Chapter 3

Wendy's Death Note

The Red still looked exactly as Joohyun remembered it to be. The earth red brick walls and the dark tiled roof of the enormous house were still intact, the white paint of the porch railings faded, and the signage saying ‘The Red’ in bold red letters still hanging by the entrance, squeaking with every blow of the wind.

Wendy helped Joohyun unload her luggage from her car. For the time being until the madman was caught, it was agreed that she would have to stay in The Red with Wendy and Seulgi to both guard them and lay down their trap. All over the village, undercover detectives were also scattered. Aside from Joohyun pretending to be Wendy’s lover, it was also decided that Junki will go undercover as a roving priest from Daegu to closely see to Minhyuk’s protection.

“I wish you well in your stay. May the Lord be with you.”

Joohyun gave Junki a grimace. “What are you doing.”

The man grinned, fox eyes twinkling with mischief. “Playing my role.” he whispered. His hands were reverently clasped over his stomach. “Don’t I look totally angelic right now?”

He looked the complete opposite with the first three buttons of his shirt popped open. “Oppa—”

“Shush!” he put his forefinger over her lips. “It’s Father Lee now, Sister Bae. You’re going to blow my cover.”

Joohyun rolled her eyes and swat his hand away. “You know what? Why don’t you help me transfer out my things instead?”

Junki shook his head, a look of mock devotion in his face. “I’m too holy for that. Besides, I’m only here because of our Father Kang.” he pointed at the porch where Minhyuk and Seulgi spoke and by the looks of it, they were having a rather serious discussion.

After they finished moving Joohyun’s things inside, Seulgi invited all of them for a drink. They gathered in the living room waiting for Seulgi to prepare the refreshments while Joohyun roam around, checking the every nook and corner for hidden cameras (and possibly hidden creeps) and inspecting the locks of both windows and doors. Nothing was damaged but they really could use an upgrade in their security. Breaking in a simple doorknob lock was a piece of cake.

When she returned to the living room, Minhyuk and Junki were arguing.

“No, I’m telling you, detective, it’s not appropriate to have that much buttons opened.” The priest was saying.

“Why?” the detective challenged, “Is it in your job description to choke from your clothes all the time? I swear, that cassock’s going to be the death of me.”

“What’s going on here?” Joohyun asked Wendy as she squeezed herself beside the woman on the single loveseat.

“Minhyuk-oppa’s being all preachy and Detective Lee just won’t give in.” Wendy answered, scooting to give Joohyun space. “It’s quite entertaining. Now he’s complaining about how stuffy the cassock is.”

“Wait. Junki-oppa, you wore a cassock?” Joohyun interrupted the heated discussion, face contorted in disbelief.

“Hell yes, I did.” Junki looked like he was challenging her to say something about it. “And pulled it off gorgeously too.”

“He’s impossible.” Minhyuk told Joohyun, looking absolutely exasperated. “He tried the frock on and winked at the girls helping out for the spring party. The nuns were horrified.”

“It’s my way of greeting!”

“It isn’t appropriate when you’re pretending you’re a priest!”

“To my defence, I’m quite certain they liked it.”

Minhyuk slumped on his seat and heaved a loud sigh of defeat. “God bless your soul.”

Junki nodded. “Thank you.”

During that moment, Seulgi arrived and distributed tea. For a while the room was filled with peaceful silence. Wendy briefly went to the kitchen and returned with a plate of rice cakes which she settled on the table.

“My neighbours made these for us.” she told them. “They’re such sweet people.”

Joohyun tried one. It tasted good. “Which neighbours?”

“Sook-unnie and Jinkyung-unnie. They’re cousins and they live right across.”

“You mean that funny tall and short duo who kept watching us from behind their plants when we arrived?” Junki inquired.

Wendy laughed. “Yes. They can be a bit nosy but they’re nice.”

“I know you have such kind neighbours but I think you should tighten up the security in the house.” Joohyun suggested. “A simple push button lock doesn’t really provide safety.”

“Things were simple and safe in our small town so I didn’t really think of installing a high-security lock.” Seulgi said. “Guess I should have.” she shrugged.

“I’m sorry.” everyone turned to Wendy who was staring at her tea. “It’s my fault. I brought this…misfortune and disrupted your peace.”

“We already talked about this. It’s not your fault.” Joohyun was quick to reassure her.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Junki said, “It’s not your fault he’s crazy and he’s got good taste.” Both Minhyuk and Joohyun glared at him. “What? I’m just saying.”

She sighed and decided to soothe Wendy’s guilt instead. She put a comforting hand on her knee. “We’re going to get him and this town will be back to normal. I promise.”

Wendy gave her a grateful smile. She appreciated the comfort and being with Joohyun was comfortable. She felt relaxed around her as though they’ve known each other for years now and it was nice.

Soon, Minhyuk and Junki had to leave with a call from the monastery. Seulgi saw them out while Wendy volunteered to do the dishes and Joohyun offered to dry them.

“So.” Wendy broke the ice, passing a cup to Joohyun. “What’s the plan?”

Joohyun hummed thoughtfully. “First, I want to meet your neighbours and introduce myself as your lover. They’d spread the news for us. It’s a small place so it should be quick.” she put the cup aside. “After that, we’ll just go with your schedule. Do you have anything you need to do?” 

