
Absence only makes the heart grow fonder

Aimlessly, Jessica walked along the road. Her breath in the air sang of loneliness and her eyes spoke the volume of the broken heart. When her soulless eyes closed, she saw his face, where her ears tried to tune out the world, his laughter rang, and just maybe, she had gone insane with longing.

It seemed the night sky mocked her; stars peeked out from behind tall buildings here and there, their twinkle never once lost. The moon cast a path for her to walk along as she stumbled along in her thoughts; yet in contrast glaring street lights shone down. Step by step, she trudged on, looking at closed shops and the occasional car whizzing by, wondering what a young girl was doing walking on the streets alone. Oh the irony of life, she had sung Star, Star, Star and here she was, a perfect live representation of the song itself. Still, fate was cruel and on such a beautiful night that would have spurred any typical girl’s fantasy, crueler yet.

 ‘We were almost there…so the song says, but why didn’t we make it?’ Jessica wondered as she walked along. Reaching a quiet park, that was near her dorm, just for her manager’s benefit, she sat down on a lone bench and looked into the frozen pond. Underneath the ice, there was movement, life but on surface somebody could walk by and care less. Yes, that was her heart. A heart that reached out to the warm embers only the fire of love could bring and yearned to hear the melody only his soft crooning could bring about. Above, lay the thin layer of ice, delicate and fragile, with just the bit of proper sunlight, would melt, it was just her heart couldn’t seem to find that “proper” sunlight, so to speak. Tearing her gaze away, she sent a silent prayer to sometime soon find that faith and have him walk by.

Who was she kidding?

This was the twenty first century, not some teenage girl’s twitter pated fantasy where cliché romances still existed. She was in her twenties now, and wishing for somebody to take the loneliness away. There was never a day, she didn’t end the night with a small regret that nagged her conscience no matter how hard she seemed to urge it away.

“Fancy seeing you here.”

Her hair flew and created a halo around her face as her head snapped up and lowered again in disappointment. A husky masculine chuckle ensued “A penny for your thoughts Jessica? Obviously, I wasn’t who you hoped for.”

‘Of course, it is the twenty first century after all. No cliché romances, get a hold of yourself Jessica.’

“Nothing much, Taecyeon. Why are you here? Its rather late after all.” Answered Jessica with a partially interested tone. Taecyeon sat down beside her and looked out “Just strolling around, besides I had a nagging feeling somebody was being the social outcast-“ Here he couldn’t as Jessica sent a half hearted punch his way.

“Yah!” Taecyeon only chuckled again “It doesn’t hurt Jess. Besides, you shouldn’t be in denial.” He continued with a more serious voice, hinting at more than was just said at the surface joke. Jessica sighed “How are you able to read me so quickly? Thank goodness we’re speaking in English. Besides, I’m not living in denial, I’m simply reminiscing or is that considered denial nowadays?”

Taecyeon gave her a pointed look “Don’t evade the topic Jess. It’s the truth, and you and I know it. Besides, you wouldn’t be looking the way you do if you weren’t thinking about someone. We both know you’re going to go delirious from wanting to get together, put nicely, with that person again.” Here, Taecyeon paused and shook his head. “Shouldn’t Stephanie be the one to do this for you? Considering she’s your best friend and what not, most importantly a GIRL, I’m losing my dignity as a man right now in order to comfort you Jessica-you should feel honored.” Jessica giggled, a sound that rang in the park and here, the two comfortably sat waiting for the sound to finish its echoes.

“I’m honored then. Wait, you should be the one who’s privileged, considering this is Girls’ Generation Ice Princess Jessica!” They both laughed and Taecyeon waited for Jessica to continue. “Really though, thank you for just coming along and talking to me, I needed it. Its been awhile since well, I’ve just had somebody come clean and straight and say it to my face. Stephanie’s my best friend and all, but I suppose I needed it from another perspective besides her I suppose. We’re getting older now you know? I want to grow and prosper with someone who cares for me by my side. There’s my friends, and family, SM family and my ‘other’ sisters but how to put this? I was thinking, before you came ambling along, you dork, that cliché as it sounded, I was hoping that yes, you were actually someone else and that he would reunite becoming soul mates. Of course, I sound like that love sick teenage girl who just desperately wishes and wishes, pining pitifully right? The truth hurts….” Jessica trailed off, her voice choked with emotion and unable to continue. Taecyeon patted her back and swung a arm around her shoulders and pulled her close; like what good friends do.

“Jessica, this might sound cliché too, coming from a hunk like me but, do what makes you happy. If you can make your heart happy, wouldn’t she be that much more fulfilled when your gray hairs come about?” Here, Jessica gave him a horrified look, absolutely terrified by the thought of gray hairs and Taecyeon emitted a warm laugh. Jessica opened , and then closed it again, opened it and repeated the same process, obviously at a loss for words. “Just some food for thought Jessica. Go back to your dorm now, I’ll walk with you back.” Jessica mutely nodded and the two walked back towards Jessica’s dorm; a comfortable silence that lay between them completed the picture of their friendship.

Jessica waved at Taecyeon while climbing the staircase, before making a split second decision and running back down to give him a heartfelt embrace. “Thanks Taecyeon, I don’t know what I’d do without you. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll be all right and ready to confront him thanks to you. Lets go out for coffee or something sometime soon okay? My treat, you cheap scape.” She said teasingly. Taecyeon only smiled and hugged her back, patting her head and exited with a charismatic wave from the back view.

The next day, Jessica woke up and stretched her arms, today was a good day to just relax and maybe, see that special person Taecyeon had helped push her to. She headed off to the SM building, drawing a deep breath of the refreshing morning air. ‘A new day is a new hope which leads to a new start.’ She thought confidently.

As she walked in, decked in a comfortable outfit, she spotted someone, or precisely, someone who invaded her every thought, strolling casually along. Without letting herself prolong her personal dilemmas any longer, she quickly stepped forward and lightly called out from behind.

“Hey, I know it’s been a long time, but would you have a heart for a cup of coffee?”

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OMG! I have a gut feeling that the guy is the awkward fishy of SUPER JUNIOR, ayt? ;))) LOL HAESICA ftw!
Really cute! AW, I wish Jessica liked Taecyeon! Your writing is super good, putting me to shame too :( hehe
I don't ship TaecSica at all, Ari, but this was a really amazing piece. :)