Introducing Characters

The Light That Shines

Iris - The little sister of kai and jimin she's a shy and quiet person sometimes gets scared easily. She has anger issues and she is a depressed child.

11 years old

Dislies: a lot of things, mostly dolls and insects.

Likes: music and junk food.

Hobbies: listening to music and drawing.


Kai - kai isthe oldest of the sibligs he takes care of iris and jimin since their parents have died in a accident.

16 years old 

Dislikes: unhealthy foods 

Likes: taking care of his siblings

Hobbies: cleaning and cooking


Jimin - The second oldest jimin he is the good looking one, he would do anything to protect his little sister and he is also gay.

14 years old

Dislikes: being treated like a kid

Likes: to hang out with guys 

Hobbies: playing with his sister, dancing and singing

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Thanks !!! >3<
Ooh!! The cover is so pRETTY!!
lol yeah it is XD
That eyeball is amazing!!
Yay!!! You put it on here!!!!