We Finally Meet

Finding Our Gray World
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If it was anyone else, they would have smacked Donghae at the back of his head but Siwon could only pop his eyes open in indignation and shook his head as if giving up. You’d think the man being a doctor could at least practice basic workplace courtesy but nope; he gave his friend too much credit.


“Hae, you and Hyuk should really try to come in like normal people.” A low and husky but amused voice remarked behind the drawn peach colored curtains. After a couple of long strides, the two were already beside the concealed patient. “HAHAHA we should but we gotta let you know we’re here right?? Good afternoon hyungie~” the young doctor pushed the curtains aside and revealed to the silent coroner the man he was quite curious to meet.


Ruffled dark brown hair, oval-shaped face, high-bridged nose, small and pinkish lips with an equally pinkish complexion; Siwon had encountered so many androgynous men both—both dead and alive. By far, the man in front of him could by normal standards be considered pretty. He has a pair of almond shaped eyes and think stubbles around his mouth. Jonghoon was wearing a lilac colored satin pajama set and was blanketed by a tortoise printed comforter. His black orbs were directed at their direction but Siwon knew were unseeing. He felt a hint of disappointment, for what, he can’t seem to understand.


“I’m blind , not deaf. I can hear you pretty well outside ya’know.”


Pretty and foul-mouthed; Donghae’s tasted for friends sure are questionable. ‘Having me as one isn’t enough weird as it is.’ Two sets of chuckles snapped Siwon out of his reverie. “Monkey’s gonna come back later Hae-ah; so introduce your nice blind hyung to your friend and stop being rude.”


“Hyung you’re blind, not mute. Talk to him jeez.” Donghae huffed and pouted. Jonghoon hyung is such a diva. “Fine! Uhm hi! I’m Kim JongHoon the recently unseeing handsome guy and you are?” Yesung joked but offered a kind and encouraging smile to where he guessed the other figure stood. Siwon’s voice got suddenly stuck in his throat. He hates the attention but steels himself. “I’m Choi Siwon, a resident coroner. I came here with Donghae because I was asked to pass this to you.” He grabbed the basket from Donghae and held it up for Yesung to take.


The seated man cocked his head to the side and an awkward silence filled the room. “Masi pabo! Hyung it’s a fruit basket~ Want me to peel an orange for you?” Hae snatched the basket back and took a big orange from the bundle. “Jongjin did say he was gonna visit but I guess he’ll come some other time again.” Disappointed but not really surprised; Yesung can count on how many times his family visited him with both of his hands. Siwon, for the first time in his life, felt REALLY stupid. Why the heck would he expect a BLIND man to even know what THIS he was showing, let alone grab it?


“We bumped into each other but he said that his wife was calling him to come back quick because of an emergency. He asked me to deliver the basket to you and wrote your room number and name.” this was the longest Siwon spoke ever since he entered the room. He doesn’t like misunderstandings. “So Jongjin really came.” he said softly, Yesung gave a kind smile to the coroner; he might not be as cold as he thinks. Yesung sat up straight as an idea hit him. “Hae-ah, let me ‘see’ Choi-ssi!”


“AH good idea hyung! Let’s see how much you’ve improved~ hahaha! Masi-ah, can you please step closer to hyung?” Donghae patted his back and slightly pushed him towards the bed. He saw a pair of small hands reaching up to his face with Hae guiding them to the right direction. Siwon got the idea and bended enough for the inquisitive hands to reach him.


The blind man felt the warm exhale of breath on his fingertips, the stench of formaldehyde clung to the man’s coat and the coolness from the morgue never left his own clothing. Yesung thought he was only joking about being the coroner but at this short distance, the smell was uncanny. Emboldened by the man’s silent consent; he place his open palm on the other’s cheeks. It was cool to the touch.


Siwon in a breath and fought his initial instincts to swat the hands away. Warmth was spreading from the small hands on his cheeks. Yesung’s fingertips went on a quiet trek towards the wide forehead, thick brows and eyelashes; defined cheekbones and a strong pointed nose. He filed in every detail, picturing and painting the slowly forming image in his mind canvas; his fingers are tracing the line of Siwon’s philthrum and feeling the muscular jaw.  He was sure of one thing: Mr. Choi Siwon was handsome; maybe even more than what he pictured Donghae to look like. The younger man felt a small poke on the right side of his lips; right about where one of his deep dimples would show.


“So hyung, what do you think?” Siwon was jolted back to reality by Donghae’s booming voice. He was watching the whole thing while eating the peeled orange. He wanted to hand over the fruit to Jonghoon but he felt he might interrupt something private. ‘Hyukjae’s gonna piss himself when he hears about this.’ Siwon slowly straightens his back and unconsciously straightened his coat; brushing the barely there wrinkles on his lapels. Why did he feel like he got caught in doing something improper?


“Ehem, ah r-right. He’s okay~ better looking and better skin than you Hae-ah.” He directed his head towards Donghae’s voice and smirked. “BWEOH?!” Siwon’s felt really fidgety; he’s not used to the physical contact, attention and compliment. No one would dare say anything nice to him to his face; being the black omen of death does that to you. He felt nervous and anxious and the onslaught of feelings is giving him a headache; add to that that he was already hungry. He wanted to leave the room; this man is like a ripple in his still waters.


Donghae and Jonghoon fell into a happy conversation with each other; telling stories of their day to day life with a lot of colorful cursing from the older. The tall man sat on a vacant chair, waiting for the nurse while eating a banana. “Why don’t you just stay and eat here? Hyuk’s filling out for Wook’s shift and he might take a while. Take anything from the pile, a lot of them just get spoilt and thrown anyways.” So, they stayed with the ever-smiling man, getting his

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I promised not to make any of them cry for the next chapter but sorry guys...The next update would be the final one of the angst. Thank you for staying with the story until now...will update the soonest!


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401 streak #1
Chapter 12: Beib~ where are you? 😭😭😭
401 streak #2
just to remind you in case you don't know, we're still waiting for this master piece >___<
401 streak #3
Chapter 12: it's been more than 1 year and you're still not here T^T
Chapter 12: I just found this fic and oh my god. IT'S SO GOOD. Thank you for writing it<3
401 streak #5
Chapter 12: I miss this fic >___<
401 streak #6

I got the notification last night when I opened this site, but well, it was night, and I was really tired -thanks to my work- so yeah, I opened this site again this early morning and went straight to you -you know I love you right? LOL-

I can't believe they will live together, like to-ge-ther. -I wish I could be there with them, I don't mind at all being a third wheel XDDD-

PS : Yesung with his mind about Siwon was like... okay, he has the right to be afraid, I am going to be afraid too if I was him XD Being blind, live together with completely stranger, falling in love with him #eh okay, we're not there yet, but we're going to be there, right? IT'S YEWON BABE -or wonsung, whatever- XD
Chapter 12: Molls..... I'm crying.... The pain that Yesung felt all this time. Once he snapped, i cried. It's so obvious how painful his mental had been and all the burden of overthinking. This chapter are so good!!!!
cloudykuro #8
Chapter 12: And the 1st thing yesung asked is that siwon being psycho XD
Nice job yesung lol

More please! Can't wait for the moments they finally living in the same space
Chapter 12: Yaah.. my emotions was up and down while reading this... TT
So detailed.. and what's with all screams??? i didn't expect this hahaha, it's stress me out, i hate you.. XD
Love this so much.. i love you.. muah *3*