“I’m on vacation so I’m quite free. But I do buy groceries every Sundays and I run every morning.” she told her about her route.

“You enter the woods alone?” the frown on Joohyun’s face suggested she didn’t think what she did was smart.

“The view is amazing and like Seulgi said, Pyeonghae’s a peaceful town. Or at least it used to. Besides, the neighbourhood boys accompany me.” Wendy defended herself but the frown on the other’s face just went deeper.

’The neighbourhood boys’?” Joohyun demanded.

Wendy waved a dismissive hand. “They’re just a bunch of high school kids. They’re nice.” she quickly switched topics, “And we’re having a spring party at the end of the month. It’s just two weeks away now.”

Joohyun already heard about the spring party. Apparently, everyone in town would come over to Mujigae to join in. That would mean throngs of people and crowds are never a good thing in their situation. It could be dangerous. The madman could easily blend himself in.

“Do you have to go?”

“Of course.”

“Do you really have to go?”

“Yes. I already promised everyone that I will. And I also told them I’d bake cakes so I’d have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I didn’t buy everything last Sunday because of Minhyuk-oppa’s call.”

Joohyun finished drying the last dish. She then grabbed Wendy’s hand and brought her to the dining room. “Come. I think it’s time we sit and talk.”

They sat across each other in the dining table. Joohyun took out a notepad and a pen and began to ask questions. Wendy cooperated and tried to answer everything. In the middle of the interrogation, Seulgi arrived and Joohyun told her to sit beside Wendy and started questioning her too. By the time they were done, it was already noon.

“So you’ve been staying here for three months since December and this Choi Taejoon guy arrived in town soon after you.” Joohyun encircled the name on her pad. “A land developer employee who wants to tear down the woods to build housings.”

“Which is completely unnecessary since nobody needs them anyway.” Wendy quipped. It was apparent she felt strongly about this subject.

“Right. And you told him that which made him furious enough to spread fake gossip about you and him dating and marrying next month.” Joohyun tilted her head. It didn’t quite add up. She scribbled a note beside the man’s name. “And what do the local police think about it?”

Wendy rolled her eyes. “We told you. Kim Wonhae’s a jerk.”

Joohyun looked at Seulgi for further explanation. “He’s a jerk.” The younger girl agreed.

Joohyun sighed, exasperated. “Okay, I get that part but what does he think about it?”

“He supports it. He’s friends with that chap, that’s why.” Seulgi explained. “We don’t know when exactly they started to get chummy but they’re suddenly best friends.”

Joohyun wrote it down on her note. “His son’s a delinquent, didn’t you mention that?”

“Yes. He’s notorious. He’s like a rabid dog without a leash. He and his gang are the only danger to the town before…you know, all this.” Seulgi shot a wary glance at Wendy.

“Just how terrible is he?”

“You’ll know when you meet him.”

Joohyun nodded and closed her notepad after writing some more. She looked up at Wendy. “Do you mind showing me your room?”

Wendy stood. “Of course.”

Joohyun followed her up to the staircase. The second floor of the guesthouse was still the same. A common area was located in the middle with four doors to four bedrooms were on the walls around it. Seulgi and Wendy did a fine job keeping the place clean. Everything was organized and there wasn’t a speck of dust Joohyun noticed since she arrived.

Wendy led her to the door at the right corner behind the sofa. “This is me. And that’s Seulgi’s room.” she pointed at the door to the left.

Joohyun nodded to show that she knows and took her time in meticulously examining the surroundings for possible hidden cameras. She checked the bookshelves, the books, and every screw. With today’s advanced technology, there could be a camera anywhere and no one would notice.

“Do you think he’s watching us here too?”

Joohyun squatted to check the lower shelves. “Better safe than sorry.”

She had just finished inspecting the books when the doorbell rang. Downstairs, Seulgi yelled. “I’ll get it!”

“Check who it is first before opening!” Joohyun reminded. “If it’s anyone suspicious, tell me!”

As Seulgi rushed to the door, the bell rang again. Their guest was quite impatient. She peeked through the peephole and saw a woman wearing sunglasses standing right outside. Seulgi decided to open the door and ask the fine lady if she needed anything. After all, their suspect was a man and this one definitely was not. No man can be as voluptuous and pretty as this.

“Hi. How can I help you?” Seulgi greeted with an amiable smile as soon as she opened the door.

The woman peeked from underneath her sunglasses and regarded her with a cold stare that eyed her from top to bottom. She was tall with gorgeous dark locks and pretty red lips. Behind her, a gleaming black sedan was parked. Seulgi kept her smile intact despite the rude scrutiny. Perhaps she’s a traveller who wants to rent a room.

“Are you passing by the area or are you going to stay?” she asked.

The shift in the woman’s expression was subtle. “Pardon?”

“I meant if you want a room for a day or for long term?”

The woman thought about it for a while. “That depends.” she finally answered. The colour of her voice had a sweet and fresh quality to it, though monotonous and cold. It was like frozen persimmons. “Is there a Wendy Son in here?”

Seulgi hesitated. What if she’s a dangerous person? What if she’s the madman’s accomplice? Wendy could be in danger. She shouldn’t have opened the door.

