
Free Flowing

It had been 8 years since Sehun and Jongin first met in a strange twist of fate in which Sehun saved Jongin's life. That child that Sehun carried in his belly at that time was now 7 years old and the oldest of 4 siblings with Sehun pregnant for the fifth time. 


Sehun was 6 months pregnant and was extremely bloated. He was currently resting his feet in the water when Taemin, their eldest came barreling towards them. What the fairy leader said was true, Taemin looked more like Jongin than anything, the only physical asset he got from his nymph father was his pale skin and otherworldly aura. 


Taemin was Sehun's pride and joy for he looked just like the love of his life and was the proof of Sehun's reinvigoration of nymph life. 


When Taemin full on body slammed Sehun, who thankfully was sitting down with his arms over so no harm came to him and his arms wrapped protectively around his belly, shielding his unborn child from the force with which Taemin hit him he asked, "And what are you running from young man? You have to be careful."


His answer came soon after in the form of two little boys, both born in the same year but were not twins, thanks to Jongin's insatiable love appetite for Sehun. Sehun thought they looked alike but Jongin loved to argue that, saying they looked different.


Johnny and Jeonghan came running after their brother but seemed to have more control of their bodies since they stopped before they could hurt their father. 


"Papa, Daddy, Tae was teasing us and calling us ugly." Johnny complained. Johnny was 5 and had black hair and fair skin, a mixture of Sehun and Jongin while Jeonghan who was not yet 5, had fair skin and moonwhite hair, which Sehun liked to let grow.


Although Johnny and Jeonghan did not really look like either of their parents, it's a wonder how they were related to Sehun and Jongin at all, except the way jeonghan smiled, it was similar to Sehun's smile.


"Tae baby, is your papa ugly? Am I ugly?" Jongin sternly questioned Taemin who slowly shook his head no. "Well then, how could Johnny and Jeonghan be ugly. We're their parents so that means if you think they're ugly, we are too." 


Taemin looked scandalized. "No, daddy's so handsome and papa is the most beautiful person ever. I'm sorry Johnny, I'm sorry Jeonghan." He apologized. 


"Good Taemin, and you're exactly right, papa is the most beautiful person ever... Right after me." Jongin laughed like he made the funniest joke ever. 


Sehun looked deeply unimpressed. "If you didn't find me attractive, I wouldn't be in this situation." Sehun glanced down at his rounded belly and then pointedly looked at each of his children, even going so far as to actually point at the sleeping baby in Jongin's arms, Jisung who seemed to resemble Sehun the most in a strange way. "So don't try that with me." He ended. 


Sehun slowly pushed himself up from the ground into a standing position which was provong to be quite difficult with the size of his belly but made it anyway. He walked over to the small house that Jongin had built out of whatever materials he could find and was solidified and held structurally sound by Sehun's hard water, as he called it. 


Ice is cold, this was just hard water. He walked into their cozy home and began to prepare food. Jongin had brought back meat from hunting in the forest, which they still resided. Once a month they would visit Hilda and Jongin's old village just to see everyone but they had no plans of ever leaving the western forest.


The creatures loved and worshipped them and had become their family. The fairies often came to play with their children and so did the grass children who resembled humans in size and stature but carried the ability to make plants and flowers spring to life wherever they wished. Their was even a young boy amongst the grass children who was smitten by Taemin, much to Jongin's displeasure. His name was Minho and his was a sweet young boy. 


Sehun grabbed the felled deer meat and took it outside where he started a fire to slow roast the deer. He left that to cook and went out to find his children. It was their favourite time of the day, bath time. He left Jisung with Jongin so that the babe could sleep some more. 


He called them all to join him in the river located in a clearing in the grass. It was where Jongin and Sehun had first made love and where Taemin came into existence. It was a common occurrence for Jongin and Sehun to splash around in the water. 


Sehun stripped the children of their clothes and watched them play on the water. They all had developed decent control of it. Taemin began splashing his brothers with powerful and direct hits of water and Johnny put up a wall to block any incoming attacks while staring mesmerized at Jeonghan who had made water dolphins swim around them. 


Taemin stopped his assault to come next to them and see what was so interesting. He also enjoyed this water show as the Dolphins dove in and came out of the water in smooth glides, Jeonghan's brow furrowing and mouth pulled down in a concentrated pout. 


Sehun thought it was so adorable. He created small sea horses and had them join the Dolphins. Sehun then raised the water and made it swirl and twirl around his children the way a ribbon would. It looped around Taemin then fell into the river without making a splash. He then commanded a dragon head to poke out just next to Johnny who shrieked and then giggled, petting the Dragon's head. The water dragon opened his mouth and Sehun made a little forked tongue come poking out at them. He then allowed the water to break apart and fall back into the river. 


For Jeonghan he caused the water to form small droplets and shoot out of the water one by one, like shooting stars. Each one fell into the river with a small splash that hit them in their faces. 


Soon the children began to prune and Sehun told them to get out of the water. He handed them their clothes, which he took out before he called them and helped them all to dress before taking them back to the house and dousing the fire for the now cooked meat. 


The fairies appeared near the house and Sehun asked them to keep an eye on his children while he bathed. Jisung now sleeping peacefully on his soft pallet. He grabbed hold of Jongin by the front of his tunic and pulled him towards the river. 


