Niel's Help

Sent to a Bloodsucker

You skipped out of the arcade, all happy and cheery. You giggled, causing L.Joe to smile widely.

*Well... All my money well spent.* L.Joe watched you looking more relaxed and loose than usual. *Wait... DID I JUST SAY ALL MY MONEY?*

He froze to the spot, eyes wide open. *So... No going to the cafe?* He dug his hands into his pocket and found nothing. *No cafe then...*

You walked back to him, slightly puffing, after running around feeling so energized. "So, where do you want to go?"

"Well..." He stuffed his cold hands into his jacket pockets and felt something. He pulled out the odd pieces of paper from his pocket and stared at it before realising.

He smiled. "Let's go somewhere warm."

Once you entered the cafe, you left to use the bathroom.

Instantly, L.Joe flipped open his phone and dialled a number.

"Hello?" The voice picked up.

"Niel, can you think up of anything to say to a girl?" He asked, taking a seat near the windows of the cafe.

Niel chuckled. "You want my help hyung? It's kinda odd that you're doing this at this time."

"Doing what?" L.Joe asked, confused.

"Asking her to be your girlfriend."

"What?! N-No I'm not doing that! Yet..." L.Joe muttered the last part.

"I heard that." Niel smiled. "But still, we all know who you like~ Chunji hyung was the one who gave you the money in your pocket."

"That ninja..." L.Joe whispered, staring at the money thankfully.

Niel chuckled once again. "I never actually knew you like her hyung~ The lonely L.Joe finally gets a girlfriend~"

"Yah, stop it and help me think up of something." L.Joe snapped.

"Okay okay fine. You want pick-up lines? Okay I'll tell you some."

"No I don't want pickup-"

"You may fall from the sky~ You may fall from the tree, but the best way to fall... is in love with ME~!" Niel laughed, ignoring L.Joe.

"No Niel, I don't wa-"

"You want another? Okay. If you were a new hamburger at McDonalds, you'd be McGorgeous."

L.Joe sighed. "No, not like that, I just want to say so-"

"Some more pick-up lines? Oh wait, hyung! I just remembered something!"

L.Joe paused. "What did you remember?"

"You owe me a drink." Niel said seriously.

"When did I?"

"You're so ugly, I dropped my drink when I saw you." Niel laughed loudly, even L.Joe swore he could hear him inside the cafe.

"Yah, you're not helping." L.Joe sighed.

"Okay fine, I'll stop. But hey, can she take me to the bakery so I can get a cutie pie like her?" Niel teased.

"Yah. One more time and I'm hanging up."

"Okay I'm serious now. No more pick-up lines," Niel laughed. "So... What kind of words do you want to say to her?"

L.Joe loosened up. "I want to say something... That's romantic in a sense, but something that a good friend will say."

"Ricky is right... You do want to be friendzoned." Niel shook his head.

"I just want to take it slow, okay?" L.Joe rested his head in his palm. "Just tell me something that I can say to her at the end of the day so she won't forget me."

"How can she forget you? She's your childhood best friend isn't she? At least... that's what you told me when Ricky found her behind the door that night..." Niel asked suspiciously.

"Of course she's my best friend you idiot. We've been best friends for long enough..." L.Joe lied.

"Okay okay geez, I didn't mean to get you so worked up. So... You want to say something that'll make her realise that you like her but not really?" Niel asked.

"Uh... Yeah..."

"Then I'm sorry, can't help you with that." Niel said then hung up.

"Y-Yah! Aish..." L.Joe stuffed his phone back into his pocket, just in time for you to come back.

"Did the waitress come yet?" You asked, taking a seat across him.

"Not yet, I didn't know what you wanted." He smiled shyly and called the waitress over.

After scanning the menu, both of you placed your orders and waited for the food and drinks.

"So... Is this where we were going?" You asked, intertwining your fingers together and placing your hands on the table.

"Nup, we're going somewhere else after this." He beamed, excited to show you the Garden.

"Where to?" You curiously asked.

"It's a secret." He pretented to zip his lips. You giggled at his actions.

"Can I guess?" You asked.

"No, you might get it right then the whole surprise won't be as exciting anymore." L.Joe pouted.

Your cheeks turned lightly pink seeing the cute side of L.Joe.

L.Joe's ears perked up when he swore he could hear Niel gagging. *What the...*

"Here is your drink sir." The waitress came back, placing the warm mug of hot chocolate in front of him.

"Oh that was quick..." L.Joe commented and thanked the waitress.

"Enjoy your drink sir." The waitress bowed and left.

You stared at the steam floating out of the mug and disappearing into the air. "It looks delicious."

"You got the same thing too." L.Joe laughed, taking his first sip.

"But why didn't I get mine too." You frowned.

L.Joe's attention snapped to Niel walking past behind you. He held a pie in his hands and mouthed ''Cutie Pie'' while pointing at you.

He choked on the hot chocolate and quickly placed the mug down. *What the heck Niel?!*

"Are you okay?" You panicked, wiping the spilt hot chocolate with a napkin.

"I-I'm fine..." He coughed, "I-I just thought I-I saw someone..." He tried to look for Niel again but he had disappeared.

Niel came out of the cafe laughing out loud, leaving the others confused.

"What's up with you?" Changjo asked.

"Can we go now? You got your pie..." Ricky said.

"Oh right, I got a pie... I don't even want it." Niel looked around and found a homeless ahjushi not far away.

He jogged over and gave the man his pie and returned.

"That was a very good deed you did Niel." Chunji nodded proudly.

"Make sure you don't grow weak and more sympathetic..." C.A.P. warned.

Niel scoffed. "Of course I won't give the enemy pies when we're fighting."

"Come on, let's go to the Garden." Chunji smiled and skipped away. The others simply followed, hoping Chunji won't be seen to ruin their tough image.




I don't really know where the line thingy went that I usually do to separate the A/N D: So I made it ^ XD

Anyway... IT'S HOLIDAYS~~~ My cousin is coming over to live with me so she can continue her studies here, causing me to show her around and spend time with her, which then causes me to not update three times a day XD Okay that's exaggeration... But still...

Thanks to  BerryPink  and  kpopkalah  for subscribing! :D

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[CONT] with school, new work, and family stuff. I just have no inspiration to write anymore, I hope you will all be patient *hearts*


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Finnaly the OC's end with L.Joe
I love this story so much...
Funny scene are when ricky seems so curious about Vampire's life hehehh xD
ILovePitbull #2
Chapter 63: i like it *thumbs up*
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 62: chappie 62: awhhh....
such a sweet ending!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 43: Chappie 43: what will happen from now on???
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 33: Chappie 33: why the mysterious guy wants l.joe to come along??
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 29: chappie 29: who is that someone???
and, what happened to her parents actually???
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 22: chappie 22: is it really true??
is hyo and the gang who attacked teentop ???
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 21: chappie 21: why l.joe suddenly said something like that???
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 18: chappie 18: such a really odd deal ......
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 16: chappie 16: why l.joe sleep in a bathtub??