dare or dare 3

dare or dare
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"Irene! Irene!" Seulgi waves excitedly trying to catch her girlfriend's attention.


And her effort was rewarded with pom-pom waving back at her.


Gosh, Irene looks so pretty in her cheer uniform and so darn cute waving those green and black pom-poms in her hands.


"Stop that! You look so creepy smiling like that." Seulgi feels a nudge on her rib.


"S-shush! I do not!" She turns away trying to hide the blush on her cheeks. "And like you didn't when Joy came out to the fields!"


"S-shush! I did not!" Now it is Wendy's turn to shy the other way, trying to hide the blush on her own cheeks.


They deny it but they are both thinking the same thing in the back on their mind, She looks so darn cute in her cheer outfit!


"Irene! Irene!" Seulgi runs up to her girlfriend after the game.


"Seulgi!" Irene grins widely at the fluffball striding toward her while dabbing away her sweats with the back of her hand.


"Here." Seulgi reaches into her backpack to pull out a yellow towel with cute little bears design on it.


Irene's giggle turns into laughter when Seulgi reaches into her backpack again after the towel to pull out a water bottle, then a granola bar, then a lollipop, then a mini cooling fan, then a Gatorade, then a...


"Hahah! Seulgi, I can't hold anymore. And besides, it's just a cheer routine. I'm not doing a marathon here."


Before Seulgi can even reason, a series of voices and questions from Irene's teammates bombarded them.


"OMG! Rene! Who's that?"


"She's so cute!"


"Are you a freshman?"


"What's your name, cutie?"


"Is she your friend, Rene?"


And the next thing Seulgi knows, she is being surrounded by the rest of the cheerleaders.


It is as if the family's Christmas gathering had come early because Seulgi can feel that her cheeks being pinched and her head being patted by the seniors on the cheer team.


Hehe. But she's glad that Irene's teammates like her so much though.


Joy takes two steps back and watches as the scene unfolds. Because, besides being competitive, Irene is also possessive! VERY possessive!


"Enough!" Irene's voice cuts through the chatters and once she grabbed their attention, she threatens "Back off! She's mine!" Irene puts her words into action by pulling Seulgi closer and wrapping her arms over Seulgi's shoulder.


"What!" "No fair, Rene." "You can't just call dibs!"


The protest quickly was shut down by Irene's glare.


"Hahah! Fine. Fine. We won't tease you anymore. We knew you got yourself a girlfriend. We just wanted to meet her."


"She's cute, Rene! I would watch over her if I were you."


Everyone chuckles at the remark before slowly dispersing.


"It was nice meeting you Seulgi," the last one bids Seulgi farewell but not before leaning in and whispers something in Seulgi's ear.


"Yah! Im Yoona! Get away from her!" Irene yells from a close distance, earning more chuckles from her teammates.


"Seulgi-ah. Let's go."


But before Seulgi can response, Joy's loud and excited voice yelling for Wendy's attention beats her to it, "Wendy-yah! Let's head out too!!"


"You are. NOT. joining us!" Irene turns around and glares at the intruder. Her mood is already sour from earlier's event, she is NOT having any more today!


"Ruuuuude! Wendy and I have our own little date too!" Joy walks pass Irene and grabs Wendy's hand. She drags Wendy away but not before throwing a smug smirk that seems to say 'hah. you're not the only one with a girl.'


Before they left, Seulgi sees Wendy turns around from the corner of her eyes and makes a kissy face while throwing her a thumbs up.


Damnit, Wendy! She did not need that reminder.


Seulgi slowly slurps on the mango smoothie that they got as they pass by Irene's house again for the third time. With the cup in one hand and Irene's hand snuggly in the others, Seulgi wishes that this drink would never be finished. This way she will have an excuse to keep looping this neighborhood indefinitely.


She also wished that it wasn't so late already.

That tomorrow wasn't a school day.

That they didn't have a stupid 10 o'clock curfew.


Ultimately, she just wished that she didn't have to let go.


"So, what did Yoona whispers into your ear?"




That's what she's been trying to ignore! why does Irene have to bring it up again?




"Hm." Irene hums at Seulgi's answer. She's not going to lie and say that she's not curious, especially with the way Seulgi blushes like that after Yoona pulled away, but if Seulgi doesn't want to say it yet, she'll just have to wait.


The dense bear watches as Irene gulps down her smoothie to quench her curiosity. And maybe a little bit of jealousy.


Any other day, Seulgi would be looking at Irene's hazel brown eyes; Irene's dainty nose; Irene's perfectly shaped eyebrows, but today, today, she can't help but stares at Irene's...






Damn Yoona for telling her that! Damn Yeri and Wendy for putting weird thoughts into her head!


Earlier today


"Sooooooo? How is it going to you and miss popular?"

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 5: so beautiful ❤️
1064 streak #2
Chapter 5: 🥹🥹🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 5: cute 🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 5: Kyaaah! Super duper cute story ^^ thank u for this
Kylie_123 #5
Chapter 1: Why do I feel like seulgi is like pete davidson here 😭😂
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 5: Aww, the last chapter is different. Good different tho. And it feels complete. I find it hard to believe they didn’t at least try ldr for awhile. But! I’m happy with this too! Cheers! And thank you for sharing!
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 4: Oh gosh… m not over this fluff.
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 3: This. Is. So. Cuuuuuute!
And sweet. It’s innocent and adorable and fluffy and everything soft. I like the banters. I like the how the other members are portrayed. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 2: Listen…i’ve seen this prompt before. And tho it’s similar, the other author did put their own twist to it. BUT. I much much prefer your writing style! And this is really cute. A bit crack-y but hey! It’s entertaining, reads easily, and written nicely. So thank you :)
Chapter 5: 🥳