Chp. 2#

The door slammed behind her when she leave her house with heavy steps. Little Ella jumped at the loud banging of the door in Chaeyoung's arm but she was too occupied with her own head to have a slight care for her daughter. 

Ella had never witness her daddy mad before. Sure there would be time where she would raises her voice and scare the little girl out of her wits but that's all she have seen. 

Chaeyoung wasn't that type of person who would throw things and scream on top of her lungs for her neighbours know that they're having a 'complex matter' as Chaeyoung would always refer to. She's more to reserved, straight thinking person but how long can she keep it up? 

Ella was securely strap in the back seat when she saw Jennie running towards their car. Ella light up at the sight of her mum, obviously happy to see her despite the confusing scene she saw beforehand. She look at her dad who just went to the driver seat. Chaeyoung sits stiffly when Ella open ,

"Pa, mum wanted to go with us." she notified. Jennie was already by the car window, knocking on it since Chaeyoung had locked the door from inside. 

Chaeyoung didn't give her daughter a reply, instead she only give her a tight smile as she reversed her car with Jennie close by it. Chaeyoung was using all of her remaining self control to not trap her wife under her car. Ella turned to her mum and smiled, she waved towards Jennie which unconsciously made the latter stop and stare at her daughter with a broken heart. 

Would she really let them go? 

Does she have the heart to see her daughter being taken away from her? 


But Jennie couldn't move her feet either no matter how loud her brain screamed for her to run after them to apologize and explain. Her feet were glued on the ground,


and she hated herself for that.


The endless knocks on her wooden door was irritating enough to push Lisa up out of her bed. She moves slower than a sloth, carefully not to wake up Jisoo in process but the knocking did.  

"Don't worry, Soo. Pretty sure it's Chaeyoung with the files" Lisa whispered over her half-awake state then plant a kiss on the latter's forehead. 

When Jisoo had rolled over the other side, Lisa jogged towards her door and as expected, Chaeyoung was in front of her doorstep with a pile of worksheets they should be working on overnight.  

"Working late again?" Lisa asked as she opened the door for her best friend. Chaeyoung who was slipping off her shoes give her a single nod and replied, "Since I've got to go back to Australia..." Chaeyoung followed Lisa who had settled in her living room first. 

"Thank God I've slept 5 hours before you came then"  Chaeyoung nodded again. After a few moment of silent, Lisa's brows furrowed, "You're undeniably quiet," she observe how Chaeyoung wasn't up to have a conversation with her either but Chaeyoung denied, "Is this about Jennie's scandal with the guy?" Lisa chuckled and Chaeyoung did too. The news spread like wild fire, Chaeyoung never believed it until she caught them in her bedroom.

"No, Lisa. It's about me leaving you with 3% of these works." Chaeyoung joked but Lisa can sense the dryness of it. 

Lisa leaned forward and reach out for her best friend's shoulder and grip it, "Hey, bud. What's the matter?" Lisa would only call her that when she wants Chaeyoung to opened up to her, it's a silent agreement between the two friends without Chaeyoung realizing it.

It started when Chaeyoung couldn't verbally told Lisa about her problems when she first came out to as an interual teenager in high school (and to be best friend with one in the end). Lisa had tried everything to make her talk it out but only to failed terribly. She tried to bribe her with food, give her a good massage, an even a gentler approach but none of it worked.

That was until Lisa had drop her feminism and actually had a face to face 'man talk' that managed to get Chaeyoung spit what she's been hiding. Ever since then, Lisa was the only person, in fact, that pulled Chaeyoung backed up and put her back on her own feet. 

Chaeyoung looked up to Lisa and it didn't take a second glance for Lisa to see those broken pieces behind her eyes, "Wanna talk about it outside? I'll bring us some scotch," 

Chaeyoung run her palm over her troubled face, and she let it stay there after, "No, let me finish this and we'll talk." she breathe through the cracks of her fingers so it sounds like she's murmuring. 

Undecided as though she should console her best friend right away or let Chaeyoung cool off and hold her tongue for a moment, she sat on the couch not knowing what to do other than stare at the papers. Lisa  a deep breath, looked at Chaeyoung one more time before replied an 'okay'. 

