
Summer Time Idiot

Summer was winding down; the hot days were leading into cooler ones as Autumn slowly approached. And with it, the dreaded school year. BamBam found it interesting that even though he was in college with select courses and the ability to take as many courses as he wanted at once, he still felt like a trapped high schooler, muddling through each stressed induced semester. College was supposed to give him some freedom, a chance to relax while working on his high education but so far it felt like nothing had changed. Maybe less hours spent in a classroom, but every night still felt like he was in high school, scrambling to get his homework done at 1am before class the next morning. 

Summer was truly his only chance to just relax and unwind from the fast paced and much harder life of college. He wanted to enjoy it as much as he could. So while the days flew by and the warmth of summer slowly began to fade, he found himself at the local swimming pool more and more each day, trying to cling onto the last fun days he had by floating in semi-warm water while children screamed and splashed around him.

It was his ideal summer vacation plan. It worked so far. So when he arrived at the swimming pool that day, he was surprised to see that it wasn't as crowded as it normally was. But he wouldn't complain. Instead he welcomed the fact that he could just float about without worries of running into someone or having his body bumped and jostled as little children swam by or under him while playing. 

The quietness also gave Bam the opportunity to actually take in the swimming pool area and notice things he hadn't noticed before. Like the fact the pool actually was seven feet deep at one end and the shallower part of the pool was roped up by a blue and white buoy rope. 

There were sun hairs galore scattered about and yet they had always been taken previously. Bambam was actually surprised he managed to find one. There had to be at least two dozen that were empty, of not more but BamBam wasn't about to waste his time counting how many chairs there were.


There were 60 chairs and 10 minutes wasted. 

He was most surprised to see there were actually three lifeguards on duty. He honestly didn't think there were that many that needed to be there. He had only ever seen one at a time. There were two males and a female. He had seen the female before and one of the males, but the other guy he had never seen before. And Bam was sure that if he had seen the guy before he would have remembered him. He was tale taken and lean and pale for a lifeguard. Was it his first day or something?

He had beautiful blonde hair and a smile that was brighter than the sun. He was gorgeous. And he needed to talk to the lifeguard and find out his name. It was important because BamBam was pretty sure he just experienced love at first sight and this guy was “the one". But BamBam wasn't one to just go up to a stranger, say a pick up line and get his name and number. That was too bold for him, at least to do sober. 

He needed a way that was going to be easy. Something that would get the guys attention and make him come over first and talk to him. And just like that, a light bulb went off in BamBam’s mind as he formulated his rather simple plan. 

He needed to drown.

With those four words echoing in his head, BamBam sat his things in one of the pool chairs and got into the deep end of the pool, careful to use the ladder and go in slowly so as to not draw unwanted attention to himself. He swam around for a moment, testing the waters and watching. The two regular lifeguards were off talking and making their rounds around the pool, closer to the shallow end while his dream man was in the sitting tower, just observing the other swimmers. 

Now was the perfect chance. With his heart racing, BamBam took a breath and went under water, only to resurface and start flailing. Slightly at first. A couple of splashes and then back down he would go. He'd come back up and splash again and go back down. It didn't seem to be working, so BamBam tried hard and as he went down again, he forgot to hold his breath, inhaling water. 

He rushed back to the surface, splashing as he coughed, trying to breathe properly. Of course in the process of breathing, he forgot to kick to keep himself afloat and went back under. What started out as fake drowning to get the attention of a lifeguard turned into a real life or death situation as BamBam started to actually drown. 

Up and down he continued to go, panicking that he was going to actual die because he never got a good moment actually breathe in air and calm his rapidly pounding part. He thought it was the end and was ready to meet his maker when he felt something wrap around d bia waist and he was being pulled through the water. He was moving, his head clear of the water, lungs racing to take in the air. 

He was manhandled up and over the side of the pool and laying back in the hot, concrete ground, BamBam was thanking his lucky stars to have survived it. Above him, three sets of eyes were staring at him worriedly, none acting because he was awake and breathing. He didn't need CPR, so what were they doing? Just monitoring him?

“Good job, Yugyeom. You got to him before we could.” So his name was Yugyeom? He liked that. A fitting name to a very handsome and y man that was leaning over him, soaked from head to toe. 

“Yeah.” Yugyeom nodded, his eyes looking over BamBam. “Are you alright?” he asked worriedly. “Is anything hurt?”

“I'm good.” BamBam answered after of a moment. A smile spread over his lips as he stared at Yugyeom. “You saved me. Thank you. Would you like to go out for dinner?” he asked. 

There was silence for a moment and no one talked, all just staring at BamBam with slight worry. 

“I'll call for an ambulance.” Yugyeom said and stood, heading for their emergency phone. 

“Don’t move kid. You'll be alright.” The other male lifeguard spoke as he slipped a towel under BamBam’s head to elevated. 

“I don’t get it. This is like the fourth person to drown and then ask him out. I think we need to fire him.” the female huffed. 

“No way. We've seen more action these past few weeks than we've ever seen before. He's gonna make sure we keep our jobs.” the guy laughed. 

“I'm glad I can ensure your job stability.” BamBam spoke up then. “But can you tell me if he's single and what his favorite flower is?”

“Pretty sure he’s not into idiots that try to purposely drown themselves.”

BamBam frowned at that, but they had a good point. He wasn't sure what made him think that was the best plan he could implement, but at least he got Yugyeom’s attention. Downside was now the other probably thought he was crazy. Oh well, he couldn't win them all. This was going to be a great summer vacation story to tell his friends once school started again, so at least he got something out of it. 

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Chapter 1: bambam u idiot :’>>> couldn’t blame him though lmao