The Apartment

One Thousand Years
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here i am, once again *starts singing* no wait, wrong time to sing. here's another chapter. once again on thursday because i will be gone for a bit over a week. there might just not be an update next week because of that. we will see :) maybe you guys can motivate me to squeeze some time for proofreading into my vacation schedule XD"

did you see the picture of woohyun with the woogyu sticker on his clothes? uwu" /whispers woogyu is real/  


In the end, he really didn’t sleep. Sunggyu was too tense and he had already taken a nap in the car anyways. He simply lay on the couch for hours and watched as the world outside the window became brighter. Night turned into day and the noises outside increased as well. The gumiho was aware of more people roaming the streets outside, though he tried not to think about them. Thanks to the glass covering the windows, he was safe from their delicious scents. At some point, Sunggyu even wondered how it was possible to kill in this town without being detected. There were way too many people. Though, maybe it was a positive thing that there were so many. It could mean they wouldn’t miss one or two.

No, he shouldn’t even be thinking about it.

Sunggyu’s ears picked up a sound. He quickly rolled around to his side and pressed his face into the pillow, closing his eyes to act like he was asleep still. With a quiet click, he heard the door to Woohyun’s room open. He listened as the younger man shuffled through the apartment and smiled as his ears picked up a yawn. Sunggyu wondered what Woohyun looked like right now, fresh out of bed. Jumon’s hair had always looked cute in the morning. The human had been mad at the fox so many times because Sunggyu’s hair always found a way to look perfect. It wasn’t magic, really. He just didn’t move much in his sleep while Jumon kept changing positions all night. Sunggyu had seen it live more than once.

His nostrils filled with Woohyun’s scent when the human was close enough. Sunggyu waited for the hunger to appear but it seemed like he was safe for now. Woohyun seemed to have stopped moving and the fox felt the urge to open his eyes. He wanted to check what Woohyun was doing, standing so close to him but not moving. Was the human staring at him? It was really hard to act asleep when he was itching to move.

Fingers suddenly touched his head and Sunggyu was so surprised by the touch that he jerked a little. Woohyun gasped and stumbled backwards. “S-Sorry-“

Sunggyu groaned in frustration. Why did he have to move? He wanted Woohyun to continue but now it was over. He opened his eyes and sat up. The human was holding his hand like it got burned. “I just- I thought there was something in your hair. “

He smiled knowingly. “Are you sure you didn’t just want to touch it that badly?”

Woohyun blushed and averted his gaze. “N-No! I’m going to prepare breakfast now, although it’s almost lunch time. Is there anything you don’t eat?”

Sunggyu stretched his arms and legs. “Meat, especially hearts and livers.”

The younger man blinked a few times. “Uh…okay. You’re a vegetarian then, I guess. If you want, you can use my shower while I prepare the food. You…uh…look like you could use one.”

He looked down at himself and wondered what Woohyun meant with ‘he could use one’. What was a shower? Woohyun had given him an almost disgusted look. The younger man seemed flustered suddenly. “I didn’t mean to say you stink or anything! I just think you probably didn’t have the chance for a proper bath in the forest. For how long have you been living there anyways? Do you remember why you were there?”

A bath, I see. So a shower must be some kind of bath. Sunggyu had to admit he didn’t pay much attention to his hygiene in the last years. Everything had seemed kind of pointless without Jumon. He probably did smell bad. “I don’t know.”, came his at least half-honest reply. The gumiho really wasn’t sure for how long he had been living in that cave but he could hardly tell Woohyun ‘around 150 years’.

“Well, maybe the police will find your name in the missing persons list. It’s possible you got lost and injured in the forest and have been living there ever since because you couldn’t remember your way back.” Woohyun mused. “Anyways, the bathroom is over there. Take your time.”

Sunggyu didn’t want to part from Woohyun’s side again but he figured the young man was safe inside this apartment. The fox reluctantly went into the so-called bathroom. He didn’t recognize anything, so Sunggyu had no choice but to experiment and check out everything. After about ten minutes, the gumiho had learned this ‘shampoo’ stuff wasn’t edible but smelled good and he had discovered about two water sources. One of them stank a little though, so Sunggyu figured the water was meant for something other than washing. The big box in the corner was the last thing he checked out. It looked like it had two glass doors but Sunggyu noticed the material was sort of different. It was almost see-through like the windows but made a different sound when tapped. The door could be moved so one could step inside.