“…why?” she opted instead, already ready to close the door.

Instead of answering, the woman took a card from her double-ed coat and handed it to her. Seulgi accepted it and her eyes bulged as soon as she read the elegant script.


Havana Hotel Group

P A R K  S O O Y O U N G
Assistant Director







They were just about to enter Wendy’s bedroom when Seulgi scrambled up the steps, a mixture of astonishment, horror, and delight written on her smiling face as she sputtered out Wendy’s name. “Seungwan! Seungwan! Seungwan!”

“What’s wrong?” Joohyun asked, worried. Maybe she should have answered the door instead. That was wrong of her to let Seulgi open it. “Who was that?”

Seulgi paused at the landing to catch her breath, bright eyes shifting from Joohyun to Wendy. The two women exchanged curious looks.

“Park Sooyoung.” Seulgi breathed out. “She’s here.”

Joohyun watched Wendy’s reaction intently. She had, after all, named Park Sooyoung as someone who would want to kill her. Wendy looked like she’d been bombed one second then seemed to have accepted her horrible fate the next. Her shoulders slumped in resignation and she heaved a long, drawn out sigh of defeat.

“Are you sure it’s her?” Joohyun asked Seulgi.

“Is she tall, condescending, and look like she could buy your soul and five more others?” Wendy asked, looking mildly troubled and a lot exasperated.


“Well, damn. That’s her, alright.” Wendy muttered under her breath. She sighed again.

“Should I shoo her away?” Joohyun suggested.

Wendy chuckled dryly. “I’m afraid she can’t be shooed away.” she looked at both Joohyun and Seulgi. “It’s time you meet my step-sister.”

They climbed down with Seulgi in the lead, Wendy right after her, and Joohyun guarding their backs. The woman was seated in the living room, her back to the stairs but just by seeing the top of her head, Wendy knew for certain that it was her.

“What are you doing here?” Wendy asked in exchange of a greeting as she walked around the couch, sitting on the single loveseat adjacent to it. Seulgi excused herself to water the plants while Joohyun settled on Wendy’s arm rest, arms crossed like a sentry.

Park Sooyoung still looked as y as she remembered; the same cold stare and haughty aura. She looked like she’d win in a catfight with no problem but cannot be bothered to lift a finger and exert effort at all.

Wendy treasured the girl though. She understood why she was the way she is and couldn’t blame her for it.

“Didn’t I tell you that I’d come charging into your little town and flip all the houses upside down in order to find you?” Sooyoung answered. She took out a manila envelope from her bag and slid it over to Wendy on the centre table. “I need your signature.”

Wendy made no move of touching the envelope. “You shouldn’t have come here. It’s dangerous.”

Sooyoung snorted without humour. “Right. Now, your signature please. Do you need a pen?”

Wendy sighed. “Go back to Seoul, Sooyoung-ah. Stay there and lock your doors. I’d give you my signature when I return next month.” she promised.

Apparently, Sooyoung expected her refusal and was ready to protest. “But that’s still next month! I can’t wait for that long! I need to triple my budget now!”

Wendy winced. Tripling her budget sounded painful. Their parents had specifically told her to try and talk her out of it. “Next month. I promise.” she tried to placate the younger woman.

Sooyoung wasn’t placated, nor was she anywhere close to happy with that answer. She stood up at once and snatched the envelope from the table. “You’re going to regret this.” she said before marching out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

Wendy sighed and reclined on her seat. Well, at least that was one problem taken care of. Hopefully, Sooyoung would go back to Seoul and never try to visit her in Pyeonghae again as the younger woman did have bratty, sulky tendencies. And hopefully, Wendy would stay alive through this whole ordeal and fulfil her promise of signing the papers next month.

A hand on her shoulder pulled her out of her reveries. “I’ve sent a message and told our men ensure her safety and her discreetly back to Seoul.” 

Wendy smiled gratefully. “Thank you, unnie.”

Joohyun shrugged. “Why did you think Park Sooyoung would want to kill you?”

“Haven’t you seen it first hand? The girl hates my guts.” she chuckled dryly. She took a deep breath. “Sooyoung…is someone I’d forever be sorry to.”


Wendy looked down at her hands and studied her nails. “I ruined her life. She’s an only daughter, you see. And then her parents went and adopted me. My presence threatens her. And I feel sorry that I can’t do anything about it.”

Joohyun understood. Wendy was basically everything a parent could ask for; smart, kind, caring, obedient, and polite. Having a step-sibling as excellent as she was must’ve been suffocating for Sooyoung. She must’ve wanted to prove herself too but with her seemingly perfect sister, it was difficult.

“You’re making her work harder and I don’t think that’s a bad thing.” she said. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Not every wrong in this world is your fault.”

Wendy looked at her. “You think so?”

Joohyun stared back. “I know so.”

They stared at each other for a good long while and just as Wendy was about to get lost and be pulled into those gorgeous dark eyes, Joohyun’s phone rang, interrupting them. The older woman excused herself and stood, walked a few steps away before answering the call.

Wendy used the time to ease her racing heart. No, Joohyun’s only supposed to be pretty. Drop dead gorgeous, but just up to that. However, the detective’s proving to be so much more. She’s caring, understanding, and warm. Wendy found it a little too nice. Hell, the woman was already physically appealing, what was she supposed to do if her heart’s just as beautiful too?