They work in comfortable silence despite the worried glances Chaeyoung get from Lisa who constantly would leave her eyes from the sheets of paper to Chaeyoung's face, to see whether she had broke into her waves of emotions yet but Chaeyoung didn't. Her expression remains neutral.

Lisa finished her works earlier than Chaeyoung, obviously. That's why she's been walking around her house. She had pulled out a bucket of ice and of course, the scotch that she promised. Lisa walked in to witness Chaeyoung cracked her fingers and her neck before stretching her limbs. 

"Yeah continue doing that and you'll suffered from arthritis." Chaeyoung looked up to Lisa and give her poker face before it was wiped off with a pillow -or more like smacked. She groaned in pain but chuckles after, Chaeyoung hits Lisa back with the same pillow and ask, "Where did you even get this?"  

"Jisoo bought that last-"  

"I mean the scotch, mind you." Chaeyoung said.

"-Oh, some place that you rarely go." Lisa smirked back, but Chaeyoung still have something to say, "-and cracked your fingers won't caused arthritis." 

"Pfft- Did the Dr. Kendedies says so?" Lisa says as she tried to defend herself. 

Chaeyoung give her one of those cheeky grin, "Nope, uncle google did." seeing her best friend's mood has lighten up a bit, Lisa ask, "So, I assume you didn't get down regarding to Ella.. aren't you?" 

Chaeyoung hesitates a little, the way her lips jutted out and her eyes was clearly in a daze, lost in her own thoughts gave Lisa a clear answer. "..-or it was kinda related to Ella but rather in a way that she wasn't really the main caused that happen." 

"Something like that." Lisa heard a small reply. The poured scotch was already in Chaeyoung's hand before she down it in . They went silent again and Lisa let her.

"I don't think I could tell you today, Lisa." Chaeyoung said truthfully.

Lisa lifted her head, eyeing her best friend. She give Chaeyoung's sentence a deep thought, "Something really bad must've happen... " Lisa saw Chaeyoung nodded as response and there goes another shot down the latter's throat. Chaeyoung continued, "However, you one thing though," Chaeyoung give her a bitter smile. "-but promise me it'll stay between us. Or at least until August?" Chaeyoung gently asked. 

"If you're worried that the girls would find out before you're ready then, don't worry. My lips are sealed." Lisa assured her. Chaeyoung thought Lisa was done but she speak up before Chaeyoung could get a hold of the bottle, "-But you'll get hurt." 

Chaeyoung's jaw tighten and so does her grip on the bottle but kept her thoughts to herself and says, "Wasn't a surprise."  

Lisa nodded with her lower lip stuck between her teeth. "Well said, just a reminder; both party are in fact will be at fault." Chaeyoung knows what's Lisa trying to say. She was reminding her about the steps she's taking. 

Lisa took the bottle from Chaeyoung's grasp and poured for both Chaeyoung and her which the other latter gladly hand her glass out. Lisa give her a reassuring smile before they had their glasses in the air and cheered,


*no intention of mocking.


(Jennie's POV)

It has been a week ever since Chaeyoung left. No messages, no calls nor emails. What do I expect? 

Exactly. What do you expect, Jennie?

Looking at myself in the mirror, fixed a few creased of my sleeve but the others.. that wasn't a big deal. This ain't it. There's no Chaeyoung standing beside me, there's no Ella in my arms. God- it was miserable. 

I wish I could die but I couldn't. Chaeyoung left me a bunch of money to stay alive. Yes, I've checked. The bank notified me that she had bank in recently. Getting myself ready, try not to look too miserable to go to her office. No matter how good I look, does it matter? 

Of course it does, it's their company.  

The clock hits exactly at eight am and here I am standing in front of the counter with Irene on the opposite side -she's filling in for our pregnant Jisoo by the way. 

"Has she come in yet?" I don't know how many times I asked her this. It had partly become my daily routine now. 

Irene gave me an apologetic smile. 'oh'  was my reply as always. Sighed, I turn to look at the door to her office, tempted to go in. I knew I couldn't though, I might end up crying instead of searching for clues. If there's any.

My phone beeped, I fish it out and check whether it's Chaeyoung but it's not. 

Great. Another rumour of me and Kai. Way to live my ed up life huh? 