A tiny room inside a room. Why were humans so complicated? Sunggyu stepped inside and examined everything. He was shocked when a cold stream of water suddenly came down upon him. The gumiho let out a small shriek as the cold water soaked his clothing. He desperately tried to reenact what he had done to turn on the stream of water. Then Sunggyu finally found what controlled the water flow and turned it off again. He shivered as he felt even colder than before. This is definitely the shower. I’m sure. Sunggyu stripped off the wet clothing and threw it outside. The floor had gotten wet as well from his little adventure and he closed the doors of the box. It was obvious to him they were meant to keep the water in the box.

Carefully, the gumiho the water again. It was still cold but this time he was prepared. He had washed himself in cold rivers already. This was nothing! The fox cleaned his body thoroughly and even took care of his ears and tails. Then Sunggyu saw some of those colorful bottles again that he had spotted around the bathroom. He sniffed one of them and noticed on the bottle there was a picture of someone’s hair. Sunggyu shrugged and put some of it on his head. He rubbed it into his hair and hoped he was doing it right. When he felt content with the sweet scent sticking to his body, Sunggyu got rid of the foam with some more cold water and then stepped out of the box. He hid his ears and tails again.

“What now?”, he muttered to himself. Jumon had taught him that humans didn’t walk around but his clothing was wet as well. Sunggyu looked around the room and his eyes fell on the white fluffy things he had discovered in the shelf.

He grabbed one and unfolded it. It was a big, soft cloth and Sunggyu figured it was better than nothing. He wrapped it around his waist. It should do for now. The fox grabbed his wet clothes and left the bathroom to look for Woohyun. The human was busy setting up the table when he spotted Sunggyu. His face reddened and the gumiho wondered if he had messed up again.

Woohyun averted his gaze. “Okay, wow. Why do you only have a towel on? And why are your clothes wet?”

Sunggyu shrugged. “A little accident with the… shower.”

“I’ll try finding clothes that fit your size.” The younger man walked past him without giving Sunggyu a glance but gasped when he spotted something. “You didn’t even dry your hair! You’re making the whole floor wet!”

The gumiho frowned, clearly confused by the human’s weird antics. Woohyun disappeared and returned a moment later with another towel. He put it over Sunggyu’s head and started rubbing it all over his wet hair. The fox still felt confused but he had to admit it felt nice. Plus Woohyun’s face was close to his and Sunggyu admired him from up close. The human didn’t pay attention though and just muttered to himself while he dried Sunggyu’s hair.

“It’s like looking after a child. You really don’t know any basic things, do you?” Woohyun muttered. Then his eyes landed on Sunggyu’s face and he frowned. “It’s so weird. Your hair is so long and scruffy but you don’t have a single hair on your face.”

Sunggyu smiled and suddenly the younger man seemed aware that he was being watched as well. Woohyun flushed and retracted his hands. He took a step back and cleared his throat. “D-Dry the rest of your hair. I’ll find some clothes for you.”

To his disappointment, Woohyun left him alone once more. Sunggyu pursed his lips but continued ‘drying his hair’. It seemed kind of pointless to him since hair dried all on its own when left alone, but he had to admit the soft towel felt nice and it certainly sped up the process. Sunggyu’s fingers followed the long strands of hair down his back. His hair had really grown a lot. He hadn’t bothered to cut it for a long time. In the past, Jumon had been the one to comb his hair and care for it. He always told Sunggyu how much he loved the gumiho’s soft hair and often scolded Sunggyu for not taking care of it. It was sort of his only fur in his human form, not another hair growing on his body otherwise. Except for his eyebrows, of course. He knew humans tended to grow these beards when they didn’t shave their faces from time to time. Sunggyu couldn’t say he

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Chapter 8: Come back authornim!!! We miss this story update pls...
708 streak #2
Chapter 8: i miss this story. i still hope that one day it will be updated.
Chapter 8: Hope this story will be updated, love it
dgh2673 #4
🥲😭you don't have plan to finish it
dgh2673 #5
wow i think it was my first story that it wasn't finished and i started to read it with each updated😭so feel bad that it wasn't finished
Chapter 8: I can't believe the last update was in 2019. I miss this story a lot. Please come back 😭😭. I've been thinking about this story a lot more than i care to admit. Please bring my Jumon(Woohyun) and Sunggyu back to live.
nayday #7
It's been a year... I miss this story....
Chapter 8: Kinda miss this story.. Just wanted to let you know that I will be here when you comeback
Chapter 4: I really love your writing style! I never get bored and could draw the scene you write clearly in my heart
Chapter 3: Confused Sunggyu is so cute!!