{3} Getting Ready

Just Friends

For starters: I AM SOOO SORRY!

The thing is that I haven't been in much of a mood to write lately, and it's like I've just been dragging myself around - I've been lamenting over the lack of good fics with my biases on AFF and tumblr, and I have no ing idea how to navigate LJ.

Also, I've been spazzing that I'm going to meet Eva (Alias:My Gorgeous Spaniard) in-person next year in Korea because we'll be studying abroad at the same time. XD

Either way - I hope that my story gets funnier! I've been trying to play on the stereotypes of each Infinite and Teen Top member, although Teen Top doesn't come in until another chapter or two. Maybe three. I don't know. I haven't written that far yet. XD



"So, who's this guy again?" I asked Jaeseop as I walked next to him, folding my hands behind my back.

"His name is Woohyun," he me answered off-handedly.

"You've told me his name - but that doesn't tell me who he is," I asserted. Jaeseop chuckled and poked my cheek - I was wearing my favorite hair pick, so he knew that I'd be pissed if he ruffled my hair like he sometimes does.

"He's a friend of mine that I met through Eli." He began to explain, "They have the same physical training class; one day I was getting lunch with Eli and Woohyun came over to say hi. He's really nice and funny - you'll like him."

'I doubt I'll like him enough to date him,' I thought, smiling at Jaeseop anyways. "So, when am I meeting him?"

"When I told him that I'd like to set you up on a date, he insisted on taking you out on a real one," Jaeseop told me with an eye-roll. "So he wanted to wait until Friday evening to make plans."

"Oh, wow..." I mumbled. "He sounds kind of... intense." I looked up at him with a small frown; I opened my mouth and hesitated, making a weird face before I asked him, "Are you sure I'm going to like this guy?"

"Honestly?" Jaeseop glanced down at me out of the corner of his eye long enough to see my small nod of confirmation. "I'm not sure that you'll like any of the guys that I'm trying to set you up with."

"So why are you trying?" I whined, tugging on his arm with both of my hands.

"Because what I am sure of is that they're all really nice and funny guys who will treat you the right way." Both the look in his eyes and his tone of voice were completely serious; I felt a tinge of disappointment.

'You've always treated me the right way,' I thought, faking a small smile.


That conversation happened Tuesday afternoon.

After that, the week only seemed to drag on. Jaeseop didn't tell me anything else about this 'Woohyun' guy, so part of me was dreading it. But another part of me was looking forward to it, because even if I didn't come out of it with plans for another date-slash-a prospective boyfriend, the least I would have is a new friend-slash-acquaintance.

But most of me wasn't looking forward to it.


"What about this?" My other best friend, Sunny, gushed as she whirled around, whipping a summer dress out of my closet.

"No," I deadpanned. 

"Why not?" She whined, pouting at me.

"I've never met the guy, I don't know what he looks like, and Jaeseop hasn't told me anything except that he's nice and funny - I don't know anything about the date, so I don't know if a sun dress is appropriate for it!" I exclaimed, gesturing at the dress that was in Sunny's hands.

"And that dress doesn't flatter your figure," Amber chipped in from her spot - sprawled out across my bed on her back, staring up at the ceiling as if she was in her own little world; in reality, she knew exactly what was going on around her.

"What do you mean?" Sunny asked Amber before I could. Amber sighed and made a few grunting noises as she struggled and flailed around, trying to sit up. Sunny and I just watched in amusement and Amber put an unecessary amount of effort into sitting up. Once she had done so, she glared at both of us for not helping her, and then stood up with a small grunt of complaint. 

"Let me see the dress," she sighed, holding her hand out to Sunny. Sunny pouted again and dropped the dress into Amber's waiting hand, going to sit down next to me. "Naru, come here." 

Never mind, then.

I stood up and stood next to her, turning to face Sunny. 

"This is a dress that was obviously given to you by your parents," Amber deadpanned, flapping the dress and frowning at it.