Jongin wordlessly followed the pregnant male with a knowing smile etched onto his face. They dipped into the water after having stripped and held onto each other. Sehun rested his head on Jongin's chest and sighed in content. 


He could stay like this forever. 


Jongin didn't let that happen as he showed his husband just how beautiful he is and quite possibly made a little friend to join the child already tucked safely in Sehun's womb. 



After Jongin and Sehun bathed, then bathed again after things got dirty, they finally came out of the water and dressed. Sehun was shivering because it was starting to get late and the temperature had dropped, he has spent too long in the water. 


Jongin quickly lifted Sehun into a bridal carry and held him close to share his body warmth. Sehun snuggled into Jongin's chest and allowed himself to be coddled. 


They made their way back to the cottage like that. While they walked in they heard the excited shrieks of their four beautiful children, it seemed like Jisung had awoken and was making grabby hands for Sehun, "Papa" he babbled with a wide grin on his chubby face.


"Daddy's lifting papa! Daddy is so strong because papa is so fat right now." Johnny exclaimed. Jeonghan and Taemin giggled while Jisung tried to run towards them, falling every so often but not getting hurt. The poor baby had e a few months ago and had been walking for some time, but lately he kept trying to run everywhere. 


It was hilarious for Jongin and Sehun to see, him running while twisting his body and fat little . 


"Aw, come here my sweet little baby." Sehun cooed while Jongin gently let him down. Sehun walked over to Jisung and picked him up, hugging him close to his body and smothering his face in kisses. Jongin went to collect the cooked deer meat and break it into portions, putting it for the children to eat. Sehun and Jisung joined them.


After eating, Sehun herded the kids into their section of the cottage. Taemin had a space to himself. Sehun and Jongin tucked him in, each of them giving him a kiss. Then they went to the space for the two trouble makers, who refused to part from each other and tucked them in, kissing them both. 


Finally, they went to their quarters of the cottage, far enough from the other children to get some peace and quiet but close enough to be there if anything happened to them in the middle of the night. Sehun was carrying baby Jisung on his hip who was wide awake thanks to his earlier nap. 


Sehun settled himself onto his and Jongin's pallet. He sat up and began to unlace his tunic while Jisung crawled around his body. As he pulled the tunic off his torso, Jisung crawled up to him and looked at him expectantly. 


Although Jisung had been eating foods for a while now, he still led from Sehun for comfort and to sleep. 


As Sehun fed Jisung and lulled him to sleep, Jongin was taking off his clothes so that he could sleep. Jongin joined Sehun in the bed and as Sehun eased Jisung off and laid him between them.


The two faced each other, arms coming to wrap around each other and creating a protective barricade between Jisung and their unborn child. 


Life was blossoming and their love had only become stronger with years, as if it was free flowing...

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I wrote this chapter for JasmineloveExoandBts who wanted this and was the person who inspired me to write in the first place.


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976 streak #1
Chapter 1: You know this feels like a folktale being told by a grandmother to her grandchildren. I love it.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Aish… because of JasmineloveEXOandBts I’ve become a Sekai. 🤣
Pshintani #3
Chapter 2: This was so cute!!! Thank you!!!
Oh my god! This was so so good, I died and came back, died and came back over and over again because of how adorable this was, baby jisung was too cute for my poor heart, taemin the big brother and the 'not twins'–trouble makers are so adorable and naughty for their own good, the bathing scene was perfect, I love Sehun and his sons interactions. How jongin took care of Sehun.
Sehun feeding jisung was my favorite scene, my wife is very busy today but am sure she'll read this when she's less busy, I told you before that anything with mpreg and bottom Sehun will be the death of me. I really appreciate it, thank you so so much for writing this– I can't believe its for me. You made my day dear. Thanks a lot. Really.
Chapter 2: This was a super fun read, seriously! The babies are adorable, and it's nice to see them have so many kiddos so that Sehun's kind can flourish :) I really hope you write more stories, this was so pure and simple, and you are such an amazing author :D

Definitely looking forward for more :)
Chapter 1: Aww this is sooo freaking precious!! I loved how wary and adorable Jongin is, and Sehun is so delightfully adventurous and kind!! He's a water nymph!! Awww!!

This is soo freaking awesome!!
Damn... This is starting off real good! I love how optimistic and sweet Sehun's approach to life is :)
Chapter 2: Aaaawwwweeee this is absolutely lovely I enjoyed it a lot and pregnant sehun amd his cute lil family with jongin is so sweet. I love the whole concept of the story its beautiful.
Chapter 1: The story reminded me of a time I went to Nigeria with my wife to see her grandmother. The way you described the villages and hut, it was lovely, Yasmin– jasmine– my wife, told me about this story and it was worth my time, I had to take a break from work to read it and I really enjoyed it, I like the part where the fairies told Sehun that he's pregnant and about his origin. It was wonderful.
Chapter 1: Oh my God, this is story was amazing, I love every part of it, especially when Sehun told jongin's story with his tears, and how they fell in love, and the part Sehun was limping because jongin's f****cked him hard. And the baby on its way. Oh my my my you made me happy and smile like an idiot. I wish this story was longer so we could see sekai babies. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. You're better than most authors,(myself included) no one will believe this was your first story. It was perfect. I knew you'd be amazing.