Kai? Where's Kai? I broke his heart the next morning. Never have I intended on keeping him, let alone loving him. I never meet Kai ever since, he's a good guy don't get me wrong, but he's not the one. I tried calling Alice, mum, dad but they didn't pick up. 

I was anxious at all time. Sleep? Barely had one. I've been having weird dreams everytime I close my eyes, I can't recall it but it keeps on repeating and it worries me.


Cause I'm a mother. 


Today makes it a solid 2 weeks of living without Chaeyoung. I run my hands on my dry skin. Chaeyoung used to lotion my body alot before going to bed. It's funny how you'd only start to appreciate what you had after losing it. 

The window is open, purposely to let the fresh air in, I have intoxicated my lungs with mucus due to excessive crying. Today is a new day. As the usual, I walked down the corridor to Chaeyoung's office. I was about to take turn to the left when I was Lisa leaned against Irene's table. She's waiting for someone and my instinct saying that it's me. 

If any of you wonder why I didn't ask Lisa in the first place... because I'm ashamed. How could I face her? Lisa wasn't looking any better than me neither. There's dark circles under her puffy eye, looks like Chaeyoung had left a lot work for her to do.  

"Mrs Park"  she greeted. Oh, Lisa... I'm not sure if I am one now.

"Mrs Manoban" I greeted back. My intention was to find Irene but she, well, ignored me. For the first time she didn't stand up to greet me as always.

"Come,"  Lisa said suddenly, grabbing my attention from Irene. She was heading towards Chaeyoung's office, it could be good news... right? 

"Is she back yet?" she didn't reply but I still followed her, "Is my baby Ella okay?" she stops almost made me bump into her. She turn to me and her expression says all I didn't want to hear.  

Seeing Irene was eyeing us, she keep  shut and held the door open for me. Being inside the room well, sort of overwhelms me. Our picture was still in the frame but mine was gone. My heart dropped at the sight, 

Of course she has get rid of it.  

"How's home?" Lisa break the ice, well I'm glad I'm not the one who's going to start the conversation first. I was still tracing my fingers along Chaeyoung's table. "Fine." I lied. 

"Did Chaeyoung tell you anything?" I snapped my head to look at her, Lisa's expression soften. Just like I remember how she used to be when she's with me. I shakes my head. 

I could tell it was hard for Lisa to say it. So I waited. Lisa clasp both of her hand over her face, covering her nose. It'd be a lie if I say I wasn't nervous. Terrified to be honest. 

Lisa has this stern aura screams on her face when she finally looked at me so before she could speak I beat her to it. 

"If you're telling me I was wrong for cheatin-" 

"-Hold up, hold up," I didn't expect that. "you freakin- WHAT?!" huh?  I bit my tongue but Lisa's face looks like she had been dipped into hot sauce, "YOU CHEATED ON HER?!" Her voice echoes in the room and I never been scared of her more. I tried to focus on Lisa but the only thing that stuck in my head is, 

Chaeyoung didn't tell Lisa? She's covering me?

Lisa took a step closer and I, in my sanest mind took a step back, "-I .. thought you knew.." I said try to defend myself. 

Lisa was frustrated. Very frustrated. She lift her hand to mess her hair but I thought she's going to hit me so I squinted my eyes tight. "You thought Chaeyoung would do that to you?! God-" The sarcasm in her voice is poisonous. 

I watch as she paced around the room, "Is that why she hadn't tell you?" 

Irritation begins to seeps in me, obviously Chaeyoung hadn't, "Just in' say it, okay?!" I shouted. Lisa shot me a glare, I swear I almost died of cardiac arrest. "Don't give me that attitude, cheater!" 


Jisoo came shortly after with her baby bumps. "Hey, hey, what's going on?" she immediately locked the door that Lisa had forgotten earlier. 

Way to spread the word.

"Your friend is a ing hoe!" Lisa shouted on top of her lungs and I froze. That hurts. Fidgeting on the same spot I've been, a tear rolled down my cheek but I wiped it away quickly. 

Jisoo cupped her cheek and Lisa's chest heaved up and down as she hold back the rest of her outburst. I saw how tight she was clutching on the sofa, even her palm turn white. "Okay now, calm down," I could see Lisa was trying but her face just kept on flaming. 

