
I'm going crazy


A girl with black, long hair was walking down the corridores of the school, and you could just sense how mad she was. And believe me, she is quite frightening when she is angry. 

A senior with short black hair was standing at the other end of the corridore, just talking with some friends.

Behind Ai there was a boy running after her as she walked down the corridore.

"CHOI SEUNGHYUN!" she yelled and the boy at the other end turned around. Just as he turned around her fist connected with his face. 

He stumbled backwards and looked at her. 

"HOW DARE YOU!" she yelled in his face.

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO ME? HUH?" she yeleld as she grabbed the collar of Seunghyun's shirt and shook him. 

"Let go of me" he just said calmly and looked at her.

"THAT'S ALL YOU GOT TO SAY?!" she yelled and once more punched the person who used to be her boyfriend.

Ai then let go of him and turned to leave.

"Just take that pretty of yours and get out of my face!" Seunghyun yelled after her.


Ai started walking toward Seunghyun once more and was about to hit him when someone held her back.


"Stop it Ai, he doesn't deserve it!"

Ai was held back by Ricky as she tried to jump on Seunghyun once again. She struggled as he held her under arms. 

Seunghyun looked at Ai and scoffed before he turned around to leave her.


"He doesn't deserve it!" Ricky said once more, trying to convince Ai.

"DO I DESERVE BEING TREATED THAT WAY?" Ai turned now to Ricky and asked him, tears b her eyes before she pulled herself away from Ricky and walked away. 

'Don't cry.'  Ai thought as she walked down the halls of school with her head down. She walked into the classroom, not even apologizing for being late, she just sat down in her seat and hung her head low.

When the lesson ended, she slowly started packing her bag and waited until the room was empty before she let her head fall between her arms as she leaned against the table and cried. 

She let all her emotions run and cried her heart out in the empty room. She had held her emotions inside her from the day she met Seunghyun. She knew he wasn't good for her and that he was an terrible boyfriend, but she thought he would change. 

Ricky had waited for Ai outside school for twenty minute's and when she hadn't come out he went inside the school building and found her crying. He walked in to her and hugged her from the side.

Ai flinched when she felt someone hugging her and looked to see Ricky and threw herself in his arms.

"What did I do to deserve this Ricky?" she asked him as she cried in his arms. 

Ricky didn't say anything, he just held her in his arms and comforted her.

"He doesn't deserve you" Ricky whispered and liften Ai's head and looked at her. Her cheeks were wet from the tears and Ricky smiled sadly. He lifted his hand and dried her cheeks with his thumb. 

Ai coughed and looked away from Ricky.

'When did he become so cute?' she thought and felt her cheeks flush.

"Come on, let's get out of here" Ricky said and pulled Ai along and left the school grounds. 


"What movie do you wanna see?" Ricky asked as he walked between the lines of movies in the shop.

"I don't know, you choose" Ai said and looked at her hand, which Ricky had been holding since they left school. 

"What about this?" Ricky said as he let go of Ai's hand and reached for a movie. Ai felt how empty her hand was when he let go of it and missed his warm hand in her.

"Sure" she said, without even looking at the movie. 

"You sure?" Ricky asked and Ai nodded. 

"Okay" he then said, rented it and then they left the shop. 


"Wait... are we watching The Grudge 2?" Ai asked as she saw the movies menu.

"You said it was okay" Ricky said. 

The truth was, Ricky knew Ai hated horror movies, and he loved teasing her about it. Ai would always whine when he wanted to see a horror movie.

Ai sighed and sank even lower into the couch and waited for Ricky to sit down. He sat down at the other end of the couch and Ai was struck by a little bit of panic and crawled over to his side. 

Ricky looked at her and just smiled when she held his arm. 

While watching the movie, Ai flinched at times and hid herself behind Ricky and let out small yelps at times. 

'She is so cute... I wish she knew my feelings'  Ricky thought and sighed when the movie was over and he walked over to her in the couch.

"Don't let me watch that, ever again" Ai said as she and looked at Ricky. He laughed and ruffled her hair. 

"Can I stay here tonight?" she asked and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Why not? It's not like you don't do it often" Ricky said and the two of them laughed.


It was night time and Ai was laying in Ricky's bed, he always insited on that she should sleep in his bed and he would sleep on the floor.

It was already past twelve but Ai couldn't sleep, just because of the movie. She would imagine how the boy would slowly creep up in the bed and she was scared. She slowly sat up and held the pillow.

"Ricky?" she said and looked at the boy sleeping on the floor. 

'Aww... he looks so cute sleeping like that' she thought when she looked at him as he layed on the floor, mouth half open and his legs and arms were sprawled over the matress.

"Ricky?" she said a little bit louder and the boy moved in the bed.

"Ricky~" she whined and saw how his eyes slowly opened.

"Ne-eh?" he asked and looked up at her with half closed eyes, slowly sitting up. His hair stood to every direction and his t-shirt was wrinkled.

"I-I can't sleep" Ai said and looked at her lap and fiddled with the pillow. 

Ricky slowly stood up and sat down by her and smiled.

"Why?" he asked quietly and took her hand in his.

"I-I'm scared..." she whispered.

"Of what?" 

"The boy..." 

Ricky sighed.

"It's just a movie..." 

"I know... but still..."

It was quiet for a while and then Ai looked at Ricky.

"I want you to sleep next to me tonight" she said seriously and looked him in the eyes.

"I-I don't know Ai..." Ricky said and looked away from her.

"Please?" she asked and looked at him, pouting.

"Okay..." Ricky said after a long silence.

He stood up, took his pillow and comforter and crawled into bed next to her. He closed his eyes, ready to start sleeping when he felt a pair of arms around him. He opened his eyes and looked at down. There he saw Ai, hugging him and leaning her head to his chest and her body pressed against his.

"Please, let's just stay like this" she started, but didn't open her eyes. "I just want to feel protected. You've always protected me. And I've never felt so secure than when I'm by your side. Ricky... Promise me you won't let me do anything as stupid as fall for a stupid guy ever again?" she murmured into his chest, still loud enough for him to hear.

"I promise" Ricky said and pat her head. 

"Ricky... Promise me one more thing..." Ai said and looked up at Ricky, while putting her hands on his chest.

"Promise me that you won't stop loving me" she said and kissed him on his lips. 

Ricky was lightly taken aback but answered the kiss in a second.

"I promise" he said as he smiled to her and kissed her once more.

When they broke the kiss Ai pushed her hand through his hair.

"I Love You" she said and looked him in the eyes.

"I Love You Too..."Ricky said and kissed her lips one last time before the two of them fell asleep.

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Awww so cute ^^ <3
vernielee #2
:"> so sweet .. i like your story :))
awww~ cute.. that was sweet ♥
KayyhM #4
WAAWWWW!!! RICKY!!!!! so sweetttttt~ >,<
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :)
Aww~ my baby ricky <3
Awwwww :3
soo sweet! <3