
You're My Love


     Wasted. That was the only word Yoon DooJoon could come up with to describe the girl that was practically humping his body on the club's dance floor. By now he had gotten used to this behavior. Every week was the same routine. He'd walk into the club and talk to a girl. The girl would take a few drinks and then get super wasted. He, on the other hand, didn't even get near an alcoholic drink ever in his life.

     Why do I even do this? He stopped to think. Suddenly he found the girl's lips crashed onto his. It was the sloppiest and nastiest kiss DooJoon had ever encountered. Doojoon tried to kiss her back but it was so bad. He pushed her away. He wiped off his lips and walked back to the VIP Section. Only to find his friend Junhyung making out with a girl on his lap. Nasty. Thought Doojoon. He immediately turned around and went upstairs to the roof.

     He let out a big sigh and just sat there enjoying the night sky and thinking to himself. He got up to look down into the city streets. The line for the club went around the building. He stared at all the dressed in the skimpiest outfits and let out yet another sound of disgust. Do they dress like this normally? Suddenly he heard the roof door open. He ran for cover fearing it was security.

    It wasn't security. It was a girl. She looks pretty from the back He thought. He suddenly heard the girl sniffle and realized she was crying. Doojoon felt an odd feeling in his chest. As though it hurt him seeing her cry. He shook off the feeling. He was about to go talk to the girl when suddenly his phone ran in his pocket.

      “Hello” he whispered into his phone

      “YA! YOONDOOJOON! Get your down here now! This girl is crazy. MICHIN!!! We have to go! BALI!!” said Junhyung.

      “Why do you always go for the crazy girls?” asked Doojoon

      “Why are whispering? And that's not the point, just hurry up and get down here now!” He hung up the phone. I guess she probably wants alone time anyways. He slowly made his way to the door and headed downstairs back to the VIP Section.



      “Why do bad things always happen to me!” yelled Shin HaeRa as loud as she could. She started to cry again. Suddenly she heard the rooftop door close. Ignoring it, she sat down and continued to cry.


Earlier in the night


     “HaeRa-ya, We're still meeting at the club tonight right?” asked Lee Kikwang on the phone

      “Of course!” replied HaeRa. Since the start of high school HaeRa had the biggest crush on Kikwang. Slowly as time went on that feeling of a crush turned into love. HaeRa had fallen in love with Kikwang. Everything about him made her heart flutter. She was planning to tell him her feelings soon. But tonight she was going to hang out at the club with him. After a couple more minutes conversing with each other Haera hangs up the phone.

      Later she spent hours and hours trying to think about the perfect outfit. In the end she settled for a simple sparkly red top and black shorts . HaeRa was not into dressing like a , let alone going to clubs. She had never been to a club before but she didn't plan on telling Kikwang it was her first time. Her heart began to beat faster. She looked at the time and made her way to the door.

     Once she arrived at the club she received a text message.

     Kikwang: HaeRa! I'm at the front of the line.

     HaeRa smiled and made her way to the front looking for that face she had been wanting to see all day. “Oppa!” she said. He turned around and smiled. Her heart skipped a beat as she made her way next to him. As she moved next to him she noticed another girl was with him. Her smile disappeared as Kikwang pulled her in for a hug.

      “Oh! HaeRa, This is my friend Hyosung. ” said Kikwang gesturing towards the girl HaeRa had noticed earlier. HaeRa bowed and forced a smile.

     “Nice to meet you! Kikwang has been telling me about you” she said with a sweet smile.

     Kikwang clapped his hands together. “So. Let's go in and get our grooves on!” he said as he danced into the club

     Hyosung let out a chuckle. “Why is he so weird? Come on let's go!” she said and dragged HaeRa into the club.

     The loud music filled the entire room. Colorful flashing lights flickered in every direction. Sweating bodies were grinding on each other left and right. HaeRa tried to process what was happening at the moment. This is too much right now. She thought.

     She noticed Hyosung making her way towards Kikwang and she followed. Hyosung started to dance with a random cute boy. HaeRa couldn't help but smile at how happy and carefree she seemed. Suddenly, Kikwang grabbed HaeRa's hand and pulled her into his body. “Just follow me and feel the music” he whispered into her ear. HaeRa smiled and did as she was told.

     This is Fun. She thought to her self. After a number of songs and dancing with Kikwang. Kikwang let out a sigh. “Let's go get some drinks” he said as he wiped of his sweat.

     The two made their way to the drink counter and got two drinks. “Having fun?” Kikwang asked.

     HaeRa nodded. Kikwang chuckled and HaeRa stared into his sparkling eyes, her heart felt like it was about to explode. Hyosung made her way through the crowd and towards Kikwang and HaeRa. “ I'm having so much fun right now!” She yelled. “Oppa, What are you doing? Come dance with me!” she took his hand and pulled him back to the dance floor leaving HaeRa alone.

     She stirred her drink around and looked towards the dancing crowd. So many skimpy outfits Suddenly she saw a girl crash her lips onto another guy. A guy who clearly did not like her. The guy pushed her away and walked off. Stupid Girl She said.