There's only Lisa's heavy breathing jumped between the four walls, "She cheated." Lisa says after her little commotion. Jisoo was taken aback. I felt myself shrink in embarrassment. Jisoo gulped down the lump in . 

She look at Lisa before her eyes were set on me. I wrapped my arms over my frame, and the floor was the only thing I could lay my eyes on. "Alright." I heard Jisoo said, "Let me talk to her." Lisa leave immediately after that. I felt bad for Jisoo. 

She was pregnant for Pete's sake and I was adding up her burden. "Jennie." I couldn't lift my chin up to face her. I don't have the gut to. "Avoiding my eyes won't make my mouth stop talking."

"I'm embarrassed." 

I heard Jisoo moved closer towards me, "You know you should be," the disappointment was evident in her voice. "but you should know that Ella needs you too." Jisoo says as she rubs my arms soothingly.

"But I don't know where she is!" I sob, I finally let go of the tears I've been holding back when Lisa scolds me. 

"That's bull." I bit my inner cheek, "You knew they're in Australia, why didn't you ran after them and waited instead?" her voice were soft but stern at the same time. 

I sighed and moved forward to hug her which she let me to, "I don't know how to face her..."

"Jennie, that's why we're here. We didn't expect the rumours to be true... Well we plan to tell you nicely at least-" she tried to joke but that swift quicker than a wind would change, 

"Ella... " Jisoo says gently, "she's sick Jen." I stepped back from her embrace, I can see Jisoo was clenching her jaw to not to cry in front of me. 

"What-... what do you mean..?" she was fine before. Jisoo take my hand, she hold it tight like she's trying to give me some strength with it and I felt a drop of her tear fell.  

"She doesn't have enough time," My knees went limp at her words, they gave up on me and I drop hard on the cold tiles. It didn't pierce me hard enough to suffocates me, the fact that I'm really losing my daughter did.

(Jennie's POV end.)

 (Flashback two days before Jennie found out)

The front door beeped noting Krystal that someone had stepped into her apartment. It was impossible to tell who since the shelves kind of blocked her view.

"Chaeyoungie?" she called out but instead of a tall latter, a midget walked into her living room. "Oh, you." she said.

"'Oh, you.' ? Don't you have something sweet to call me? Cutie, at least?" The midget sat on the couch though, she wasn't invited. " And what's with calling your boss 'Chaeyoungie' ?" 

"Unnie," Krystal pulled her tone a little longer than she usually did, much for a warning. "We were friends outside her building." she clarified. 

"Jennie wouldn't get mad?" Krystal shrug and replied, "She doesn't have the right to." 

Taeyeon arch her brows, "Why is that?" 

Krystal shrugged again, "Haven't you heard 'bout the rumours?"  

"Ah~" Taeyeon huffed then lean back comfortably with her purse on her lap, "I don't think it's true." she said which made Krystal rolled her eyes silently. "-Well we couldn't put aside the fact that her relationship with your dear CEO was a bit, uhm.. off," she moves her hands to form a heart shape to describe the word 'dear'  

Taeyeon continue, "-but clearly, Jennie is still her legal wife and whether you liked it or not, your little crush for Chaeyoung was damn hopeless." she notified. "Plus, I don't think she need to claim her right when Chaeyoung has 'All Right Reserved Jennie.'  was printed on her attitude." Taeyeon deadpanned. 

Krystal messes her hair, she indeed wanted to scream but the only sound that came out was her frustrated whimper, "But I wanted her to be happy!" Krystal reasoned out childishly. She was about to cry but Taeyeon smack her face with her purse, so much for being the kind 'unnie'.

Taeyeon then composed herself before stating, "I don't see that you could make her happier then Jennie would." Krystal was about to let out another bratty whine when Taeyeon speak up, "Maybe- " Krystal light up at this word but she swore after Taeyeon tried to finish her sentence; "maybe someday in an eternity-" 

"-Okay, you know what? Nevermind, get out" Krystal cut her off. 

The oldest of the two chuckled, "C'mon Soo-Jung, it was impossible for you to not know how much Jennie means to her. Chaeyoung will always get back to her no matter what." Taeyeon stressed on the word impossible for Krystal to understand.

