stand.

"Yes, for 12 o'clock, under the name Jung," the man said, his purple dress shirt under his grey vest striking a part in the corner of your mind. 

"Who is that...?" you muttered, gesturing to the people at the entrance. 

L.Joe looked up curiously, turning around while chewing the noodles inside his mouth. "Isn't that your teacher?" he guessed, swallowing the noodles before stuffing his face with more. He peeked at you with round eyes, soup all over his face.

*Is he doing this on purpose or...?* you giggled. Taking a napkin in your hand, you leaned over the table and grabbed his chin with your other hand and wiped his mouth clean. 

"Geez, you're such a messy eater," you laughed. Slowly sitting back down. 

"Dramas have taught me that messy eaters are taken care of the most~" he sang childishly, slurping up more noodles. 

You were about to reply, when something came flying at your head. "WHAT THE-" You caught it just in time, but couldn't see what it was because you had shut your eyes tightly to protect them. Half a second passed to finally bring the smell, killing the inside of your nose. 

"Gross..." you heard L.Joe grumble. Something about his tone sounded like he was so close to snapping, just so close to release the anger inside of him. 

You opened your eyes, seeing a ripped up garbage bag dripping on the freshly cleaned table cloth. L.Joe had a garbage bag in his hands, but marks were evident on his cheek and on his lap. His expression darkened, but he tried his best to hold it back. 

"Who do you think it was?" you asked, having someone in mind.

The waitress came over, rushing to clean up the unexpected trash. She fussed angrily, cursing out the crazy girl who threw it, and offered a discount on the meals after apologising about the trouble they let happen. L.Joe kindly refused the discount, and paid full price even though you didn't get the chance to finish the meal. The waitress though, didn't want to leave you empty handed and gifted you two slices of cake for free.

L.Joe exhaled, frustrated with how the day had been so far. He looked down at his jeans and groaned. It looked like he had crapped his pants. 

"Let's get you home and wash up," you decided, stifling the laughter. 

I've been gone for a reaaaally looong time~

And you guise have still shown so much love and support!

Thanks guise, really! :D

Thanks to Kpoplover9419 , onewjr , OoBelleoO , AlwaysAnElf , obliviate- , XxAmandaxX , LinnFinite , BumbleDumplin , -K_Aii , collarbones , KwangWooYoung79BF , pineapple_sherbert , PhAgGeT3v3rl3 , --xera1 and chullie08 for subscribing! :D


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[CONT] with school, new work, and family stuff. I just have no inspiration to write anymore, I hope you will all be patient *hearts*


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Finnaly the OC's end with L.Joe
I love this story so much...
Funny scene are when ricky seems so curious about Vampire's life hehehh xD
ILovePitbull #2
Chapter 63: i like it *thumbs up*
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 62: chappie 62: awhhh....
such a sweet ending!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 43: Chappie 43: what will happen from now on???
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 33: Chappie 33: why the mysterious guy wants l.joe to come along??
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 29: chappie 29: who is that someone???
and, what happened to her parents actually???
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 22: chappie 22: is it really true??
is hyo and the gang who attacked teentop ???
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 21: chappie 21: why l.joe suddenly said something like that???
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 18: chappie 18: such a really odd deal ......
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 16: chappie 16: why l.joe sleep in a bathtub??