She closed her eyes and gave herself a mental berating. Joohyun was a detective who only stuck by her side to prioritize her safety. She’s Minhyuk’s friend who sees her only as the man’s younger sister figure, which was why she cared so much about her. She was probably straight. Hell, she might actually have a boyfriend or worse, a husband waiting at home. When the madman is caught and everything’s back to normal, Joohyun would be returning to Daegu with her husband or whatever and Wendy would go back to Seoul. They would part ways. Eventually.

So no, developing a crush on the woman definitely wasn’t a wise move.


Wendy’s eyes fluttered open. Joohyun had ended her call and was now standing right in front of her with a grim expression on her face. Every thought regarding ridiculous feelings flew out of the window.


“They found the body.”







Park Sooyoung stormed out of the guesthouse feeling like absolute . She was in the middle of uttering every known curse word ever in her mind when she stepped out of the porch and looked up only to have her irritation forgotten.

That odd, smiley woman was there in the front yard, making the simple task of watering the plants look like a scene straight out of a TV commercial. The sunlight seemed to shine down on her, the mist from the garden hose creating a faint rainbow over her head. The woman’s lips cradled a small smile, eyes holding a soft gaze, and mouth carrying out a sweet tune. The flowers seemed to gravitate towards her but in the midst of it, she was still the most vibrant of them all.

Sooyoung disliked her already.

She was still quite unsure what to make of her when she answered the door with that huge smile but now she was sure she disliked her.

She walked briskly, hoping she won’t notice and try to strike a conversation or anything.

“Park Sooyoung-ssi?”

Ugh. Sooyoung stopped in her tracks and begrudgingly turned. “Yes?”

The woman turned off and put down the hose and approached her. “You’re leaving already?”


“I see.”

Sooyoung turned to leave.

“Wait! Actually, if you don’t mind, can you lend me a hand?”

Sooyoung looked at her, not bothering to hide the irritation from her face but the woman didn’t seem at all disturbed. Her wide smile remained intact and brighter than the sun.

“I’m washing bed sheets.” The woman pointed to the large basin near the porch. “It’s too big to deal with alone so I thought maybe you could help?”

She stared at the basin. Foot laundry would mean that her feet would get all crinkly and wet and gross and it would feel all soapy and slippery between her toes and she’d have to roll her pants up which is a complete hassle. She’s busy and she has a meeting to catch this afternoon. Besides, asking a guest to help wash bed sheets was completely random and out of place. She could easily ask Wendy for a hand or that other woman whoever she is.

Sooyoung looked back at the woman, about to decline when she caught those pleading eyes.


What the hell.

“Great!” those eyes turned into crescents as lips stretched to a wide grin and before she knew it, she was dragged into the tub getting her feet all wet and gross and in the process of being crinkly and she had absolutely no idea what she was doing there, standing in the middle of damned bubbles.

She stomped half-heartedly. Okay, just for five minutes. She could spare this…this preposterousness five minutes.

“I’m Kang Seulgi.” the woman said out of the blue, making Sooyoung look up. They were standing close enough for her to see herself reflected in brown eyes. “I was in the orphanage with Seungwan.”

“Yes, well, you already know me.”

“Yep. Park Sooyoung. You’re Seungwan’s step-sister.” Seulgi said. “She mentioned you a lot.”

Sooyoung raised her brows in inquiry.

“She talked about her hard working younger sister quite frequently.”

The taller of the two scoffed but said nothing, looking down at their submerged feet instead.

They lapsed into silence and Sooyoung took a glance at her watch. Okay, only three minutes left. She’d be long gone the moment those three minutes are over. Why the hell did she agree to this again?

“I actually asked you to help me just because I wanted to talk to you but didn’t know how to make you stay.” Seulgi admitted bashfully. Two minutes and thirty seconds.

“You could’ve told me like a normal person would.” Sooyoung deadpanned.

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t sure you’d agree.”

“How could you be so sure I’d say yes to helping you with your laundry?”

“But you did, didn’t you?” Seulgi tilted her head to the side. “And something about that makes me think you’re a genuinely kind and helpful person.” she decorated the compliment with a smile.

Sooyoung scoffed and looked away. It was the first time in her life someone had called her kind or anything similar. She was a tyrant. The boss her employees was scared of. She walked over anyone, grabbed on to anything, sharp or dull, just to get her success. She wasn’t anywhere near kind.

“You’re jumping into conclusions.”

Seulgi shrugged. “I stand by my opinion.” One minute.

“Think whatever you want.” she grumbled.

“I wanted to get to know the person Seungwan grew up with.” Seulgi explained. “She’s like a sister to me so I’ve always been curious about you and I’ve always wanted to meet you.”

The minute was up and Sooyoung got out of the tub and stepped straight into her heels, disregarding the fact that it felt gross. She needed to get out of there fast. She was starting to get weirded out.

“Sooyoung-ssi,” she was halfway near her car when Seulgi called her name. She didn’t bother stopping this time and stepped down to the pavement. “Will I be seeing you again?”

The rhythmic clacking of heels against the asphalt came to a halt. Sooyoung turned and met Seulgi’s gaze.