Hearing this statement, Krystal  her brows daringly, "Oh, really?" she played her tongue a little on the last word. 

Taeyeon nodded, "Yes, it's the mind games sweetie. You got hurt but when your heart mended and you'll be loving her again." 

Krystal scoffed sarcastically, "How did you know?" her chin was rested on her palm when she asks and she was looking at Taeyeon dead in her eyes.

Taeyeon remain unshakeable at the threatening gaze of her sister in law and smirk cunningly instead, "Aren't the used to be 'Future Mrs Park' supposed to know better?" 

Krystal was taken aback and it took her a couple of second to masked her expression with a poker face, she's going to give a comeback to defend herself but her phone rings just in time, 

"Hello, Chaeyoungie?"   Taeyeon give her a sly smirk at the name,

"Hey. Is everything's okay?"  there's shuffling sound on the other line like she was rummaging for stuff.

"Yup. Ella has fallen asleep by the way,"  Krystal inform.

"I'm at your doorstep now, I'll just pick her up?" Krystal stood up abruptly to open the door but Taeyeon already let the latter in. 

Chaeyoung stood there awkwardly when she was in the middle of Taeyeon and Krystal exchange glances in the living room, "Uhm.. if you're uncomfortable I'll just wait outside..?" 

Krystal tried to dismiss the awkwardness, "It's okay, Ella's in my room" but it worsen it even more.

Seeing Chaeyoung made her way towards the said room, Taeyeon smirked knowingly but kept  shut, Krystal who the only one that notices this expression felt like she should murder the midget after Chaeyoung had walked out.

"Chaeng, you don't need directions to go to her room?" Taeyeon asked innocently. 

Totally unaware of the little situation Krystal's having, she replied, "Nope, I know exactly where it is."  and without a second glance back, she let her legs lead her to Krystal's room leaving her owner in a complicated situation woth teasing looks of Taeyeon.


Chaeyoung went in to see her daughter lying on her back, it was almost as if she was dead, "I know you're not sleeping, princess" she speak in low tone although she could see the smile formed on the corner of Ella's lips, she didn't call it out on her. 

"Ah, since she was sleeping then papa will be gone to work again," After these words fell off her lips, Ella drop her act immediately and plant a cheeky grin on her face. 

Ella sit up on the bed, "Hehe was just-" 

She wanted to finish off her sentence when her head was confusing her, she stayed silent and not long after she felt the familiar warm fluid running down her nose and invaded her taste buds.  

"-blood" Chaeyoung cursed but didn't take long to react, she rushed to her side with her hand under Ella's chin, lifting it up, "Krystal-" she called out. The blood was now overflowing and Ella's having a bloody coughing fit. "Krystal, -GODDAMMIT!" 

Chaeyoung left no choice but to carry Ella in her arms. "It's okay baby, just breathe," she says as she wrap Ella in her bloodied blanket. "just breathe, papa's here" her words repeated like a spell, a spell to ease her daughter's panic. 

When she get out, Krystal who realized the change of mood in Chaeyoung's face jumped to her side with her bewildered face on. 

"It happen again, sorry for the bed sheets" Krystal waved it off. The whole bum trip had pushed Chaeyoung's panic buttons. 

Krystal tried stop her by holding her in place, "Chaeng, relax," she assured but it fell on deaf ears. The girl wriggle to get away from her grasp.

"I can't- please, I need to go" 

(flashback ends)


Jennie woke up to an empty bed again, she knows Chaeyoung won't like it for her to suddenly turn up but Ella's her daughter too. Unless she had forgiven her mistakes which seems pretty much impossible at this state, Chaeyoung would cast her away. The possibilities of Alice doing the same thing is high after seeing Lisa's reaction.

Jennie didn't like the atmosphere. She turned her head to look at the clock and it was 2 in the morning but she's slaps her own cheek to wake her self up. Jennie had extra than 6 hours but she can't sleep. No mother can sleep peacefully knowing that a child of theirs is dying.

Around this time Jennie's head was filled with thoughts and there's only her memory of her mistakes. It has been the worst month she's in. She witness Chaeyoung turn her back on her. She let her baby being taken away and what's worse than worst, she's going to see her world crumble. 