     The moment she said that she looked to her left and her heart stopped. She couldn't believe her eyes. Hyosung and Kikwang were lip locked. She felt the tears coming. If only he knew how she felt. She slowly got out of her seat and made her way to the bathroom.

     The line to the bathroom extended around to the outside. She needed a safe place to let out her feelings. At that moment she saw the sign pointing towards the roof. She followed the signs and made her way to the roof.

     “Why do bad things always happen to me!” yelled Shin HaeRa as loud as she could. She started to cry again. Suddenly she heard the rooftop door close. Ignoring it, she sat down and continued to cry.

     The night dragged on. Until finally HaeRa decided she had let out enough feelings. She pushed herself up and made her journey home.



     DooJoon arrived at the VIP section to find a panicked Junhyung. He lifted his hand to wave to Junhyung when suddenly Junhyung pushed DooJoon out of the room.

      Soon they found themselves outside of the club waiting for DooJoon's Chauffeur. The black limousine pulled up and the boys hopped in.

     “So what happened?” asked DooJoon

     “I was making out with this chick” started Junhyung

      “I saw that” interrupted DooJoon.

      “What can I say, I got some game.” said Junhyung “Anyways, She suddenly stopped making out with me and then she started to talk about her Ex boyfriend. Totally killed the mood man. That's when I knew we had to get out. I don't want to be involved in that bro”

     “Understandable” said DooJoon “Listen. What would you say if I changed my appearance, hid my identity and switch schools”

     Junhyung stared at DooJoon as though he was talking to a crazy person. “Did you have alcohol for the first time today?” he asked

     “I'm serious.” he said. “I'm tired of this clubbing and partying and people using me just because I look good and I'm rich”

     “Whatever you say man.” replied Junhyung. “I guess it could be interesting.”

     “So you'll help me out” asked DooJoon

     “Sure, Why not. I mean I'm like the only friend you can trust. I got your back man”

     “Thanks” said DooJoon.

     The rest of the ride was quiet as DooJoon thought about his new plan and his new life.


     School was starting in two weeks and at the moment DooJoon was still enrolled in the prestigious Soyang Private Academy. He planned to transfer to Seongsan High School in two weeks. Seongsan would never accept students two weeks before the beginning of the school year. But lucky for DooJoon he had something the other kids didn't. Money. He had the school waiting for him. Now all he had to do was get the look.

      He called up Junhyung the next day and told him to meet him at the hair salon.

     “I had to get up an hour earlier than I usually do for this” groaned Junhyung. “Why do I need to be here for this anyways?”

      “I need you here to see if I am unrecognizable enough” said DooJoon. He sat down in the salon chair and waited for his usual hair cutter.

     “Oh! DooJoon, Isn't your next appointment next month? You were here last week” said the lady

     “Change of plans. I need a completely new look.” said Doojoon. “Give me an ugly bowl haircut.” he demanded.

     The lady's eyes widened but she did as she told. 15 minutes later and a couple more snips and she was done.

     Suddenly Junhyung bursted into a chaotic laughter. “Is it that bad?” asked DooJoon. He looked into the mirror. “My God. I look hideous” said DooJoon in shock.

     5 minutes later and Junhyung ended up on the floor crying so hard his eyes started to tear up. “This is really Daebak you know.” said Junhyung as he finally started to calm down. He wiped his tears away and stood up.

    “You should shut up now” said DooJoon. He got up out of the chair and fixed his sideburns. “Come on I gotta meet with my stylist at her office”



    “You want to look like what?” questioned DooJoon's stylist.

     “I want to look like an idiot” replied DooJoon. “Give me thick glasses, ugly shoes, suspenders, ugly Hawaiian shirts, pocket protectors. Oh! And I need you to get me a new school uniform for Seongsan High. Don't ask questions just do it.”

     With confusion DooJoon's stylist took notes of his requests and walked off. 30 minutes later she came back with everything he had asked for. DooJoon smiled and went in to get changed.

     Junhyung sat outside waiting for DooJoon. “Aish. This guy takes forever” At that moment a boy walked out of the room. He had thick glasses, an ugly overbite, pants that were way too high up, an ugly bow tie, Hawaiian shirt and suspenders. Junhyung stared at the guy and the guy just stared at him. Then Junhyung did a double take. “No freaking way”

    “Do I look unrecognizable now?” asked DooJoon.

    “Yes, but you also look like an idiot” replied Junhyung.

    “Perfect.” said DooJoon.

     His transformation completed. DooJoon was ready to start his new experiment.

-------END OF CHAPTER I-------

Author's Note: Hey Guys! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry it took me almost three months to post this. I guess I kind of forgot about this story. I've been too busy working on another story. whoops. Anyways, First Chapters are always boring. The Juicy and the sweet cute stuff will be coming soon. I'm sorry I'm kind of bad at full stories. I'm more of a one shot kind of person. lol. Anyways hope you enjoy! Rate and Subscribe!

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wiena2dajay #1
OHHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYY,, AMAZING STORY...(even i just read the 1st chap^^) PLEASE UPDATE SOON...>.<
wiena2dajay #2
i just read the description and i'm totally loving this!!! hehehe~~ MUST READ!!! ^^
cool (y)