Death Letter

LOSS: The Journey to Recovery

Min Yoongi was not living his best life in this moment. He currently struggled against various moments of heated rage and animosity to the world and cracked sobs of blisteringly cold depression. His heart a battlefield of dangerous emotions especially with his condition. 

His anger raging forth as he tried to force his way out of his house. However his movements were stopped in one solid movement, the air knocked solid out of him. His world faltering before him as his body hit the floor, a familiar grip around his back.

"You know I can't let you out like this Yoongi. Not with your condition," Seunghyun pointed out as he rose to full height. The grip on his body quickly loosening, only then did he start breathing properly again.

Choi Seunghyun, his parental guardian after a particular incident growing up. Though he acted more like an older brother if anything. Which allowed him to get away with things people his age would only dream of.

He could feel his insides twist and turn almost in fear as he saw Seunghyun glare at him before his face softened ever so slightly. "Honestly, I wanted to wait before giving this to you," he said pulling out a small envelope. "But if you promise to try and keep yourself together, you can have this."

Honestly, he normally wouldn't care about some stupid envelope until of course, he got the briefest glimpse of his name on the envelope. 

With handwriting so familiar he wanted to cry.

"Okay," he said, his voice betraying his internal turmoil with a heartbreaking crack. His heart nearly jumping in his throat from displaying such weakness. He noticed Seunghyun frown at the sight. However, he wasn't disappointed in the younger boy he merely understood his pain.

Yoongi felt Seunghyun softly take his hand and slip the envelope into his hand. "Don't tell Gayoon that I gave it to you earlier alright? Otherwise, she might kill me," he joked with a bright smile that broke the tension like a brick through glass.

"You make it sound like you wouldn't mind seeing her more often," he joked with his gummy smile. 

"I'll be in my office if you need anything alright," he said with a smile before tossing a carton of cigarettes towards Yoongi. "Those should help."

He quickly moved to his room as he began rummaging for his switchblade. Which he luckily found underneath one of his jackets. "I really gotta stop using that as a coat hanger."

His finger quickly flitting over the blade before quickly opening the envelope with practised ease.

Dear Yoongi,

First of all, I'd just like to say sorry, sorry for not doing my best by you. I'm sorry we didn't have more time together as friends or perhaps even more than that. The lingering fear of death gives me no cause to hide my feelings. Though it would've just made things harder for you in the end. 

He couldn't but frown at the notion, tears threatening to break through his walls. All because of love the could've been and never was.

You were the greatest friend I could ever ask for, don't think I didn't notice you checking in with Gayoon to find ways to make my life easier. I just hope you can get by without my tutoring to help you.

Please don't shut yourself out from the world because of what happened to me. I know you're a kind soul underneath all the ego and rough exterior. I want you to experience the world and make friends. I did say that I would always be around and well, I guess I meant it.

He laughed sensing the sarcasm and the laughter she must've felt writing those last few words.

I need you to do look after someone for me Yoongi. Another one of the few people I love. Someone who meant the world to me when I couldn't talk to you. Honestly, you're total opposites but, she'll need you and your rebellious streak to get by. 

Please look out for Rosie for me Yoongi.

"I'll try my best Jen," he said before lighting a cigarette.

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