“How much do you charge for a long term stay?”







Joohyun and Wendy grabbed a quick lunch at the nearest diner and immediately drove over to the monastery right after receiving the news. They had agreed to meet with Junki for more information. Wendy was shaken to the core and so Joohyun was forced to drive, though it was apparent that it was against the woman’s will.

The detective went to Pyeonghae from Daegu by riding a taxi. Wendy surmised she wasn’t fond of driving. She didn’t know why though and she didn’t have much time to bother. She was too occupied with worrying and being afraid.

She leaned her head against the window and stared outside, biting her nails. A victim was found. The screaming woman. It hadn’t been a record or whatever. The tormented screams that went through the receiver had been real. It had come out straight from the poor woman’s mouth. The guilt intensified. A life was taken and she was partly responsible. Oh dear god…

When they arrived, they found Junki playing his priest role, helping out with the decorations for the spring party with Minhyuk. Most of the volunteers were unsurprisingly women and they were all starry eyed over the new handsome “priest”. The detective was obviously enjoying the attention and being familiar with his flirty disposition, Wendy worried his cover might be blown.

Suddenly, Joohyun grabbed hold of her hand and interlaced their fingers as they neared the quadrangle. Wendy looked at her questioningly.

“We’re lovers, remember?” Joohyun whispered through gritted teeth, moving closer. “Hurry and act as though you’re head over heels in love with me.”

“Being head over heels is a little too much though.” Wendy whispered back.

“Just do it.”

“You’re supposed to cooperate for this to work.”

“I’m holding your hand, aren’t I?”

They quit bickering when they reached the crowd. Some people curiously looked at them and Wendy let out a giggle, coyly hitting Joohyun’s arm as though the latter had just cracked a hilarious joke.

“Father Lee.” Joohyun demanded for the attention of the man who was currently hanging fairy lights on the wall.

“Oh. You’re here.” Junki hopped off the stool and smiled at the ladies gathered around him. “Why don’t you guys go and check the sound system if it works?” they happily complied, rushing to the technical area.

The look on Junki’s face turned serious when he looked at them and Wendy just realized how sharp the detective actually looked. His gaze seemed like it could cut through walls. Apparently, Minhyuk had convinced him into wearing ‘decent’ clothes. Today, the he only had one button popped, usually wild hair tamed.

“Let’s talk inside.”

“The salon?” Joohyun suggested.

Junki nodded in agreement.

They went to the chapel’s holding room and settled on their usual seats. Junki handed a folder to Joohyun. Wendy tried to take a peek but the woman wouldn’t let her.

“Those are pictures of the crime scene.” Junki told her. “You wouldn’t want to see.”

Wendy instantly behaved. Just imagining how it might look like already made her feel like throwing up.

“What are the details?” Joohyun asked as she leafed through the pages with a serious frown.

“The victim is Jang Youngjin, 25 years old.” Junki filled her in. “She’s a receptionist of Rosewood Resort in Daegu.”

Both detectives glanced at Wendy. The woman looked frozen with shock.

“Rosewood Resort…isn’t that under the Havana Hotel Group?” Joohyun asked. Wendy slowly nodded. Joohyun pursed her lips and turned to Junki. “We’ll talk about this next time. Seungwan, I think we should go.”

The younger woman shook her head. “No. I’m fine. Don’t mind me.”

Joohyun argued with her eyes. Wendy shook her head. Sighing, the detective turned to her colleague. “Please continue.”

Junki gave both of them a look before complying. “Apparently, she was on the way to Gachang town when her car broke down in the middle of the road. It’s a secluded area. A shortcut but not many vehicles take that way because of the rumours of it being haunted. And that’s when he came. He probably pretended to help her and then tied her up, judging from the chaffed skin around her wrists.”

Joohyun laced her fingers. “One thing about this man is he must be quite a charmer. He doesn’t call himself a seducer for nothing. How do you know Jang Youngjin’s murderer is our stalker?”

“He left a signature.” Junki reached inside his coat and slid a piece of paper across the table. It was a photocopy of a note. Joohyun quickly picked it up and didn’t let Wendy read it.

Hide well. You might be next.
- Seducer

It was printed, just like the first note Joohyun received in the police station. She sighed and run her fingers through her hair, putting the paper on the table face down. She picked up the folder and looked through its contents again. The poor woman could barely be recognized. Her body was badly mutilated, limbs chopped off and put into a Ziploc bag like a pig. She closed the folder and put it down.

“Her time of death corresponds to our suspect’s phone call to President Son here.” Junki said. “The location is a match, too.”

“He did that on broad daylight?” Wendy asked, astounded.

“He did that on broad daylight.” he confirmed.

“Cause of death?” Joohyun asked.

“Blood loss.” Junki answered. “Detective Heo is currently investigating the case. He’ll write up a report soon and I’ll tell him to send you a copy. The specifics should be there.” he said, casting a meaningful glance at Wendy.

Joohyun nodded. As much as she wanted to know, she didn’t want the woman to hear the gruesome details either. She’s under enough stress as it is. She gathered the papers and stood.

“I’ll take these with me.” she told Junki and turned to Wendy. “He has made his first move. It’s high time we retaliate.”







Ding dong.

