
Which Member of ZE:A are You Compatible With?

Perfect Match

Based on his and your personality traits, I have decided that these guys are your best compatible love match:






Nearly perfect

Aside from a few personality traits you might find unappealing, these guys are almost a perfect match, too!






Like-Minded Soul

Because he is also a Scorpio, this is the guy you have A LOT in common with. While some people would love to meet someone who shares the same view as themselves, others find it absolutely annoying! It’s really up to you to decide, so here is your like-minded soul:




Opposites Attraction

These are the guys who have very little in common with you. In fact, most of their personality traits are the exact opposite of yours. For example, you might be shy and quiet and he’s outgoing and talkative. Don’t let this discourage you, though, because as the saying goes: Sometimes opposites do attract!












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Cheesecake143 #1
Chapter 2: Minwoo perfect match and Dongjun nearly perfect Yeeeeeeeeeee (^o^)/
Chapter 4: I got all the famous ones!Wait, all of them are famous =,=" Muahahahahaha XD But Siwan, whyyyyyy T^T it's okay. Opposites do attracts *fist in the air*
Cytoplasm #3
Chapter 1: That moment when I match with all five of my biases :D
Chapter 12: The one with Kwanghee.. I actually expected him to be a heartbreaker, lol
Chapter 1: Hyungsik is my ultimate bias in ZE:A but were completely opposites, there's still hope, Well atleast i got Siwan as my perfect match, my second bias :3
Clypha #6
Chapter 10: Kwanghee! I had a dream about him once! Now I see why xD
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: I got both of my biases (Kwanghee and Hyungsik) as my 'opposite attractions' - which is good... I guess :/
teddiursas #8
Chapter 11: Bias: Kwanghee, Dongjun
Bias Wrecker: Siwan

Opposites Attraction: Kwanghee, Dongjun
Nearly Perfect: Siwan

Um okay
Chapter 10: Kwanghee!! His so damn hilarious! He never fails to make me laugh!
Chapter 4: My perfect matches are Hyungsik, Dongjun, and Kevin!
I'm perfectly happy with that. <3