First and end.


-Ah that's not true! I will still be late!
Kihyun ran with all his might to avoid arriving too late at school. He was fast breathing and breathless. He entered class and apologized quickly to his teacher who let him sit as he was nothing.
-We forgot to activate his alarm clock the day before Kihyun-ah?
-Keep yourself Minhyuk, it's usually yours.
-Yeah but me it's for a good reason, I go out every night while you .... You're on your phone.
Kihyun looked up at the ceiling, preferring to deny his friend's bad words. Minhyuk was a long-time friend, they always got along and even though Minhyuk was sometimes direct and tactile with him, he liked Minhyuk as a friend.
After class, Kihyun was returning home and his phone was reporting a message.
From Minhyuk:
-You come in directly?
From Kihyun:
-You could have told me if you wanted to go out today! I'm on the way back to my apartment!
From Minhyuk:
-You know that I go out every day! So come to my apartment after 20pm.

Kihyun agreed with this proposal, he wanted to go out tonight because he did not have to do anything. Kihyun was 19 years old and he had never had a relationship, he wanted to focus on his classes to have a big job later. Of course, he had refused some proposal from girls, he had never been interested in being in a relationship so far.
He had entered Minhyuk's apartment and he was tying his shirt and putting perfume on almost his entire body.
-Wow, you'll make me vomit with all that scent! Are you planning to find someone tonight?
-Yes, it's been a long time since I'm dying to find someone .... For one night, I mean ...
-Minhyuk-ah! YAH! You are dirty!
Minhyuk gave a to silence his friend. Minhyuk liked to have fun, he did not want to be serious for now, he just wanted to have a little fun while being well protected, of course!
Arriving in front of the disco, Kihyun and Minhyuk were sitting together on the bar stool.
- Good evening gentlemen, what can I serve you to drink?
-A glass of strong alcohol! I need to make my mind vibrate after this long day!
Kihyun raised his eyes to the ceiling, sighing.
-I'll just take some water ...
-Some water? Kihyun-ah! Relax and enjoy a little of this evening!
-Yes but you seem to forget that tomorrow we have school!
-So what? We'll be there don't worry!

Kihyun shook his shoulders, he did not really want to drink but Minhyuk insisted on that so he let himself be tempted by a glass of strong enough alcohol, then it's not a drink that will make him drunk.
Kihyun had not seen his friend go dancing on the dance floor and already with a complete stranger, he did not know if he expressed admiration for his friend or if he thought his friend had no embarrassment approach people in this easy way! Minhyuk was a real girl in heat!
-Excuse me, I think it's yours?
Kihyun had blurred vision because of the alcohol and he did not see the face of the person who spoke to him very well. He shook his head and grabbed that thing that looked like something with cards.
-Yeah, thank you, it's mine!
-You are sure to be well?
Kihyun pointed his finger in the room, looking for his friend among the people.
-It's he who took me here, I never go out usually ... I do not like that kind of place, the people here are too close and make nice while they just want to ed hard ..!
The boy laughed in front of this sentence and Kihyun forced himself to keep his eyes open to detail his face, he had dark skin and seemed very muscular with a big shoulders on the shoulders.
It is true that I have never seen you here. Is this boyfriend that boy?
-My boyfriend!? Do you think I'll let my boyfriend kiss or touch other strangers? No, it's my friend, Lee Minhyuk, he's very tactile whereas I'm .... I study every day ...
Kihyun did not know how or why but he felt very sad. A tear had run down his cheek and he turned his back on this stranger, he asked a glass of water to the bartender to try not to be sober.

-I'm sorry, I did not want to make you cry. To tell the truth, I do not come often either, I accompany a friend too ... A friend who is already dancing while me, I am alone in my corner ... We are a little the same you and me.
Kihyun stood up taking his new glass of water and nearly fell from his chair.
-I go out to get some air, it's too hot here! I can not stand people!
Kihyun continued to walk, thinking he was walking alone to the entrance of the discotheque, but this stranger had followed him and he sits on the steps, breathing slowly.
-The wind is better in the evening, it is cooler and it feels good!
-Yeah .... I'd better go home, I'll tell Minhyuk ... or he does not care where I'm from ..
-I will be able to accompany you, you risk losing you because of the way you walk!
Kihyun shook his shoulders, he was totally mocking the situation.
Arrived at the door of his apartment, he already felt a little better and no more alcohol blurred his view.
-I know it is not done but to thank you for bringing me back, you want to go in and drink or eat something?
-I .... uh .... I do not want to bother you you know ....
-I think I should feel like that, I feel stupid to say ...
-Ok, I can enter.
Kihyun brought in the person who had accompanied him and he thought for a moment.

-I am sorry but I do not know your name.
-Oh! I'm used to talking to people and it's later that I ask them their name, that's right, Shownu.
-It's Kihyun ... When you say you're used to talking to people ... I mean you bring them back to their home too?
Kihyun did not know why he was interested in him, he was an unknown so why?
-Oh no no, forget it!
Kihyun and Shownu were going into the kitchen for a drink of water and Kihyun was enjoying watching for a few minutes Shownu, he had not paid attention because of the darkness in the disco and then he was drunk to see the perfectly traced face of Shownu, he had dark skin and muscular traced, he was taller than Kihyun by several inches.
-Thank you for this glass of water Kihyun, the water is better than in this disco! I'm going home now.
-Show-Shownu ... Can you encode your number into my phone? You look very nice and I would like that we continue to see each other later ....

Kihyun saw Shownu blush a little and Kihyun blushed again.
Shownu had agreed to encode Kihyun's number in his phone.
The next morning, Kihyun was still late to school, Minhyuk seemed to have arrived on time despite the long dark circles under his eyes and his white face that showed he had not slept much of the night.
-You are on time but you have a horrible face!
-I burst myself like a with muscle sir last night!
-My muscle?
Kihyun was thinking, he did not understand why, but he was almost jealous because he thought it might be Shownu, the boy who brought him back last night and followed him all night. ... Kihyun had found it interesting from there, that's why he wanted to encode Shownu's phone number ... Maybe Kihyun be liked by him? ...

-Minhyuk-ah! You are not talking about a boy with tanned skin !?
-No he is very white and blond hair .... Wait !! Did you find someone last night !? You Yoo Kihyun !?
Kihyun was looking in front of him to escape the look of his friend who was excited to know everything.
- I'm not going to tell you anything .... I just coded his number before he left home.
-You did it home? At your apartment !? Yoo Kihyun, you have a crush on this boy I can swear it !!!
Kihyun shook his head to disapprove. He changed his face to show that he was angry.
-It happened because of you Lee Minhyuk! You left me alone at the bar and you had fun with others! I am your friend, you will have to pay attention to me !!
-Yes but my fault, you finally found someone so I was right to leave you alone!
Kihyun hit his friend on his arm to punish him.
His phone had vibrated signaling an incoming message.
From Shownukkkk:
-You have to be in class now, but does it sound like you see each other after? For example, we both went to get to know each other? I'm sorry if you find this question too direct not too impatient!
Kihyun had just answered with a big yes that it would make him happy that they could see each other tonight.
-You redhead Kihyun.
-Shut up. I do not blush.
-What is his name? How old is he? Is he tall and very strong?
-And if we were talking about you and your last night, how was this guy with white skin !! ??
I'm sorry for this insulting language but I wanted to change the context of my polite and nice long sentences .... I refrained from doing even more insulting because I do not want members here to be like things so here, I wanted to create a drunken Kihyun and a y Shownu and make a pair of future couples for the future.

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