"What makes you say that?" She was completely right, but I didn't want her to know that if she was going to be such a smartass.

"One, it's granny-floral-print," Amber pointed out, holding it up for both Sunny and I to see. "That is not the kind of pattern you want to put on any female body under the age of... First-child-has-graduated-from-college-and-moved-out-of-the-house." Sunny scoffed and I frowned. "Two, look at the front and sides," she told us as she slowly turned it so that we could see it from all angles, "it's completley straight - you've got a y body, Naru, and this is the kind of dress that is specifically made for disguising that. Only your parents would want that."

"Excellent point!" I agreed. "They'd both have heart attacks, die, and then turn in their graves if they found out I'm not a ," I declared, taking the dress from Amber and hanging it back up in the back corner of my closet.

"What?" All three of us jumped and whirled around to stare in surprise and fright at Jaeseop, who was standing in my doorway with an expression of horror that far surpassed any kind of similar expression I had ever seen. "When did that happen?" He cried in disbelief.

"America," I deadpanned, "when I got my first ." Sunny's mouth fell open in surprise, Jaeseop's horrified expression became a mix of 'even-worse' and disbelief, and Amber did a face-palm. "What?" I asked, playing innocent.

"I don't think a counts, Naru," Amber sighed.

"Whaaat-ever," I mumbled, turning around and digging through my closet again. "What about this?" I asked, turning around and holding up a form-fitting dark blue blouse and dark skinny jeans. "I can wear my ballet flats with it."

"Those black heels of yours would look better!" Sunny declared joyfully, leaping to her feet and whizzing passed me and Amber to my closet, digging through the bottom until she held up a pair of strappy black heels that I liked to save for special occasions.

"Sunny, those are my favorite heels," I sighed over-dramatically, taking the heels from her, "I prefer to save them for special occasions."

"Naru," Sunny stepped forward with a sly look and put her hands on my shoulders so that she could look into my eyes. "This is your first real date in over a year. You should use this as an excuse to look y! And these heels -" she pointed at them and smiled, "- make your legs look fantastic, even when you're wearing jeans." I heard Jaeseop grunt over my shoulder and glanced behind me, frowning when I saw him leaving my room. 

"Well..." I mumbled, looking at the outfit I had chosen and my heels. "I guess it wouldn't hurt..."

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Chapter 11: Love this story, love every chapter, love you. I am such an AJ fan, sometimes, lol. Damn, girl, u just increased my AJ feels by a hundred fold. HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO GO TO BED NOW???


Anyways....great job, author-nim. I'm anticipating the next chapter!!!!
leadjaa #2
Okay girl, you're making *ME* want AJ.
Do you know what a feat that is?
I don't even know what to say, because this is as awesome as always, and people are just blond to your awesomeness. There is a reason you're the LEADER of AWESOME Sauce Squad.
But anyways, but to the story.
Uhm yeah. I'm kind of incoherent right now. I'm sorry. TnT
forever_alone_lol #3
There's still a little less than 3 hours left of AJ's birthday in my time zone, but oh well.
Okay I found this fic on tumblr (because you linked it) and I'm so glad you did! Honestly there aren't enough fics about AJ and I'm really enjoying the story so far!

Keep up with the amazing work :D
im sort of tired so i'm finding it difficult to make sentences xD
but i liked this chapter and I was freaking out thinking something happened to AJ ;~;
and now i'm really curious about who her next date will be . . .
and imagining AJ's kitty face and eyes erdskgufjrhdfnkjrhedfk

i get that 'i dont feel like writing' feeling so often that its taken me over a year to write 4 chapters of something == i really look forward to your updates :D actually the longer apart they are the more excited i am when you do update xD
update soon ^^
Oh god. Now I can't sleep cause I wanna know his excuse. And his cutesy 'are you mad at me' face is haunting my brain. WAE MINA?!?!? You KNOW I have to work in the morning. I love you so much ;A;
forever_alone_lol #7
/cannot compete with the comment below OTL