Wendy and Joohyun waited by the door, carrying a box of cake. Turns out, Joohyun’s idea of retaliation was giving her neighbours a visit and dessert. She grabbed Joohyun’s hand and tugged, telling her to move closer.

“Hurry and act as though you’re head over heels in love with me.” she whispered the reminder into her ear.

Joohyun looked at her. “What’s this? Why do I feel like I’m being mocked?”

Wendy stared back. “That’s because you are.”

The door opened then, revealing a tall, lanky, short-haired woman. Wendy broke into a smile. “Jinkyung-unnie!”

“Seungwan! What brings you here?”

“We were having a date in Cosmic Latte and I thought I should buy you a cake and pay a visit as thanks for the rice cakes you sent.” Wendy smoothly improvised. Joohyun was impressed at how natural she sounded.

“A date?” Jinkyung’s curiosity peaked. Her eyes flitted between the two women, suspicion slowly rising. “Oh, and who’s this lovely lady? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in town. No, I would’ve remembered seeing such a pretty face.”

Joohyun bowed. “I’m Bae Joohyun. Seungwan’s girlfriend.”

The woman couldn’t seem to process that information. She was blinking, like the lights of an overloading CPU. “She…you…so you mean, like, a friend who’s a girl, right?”

Wendy laughed. “Oh, no. Not at all.” she denied. “It means girlfriend, like, a lover.”

“Oh.” Jinkyung muttered, staring at their joined hands. She looked like she was about to faint. “I didn’t know you swung that way.”

“I swing where love is present.”

“Of course, of course.” Jinkyung shook her head. “Anyway, that’s good news! Bae Joohyun-ssi, you’re one lucky woman. Seungwan is such a nice kid!”

Joohyun smiled. She didn’t expect the woman to be so quickly accepting. “Yes, I am. And she’s amazing.” she cast a loving look to Wendy before turning to the woman again. “You can drop the formalities too, maam.”

“Then you can call me ‘unnie’ too.” Jinkyung stepped aside. “Come on in. Let’s share the cake.”

It wasn’t Wendy’s first time in their house. She liked the place. It was homey and well-furnished. The floor was made of polished hardwood, the walls painted beige, and the air smelled of flowers and home cooked meals. Jinkyung took the cake from her hand and put it on the dining table. They took a seat beside each other as the woman gave them plates and forks.

“Where’s Sook-unnie?” Wendy asked, noticing the absence of the other woman occupying the house.

“She’s at the market. I’m sure she’s waylaid by Miran-unnie. Those two could talk all day long.” Jinkyung answered as she cut the cake. After distributing slices, she sat adjacent to the couple. “So. Tell me. How did you two meet? How long have you been dating? Who confessed first?” she sure didn’t seem as shocked as she was now and is currently leaning forward, eager to hear their story.

“It was love at first sight.” Wendy dreamily said. She could feel Joohyun’s stare burning her cheek.

“Love at first sight?” Jinkyung enthusiastically prodded.

Wendy nodded. “Love at first sight.” she confirmed. “Actually, she’s Minhyuk-oppa’s high school classmate and we’ve known about each other since then. We’ve only met recently and I couldn’t help but fall for her.” she turned to meet Joohyun’s gaze and was briefly taken aback by the intensity in there. “She’s a beautiful woman inside and out and we clicked perfectly like soul mates. So when she asked me out, I didn’t hesitate to say yes.”

She looked at Jinkyung to see how she was taking it and was relieved to see her grinning wide from ear to ear and squealing like a high school girl.

“How cute! You two are totally a match made in heaven! You’re perfect for each other, yes, I could totally see it.” she gushed excitedly. “How about you, Joohyun? What made you ask her out?”

Wendy looked at her expectantly, anticipating what story she had in her sleeve.

“I actually went here because of a case regarding her.” Joohyun started.

Jinkyung’s smile faded into worry. “A case?”

Joohyun nodded. “I’m a detective from Daegu and Minhyuk called me because there’s a stalker who’s been bothering Seungwan for quite some time now.”

Jinkyung gasped and turned to Wendy. “Is this true?”

Wendy nodded. “Yes, it is.”

“No need to worry though. We have taken care of it and our experts are all in agreement that the man was just a blowhard out to get some kicks. You know the kind. He wants to scare people, to stir up things and cause trouble. He wants attention, that’s all. They figure he’s not real bright. He probably has a low IQ and is most likely impotent.”

Jinkyung blushed. “Impotent, you say?”

“Yes, maam. That’s what they figure he is.

“My, my. What a troublesome man.” Jinkyung shook her head. “Jang Doyeon would love to get this scoop for the weekly paper. Do you mind if I go and tell her about this? But of course, I can keep it a secret if I have to.”

“You may tell anyone you want to tell.” Joohyun assured her.

“Good. I’d want to let everyone know about this indecent criminal disrupting Pyeonghae’s peace.”

“Something good did come out of it though.” Joohyun said, smiling. “I finally got to meet Minhyuk’s little sister.”

The giddy smile was back on Jinkyung’s face. “And you were taken with her, weren’t you? Oh, of course you were. Seungwan’s gorgeous and is the kindest soul I have ever met.”

