Chapter 1: Introduction

The chapter of our life

It all started from the library.

The university library is like a second home to me. I go there every time I am free and have the time. The only times that I am not there are when my stomach grumbles for food and when I have classes to attend. Aside from that, the library it is. Don’t get me wrong, I am no nerd. I know that there is this stereotype that has been around for ages; whoever goes to the library on an unusual number compared to a normal human being, must be either a geek or a nerd; studying away and digging their noses into their brick-like books. (Due to the thickness)

Trust me, there are actually much more types of people who frequent the library. Well for me, it is because it has the best environment that I am comfortable with.

One; the air-conditioning. I live for it, nothing else.

Second; the smoke-free air. Yep. I am allergic to smokers. If punching someone was not illegal, I’d punch every smoker who decides to light a cigarette near me. Nah I’m kidding.

Third; its silence. While I love head banging to my favourite songs; I prefer silence as well. Their two different moods. But hey, I do sometimes do tiny head bangs when I got my headphones on.

I still remember how my lecturer always told me and my classmates that we shouldn’t coop ourselves up at the library, but instead spend our time at the Plaza (the universities center court, with a cafeteria and packed with tables and chairs). Why? Apparently to her you can’t socialize in the library and you’ll end up with no friends. Umm hello miss? You are definitely wrong. I have made friends with a bunch of awesome people from my library encounters. And among them was you. Just we ain’t friends anymore. It is that something else. *winks*


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