Ninth Meeting

Meet the Parents

Their ninth meeting was another secret meeting. Truth be told, there shouldn't be any meeting as Jungsu only agree to take Donghae to the local fair in place of Jongwoon. However...


"Uncle, what are we doing here?"

"Making sure that your Uncle Jongwoon aren't taken away."

More like stalking after Jongwoon.


"What!? Who dare to take appa away from us!"

"See that horse over there? It's him."

Hey, don't be a bad influence on children.


Jungsu didn't say anything out loud despite his thought. He just sighed tiredly and let Kyuhyun said whatever he wanted to Donghae and Hyukjae. Yes, Kyuhyun and Hyukjae were here with him and Donghae. Half an hour ago, Jungsu was accompanying Donghae to the local fair. While they were buying foods and drinks, Kyuhyun and Hyukjae appeared out of nowhere and dragged them away. Before long, the four of them were following after Jongwoon and Siwon. Jungsu should have known that Kyuhyun would find out about their plan. He should have known that Kyuhyun wouldn't let Jongwoon out of his sight. Most importantly, he should have known that he was giving himself a headache for agreeing to help Jongwoon with this plan.



"Kyuhyun, if you're that much worried about Jongwoon then why don't you stop them?"

"Do you want me to do it?"

"...No, I was just curious."

"I know that Jongwoonnie has planned something and I trust him with all my heart. However, I don't trust that horse at all. That's why we're here to make sure that Jongwoonnie is safe from that horse!"




Jungsu lifted his eyebrow once he heard that. But before he got to protest, Kyuhyun had already went to where they saw Jongwoon and Siwon going, while holding Donghae and Hyukjae's hand. He truly didn't want to be dragged into whatever about to happen, but he had promised to Jongwoon that he would help. With a heavy sigh, Jungsu quickly chased after Kyuhyun and the kids before any of them did something stupid.



Right now, they were hiding behind a tree while observing Jongwoon and Siwon who were at a cotton candy stand. It looked like Siwon was buying a treat for Jongwoon. As Jongwoon took a bite of the pink fluffy sweet, Jungsu had to hold Donghae and Hyukjae who looked at that sweet while drooling so they wouldn't barge in. He was about to tell Kyuhyun to help him with the kids but the man was nowhere to be found. Terror crept up on his entire body as he turned around and saw Kyuhyun striding to the pair. He thought that the plan would fail for sure as he was too late to stop Kyuhyun. However....



"Oh my god! I'm sorry! Are you alright Siwonnie!?"


Hoping to taste the cotton candy, Siwon reached his hand out to hold Jongwoon's hand and brought the sweet to his mouth. However, someone bumped into Jongwoon from behind which made him stumbled forward and shoved the cotton candy in his hand straight at Siwon's face. As Jongwoon was busy apologizing and Siwon was trying to clean the sticky sweet off his face, the culprit who bumped into them had already walked away from the pair with a devious smirk on his face.


"Wow! They didn't even know that it was Uncle Kyu! He is like a ninja! Uncle Kyu are super coooool!"


Jungsu didn't know whether he should laugh or cry as he watched Donghae beaming while saying that to Kyuhyun...



The cotton candy incident was only the beginning of Kyuhyun's scheme to make Siwon's little dating with Jongwoon full of misery. Every time Siwon got too close to Jongwoon, Kyuhyun would make sure to bump into the tall man and ruined their (non existence) moment. Jungsu was really amazed as to how Kyuhyun managed to do that without alerting Jongwoon or Siwon. He was quiet and agile like a ninja, which greatly impressed Donghae and Hyukjae. The two kids cheered excitedly whenever Kyuhyun successfully sabotaged Siwon and Jongwoon (non existence) dating. By now Jungsu had given up on stopping Kyuhyun. He resigned himself to be a babysitter. All he had to do was taking care of Donghae and Hyukjae. That was how he spent his Saturday night chasing after one adult and two kids like a babysitter. Before long, it was 11 p.m. now. Kyuhyun carried Donghae and Hyukjae who yawned sleepily on his waist and spoke up to Jungsu.


"Jungsu hyung, we'll go home now. What about you?"

"Huh? You won't stay and watch until the end?"

"No, it's the kids' bedtime now. Most important, I already have quite a fair share of my fun."

"...I see, goodbye then."


After sending Kyuhyun (who was surprisingly a good parent) off, Jungsu kept following Jongwoon and Siwon by himself. He could go home now but he didn't. He decided to stick around out of pure curiosity. And that was how he got to witness Jongwoon politely turning down Siwon's feeling. He hid himself quite far away from the two so he didn't know what they were talking. Judging from Siwon's bitter expression, however, made Jungsu knew that the tall man didn't take the rejection that good. He really felt bad seeing Jongwoon's solem expression as he watched Siwon walking away. Once Jungsu saw that Siwon had long gone, he carefully approached Jongwoon. To his surprise, Jongwoon spoke up first.


"Oh, hyung, thank you for your help."

"Did you tell Siwon? How was it?"

"Yes, I told him that I couldn't see him as anything but little brother. I also told him about my feeling for Kyuhyun and how I wouldn't change my mind no matter what. As for his response... Well, let just say that it could've gone worse... At least I don't have to worry about it anymore. Anyway, Kyuhyun has already took Donghae home, right?"

"Wait a sec, you know that Kyuhyun was here with me?"

"Hyung, I'm naive, not dumb. Who else can it be if it isn't Kyuhyun who kept annoying Siwon?"

"So you know all along? Then why don't you say something?"

"Sigh, I did feel bad for Siwonie, but it's better to have Kyuhyun has his fun than him fuming. Trust me hyung, you wouldn't want to stay on his bad side."



I actually understand that more than anyone, especially after tonight's events.



Jungsu quietly thought to himself as he recalled how Kyuhyun mercilessly made Siwon's night miserable.

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Chapter 13: OMG TEUKCHUL 😭
Chapter 2: poor jungsoo 😅
389 streak #3
I believe that this one is the one who makes me LOVE all of your stories, so I'm just gonna reread it again hihihi...
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 13: Good things happen in three's...Kyusung, Minwook,and Teukchul lol..... Loved this story <3<3<3
Chapter 12: Someone give Teukie a bf hdjjk
Chapter 3: plot twist, d&e were fighting on purpose to make their parents meet HAHA
Chapter 1: Jongwoon is the dad because they're both emotional and violent lmaooo
Chapter 13: Jungsu became more of a relationship counselor than a teacher XD I'm starting to like this idea of Kyusung as Eunhae's parents, and the kids interactions are so cute.
I was kinda sensing there was something up with Heechul, glad I was right.
Kyusung_1342005 #10
I'm KyuSung shipper. I have read your fic. It's so sweet and cute, especially the way KyuSung shows affection to the other. For KyuSung Day on April 13th, I want to translate your fic into Vietnamese and share it with my friends - Vietnamese KyuSung shipper. I hope you agree with this idea. Thank you