Joohyun gave Wendy an endearing look. “She is.” she agreed. “It was love at first sight for me, too. I didn’t believe at such things before until it happened to me.” she chuckled and shook her head. “And boy, was it difficult to get out of. It’s fortunate that she feels the same.”

“Aw, you girls are cuties. I’m envious. At this rate, Sook and I are just going to grow old together.” Jinkyung sighed. “We’re sick of each other, we are.”

“I’m sure you’ll find your romance soon enough, unnie.” Wendy comforted her.

“Yes, I hope I would.” the woman took a bite of the cake that was briefly forgotten. “I’m sure someone won’t be happy with the news of you dating though. Yes, yes, Choi Taejoon won’t approve. He’s already gone as far as spreading news of your marriage.”

Joohyun put a protective arm around Wendy’s shoulders. “That’s not going to happen.”

“Of course, of course, it’s not.” Jinkyung rushed out. “I’m just saying he’d be unhappy. He’s infatuated—no, he’s obsessed. Seungwan’s one of the prettiest girls here in Pyeonghae so he’s got to have her. He thinks having the best of everything will make him the best man in town. If you ask me, Choi Taejoon’s nothing but a big old rooster, strutting around. He thinks he can take anything he wants, including your Seungwan.”

“Then he’s in for a surprise.”

“You must’ve noticed I’m not quite fond of the man.”

Joohyun laughed. “I noticed.”

“Other than a few counted people, everyone else likes him just fine.” Jinkyung said. “We know why too. Mr. Choi donates money to all the local charities and that makes people appreciative. He isn’t a bad-looking fellow either. But I’m not so easily impressed.” she scowled disdainfully. “I don’t care for showy people and Mr. Choi throws money around like grass seed. Why, he’s currently building his mansion just around the block. But at least I get to meet fine men like Kim Minjoon-ssi. Oh, he’s dreamy.”

“Kim Minjoon?”

“Yes. He’s one of the construction workers hired to build Choi Taejoon’s house. He’s a handsome man and a total gentleman too.” Jinkyung gushed. “He lends a hand over here at the house whenever we need help. He fixed a troublesome leak in the roof one time. Anyway, about your relationship. Do you want me to keep quiet about it? If so, I’d gladly respect your decisions.”

“You’re free to talk about it.” Wendy told her. “After all, Joohyun-unnie and I are going to be staying here in Pyeonghae for a longer while. Having people giving us curious looks would be uncomfortable. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

The endearment wasn’t planned. It just slipped out and she was more surprised than Joohyun appeared to be. And the latter definitely noticed.

“Yes, darling. I think that would be nice.”

Wendy could feel her ears burning and had to step on Joohyun’s foot under the table to stop the detective from laughing.

Jinkyung’s cousin soon arrived and the couple were persuaded to stay until dinner. The four of them joined hands to cook and Joohyun decided that she liked these ladies. Though a bit inquisitive, they were kind-hearted, warm people.

She knew they were supposed to act like couples but Wendy still caught her aback a few times. Like how the woman suddenly swooped in from nowhere and helped her tie her apron and how she lets Joohyun have a taste of the stew she’s cooking, smiling vibrantly when Joohyun says it’s good. It was all so natural that Joohyun couldn’t help but feel flustered at first then comfortable the next, like it was all normal and Joohyun just found herself reciprocating the deeds – actions she’s never done before.

“So, Joohyun. You’re a detective?” Sook asked. They were on the dining table, having their dinner over conversations. “What exactly is it that you do?”

Joohyun put down her chopsticks. “I’m on the Violent Crimes Department so we focus on investigating such cases.”

“Like murder?” Jinkyung inquired.

Joohyun nodded. “Like murder. And homicide, assault, , robbery, kidnapping, extortion, harassment, and more.”

“Then you must be quite busy. Those crimes are reported almost every time I watch the news.” Sook said. “How come you’re still staying here?”

“I’m on vacation. Our team captain gave me a three month leave since we just finished a major operation and put a big criminal behind the bars.”

“Can you tell us what operation it was?”

“The Jang Youngjae case.”

The cousins gasped aloud and even Wendy turned to look at her in astonishment. She couldn’t blame them. Jang Youngjae was a big name associated with drugs, kidnapping, and . He was on the news every other night.

“Yes, I think I saw in the news recently that he’s been caught.” Jinkyung said. “It’s a relief. We need more policemen like you.”

Joohyun shook her head. “No, no, it wasn’t me alone. Our team worked with the Narcotics Department. I simply did my part and they did theirs.”

“Your job is dangerous, dear.” Sook said. “Are you okay with this, Seungwan?”

Wendy was still looking at Joohyun. “I admit I do get worried but I have faith in her abilities that she’d do her job well and she can only perform excellently if she comes out alive.”

Sook then turned to Joohyun. “What are your plans for your relationship?”

Joohyun held Wendy’s hand rested on the table. “I plan on marrying her.”

The two ladies quickly squealed among themselves because of her answer. Wendy leaned closer during their moment of distraction and muttered through her grin. “I didn’t know we were getting married.”

“I had no idea either. Just go along with it.”

When they got over themselves, Jinkyung winked at Wendy. “You got yourself a keeper. Don’t let this one go, honey.”

“I won’t.”

Dinner soon came to an end and they thanked their hosts once more before retiring back to The Red. Wendy was more exhausted than she expected to be. She plopped down on the sofa right away while Joohyun went around making sure no one was hiding somewhere.

“Where’s Seulgi?” Joohyun inquired as she sat down next to her.

Wendy checked her watch. “She should be on her way home right now. She told me she’s going to attend a bible study.” she said. “She’ll be safe, right?”

“We got men watching her. She’ll be safe.” Joohyun assured. She picked up a newspaper from the centre table. It was dated two weeks ago. She flipped through the pages while Wendy made her calls and checked her emails.

Wendy instructed her secretary to email the reports and proposals she needed to check and approve. The man offered to mail the papers she needed to go over as well and Wendy agreed. She had nothing to do anyway and she’s not going anywhere until the creep was caught. Might as well get some work done.

“Oh, hey, you’re in here.” Joohyun suddenly said, showing her a page from the newspaper. “Would you look at that. You and Park Sooyoung actually look like loving siblings.” she pointed at the printed picture of the two women smiling at each other.

“It’s one of those rare shots.” Wendy dryly replied.

“Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“This. Our fake relationship. Are you okay with it?” Joohyun asked. She put down the newspaper and turned to Wendy, leaning against the backrest of the couch. “Our country’s not the most open-minded when it comes to same- relationships.”

Wendy slowly put her phone down and leaned back. “I know.”

“Are you okay?” Joohyun prodded again. “It’s going to take a hit on your reputation and I’m worried this might be making you uncomfortable.”

“It’s okay. I don’t mind as long as we catch the criminal and put him behind bars.”

Joohyun was still staring at her, unconvinced. Wendy decided to come out clean. She shifted on the couch and mirrored Joohyun’s position. Looking into her eyes, she declared. “I’m gay, unnie.”

Wendy expected her to be surprised. Maybe even revolted. But Joohyun sat still, “You are, huh?”

Wendy blinked, confused. “Yeah. Why are you smiling weirdly like that?”

“Nothing. Just that it’s convenient because I am too.”

Seulgi arrived at that moment and both were distracted away from their conversation that was rapidly getting tense. Wendy resumed with her calls rather absentmindedly. The detective just went and dropped that bomb but continued to look indifferent? What was that supposed to mean? And why the hell was it convenient?

After replying to her emails, Wendy decided to call it a day, pushing confusion and emotions to the back of her mind. There's a nutcase on loose and the last thing she should think of is romance. Joohyun checked and rechecked the locks and the windows once more, making a mental note to call one of the guys to fix up a bolt or maybe an electric lock, before following Wendy upstairs.

She found the woman standing frozen in the doorway of her bedroom, door open and lights on.

“Hey. What’s wrong?”

Wendy didn’t reply. She continued to gape and Joohyun finally turned to see what she was so shocked about.


The room was in complete mess. It was like a hurricane made a visit and turned everything upside down. Furniture was turned over, papers scattered everywhere, clothes spilling out of drawers and closets, the bed sheets, pillows, and mattress torn to shreds.

It was a disaster but one thing was for sure.

Someone’s been in her room.

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Chapter 3: Well....... ! I love this story, it's so much more than what I expected! It's so sad that it's abandoned.... Authornim I hope you're alright.
Chapter 3: Well....... ! I love this story, it's so much more than what I expected! It's so sad that it's abandoned.... Authornim I hope you're alright.
Xtrawannie #3
Chapter 3: Awawawawawawaww
Favebolous #4
Chapter 1:
Chapter 3: Your story is definitely intriguing and I'm really excited (and anxious) to see how it will develop from now on. For now... I'm putting my money on Kim Minjoon as Wendy's stalker. He's new in town, he's charming (fits the 'seducer' moniker) and he's hovering around Wendy's neighbours, which means he has access to her surroundings.

Mystery aside, the romance in this story is strangely intense and fades away in between the three chapters, almost a game of pushing and pulling between Joohyun and Seungwan but also us the readers. I love WenRene dynamic since their first meeting and how you put your own twists in the common tropes of 'and then there's only one bed' and fake dating.

All in all, if I can give upvotes over and over again, I would gladly do so! I'm looking forward to your future updates :D
Lockedup27 #6
I really like your story :D
Chapter 3: I am absolutely in love with this story! Superb! I've always loved these kinds of settings although it is kind of creepy for me to read this at 1 am and can't help but can't help shiver as I read how terrifying it is for someone to be obsessed with you and feeling that while reading this is amazing; to have a connection with the characters and the story. :)

ALTHOUGH, I did check the locks twice now because of this LOL

Keep up the good work author! I look forward to the future :)
I really love this story!!! It is so well written and really interesting to read!!! Please update soon <3
Chodinglainee #9
Chapter 3: this is so well written and joygi happening? woah.
KellyO #10
Chapter 3: Thank you for the lovely update! Every chapter has me grinning at the two of them yet nervous about the stalker at the same time. I'm excited to see how Sooyoung's presence could affect things. It's one more person for the stalker to potentially target and it makes me afraid for her safety, but I'm really interested to see more of her interactions with Seungwan. Will they be letting her in on the threat Seungwan is facing? And of course, I'm really looking forward to more fake-dating shenanigans from Seungwan and Joohyun.