Jennie forces herself up from the bed. Her feet was dragged along the tiles and it feels like she's been cut but there's no wound to heal. She cried as she let the water runs down her body, everything hurts like an open wound but Jennie had no aids for it. 

And she hadn't got a spoon down . Her lips were dry due to dehydration but when asked; she said her stomach was full. Full with the heavy guilt she spawn and the sins she made. 


If you says 120 kilometers per hours could kill a life, then Chaeyoung is digging her own grave. 160km/h and bonus -a few tickets because she run a couples of red lights. 

When she got a call from Lisa saying that Jennie's coming, Lisa had finally taken the lids off and now it was Chaeyoung's turned to be under pressured. 

Arrived right on time to catch Jennie kissing Ella's crown. Chaeyoung could tell she wasn't going through a good life. Her hair was dry, and so does her skin. Even her smile has lost it's radiant.

Her blood boil at the mere sight of her wife, let alone watching her close to Ella. Chaeyoung grab Jennie's hand and pulled her away from her daughter. Suddenly sharing the same air with Jennie feels dirty, she was disgusted by it.

"Out" she says sternly but Jennie wasn't budging. 

Voice hoarsed, she still forces herself to speak "How come you never told me about this?!" Jennie saw Chaeyoung's jaw twitches, 

"Never told you about this? I called you for you to come home and talk about it but what happened?" her voice is venomous as she stare down at Jennie, "You told me you were 'busy' " Chaeyoung was holding her voice low so she didn't wake Ella up. "And you care now?" 

A smack happened. 

Jennie smacked her lips on Chaeyoung but she pushed Jennie away, roughly "You thought that'll fix this?" she was disgusted with Jennie whole being and it's clawing Jennie's heart. How can she not when Chaeyoung wiped her lips like she's infected with some kind of disease.

Jennie then take a bold move and hugs Chaeyoung but she swats her off almost immediately. "Chaeyoung, please," Jennie pleaded desperately. 

The vein on Chaeyoung's neck was visible, she sighed and her face turned away from Jennie, "Tell me, Jen, what am I lacking," she sound exhausted, Chaeyoung then look up on the ceiling,  burns from the unspoken curses. Chaeyoung's head wasn't being cooperative neither, it kept on pounding along her hostile emotions.

"Nothing, hubby! It was my fault." Jennie admits. She hates to admit she's wrong but she rather be than risk her marriage.

She scoffed, "Was it too much?" Chaeyoung asked again, she doesn't need to look at Jennie for her to know that Chaeyoung was frustrated and depressed even, "-or was it not enough, huh?" Chaeyoung turn to face Jennie, her head too pounded with questions. 

Jennie didn't know the answer either. So kept  shut.

"God- this is so messed up," Chaeyoung run her hand through her flocks, she inhales a deep breath that looks like caused her to run a thousand miles. 

The deafening silence hangs in the air but Chaeyoung speak up, "I need you to sign something." her voice and expression was unreadable and it scares her. 

Jennie watch as Chaeyoung pulled out a piece of paper out of the drawer along with a pen. She saw how Chaeyoung give it a deep thoughts before handing it to her, "What's this?" she ask.

She took the paper with trembling hands. Her heart drop when she read it. "Y-your divorcing" it came out soft but Chaeyoung knows that Jennie's desperate for a 'no'. 

"Sign and get over it." It was cold. She had build a fort around her heart and Jennie's completely hopeless. 

Jennie stares at the paper, she could prevent this and so she rip it off. Chaeyoung didn't stop her either. Once the last shredded piece has falls on the floor, she speak up "We're not doing this. Ella is sick, we should be by her side" 

Chaeyoung watch Jennie walked towards Ella's bed limply, Chaeyoung had brace herself if Jennie wanted to end it. What's important was Jennie's happiness and if she's not happy, Chaeyoung doesn't want to prison her. 

"They said they couldn't get the tumor out." Chaeyoung says. Jennie didn't talk to her but she's listening, it's hard to when she's concerned about her baby more than anything. 

"Since when?" croaked Jennie. 

"Almost a month now. I thought it was a normal headache, until she fall from the sofa and I brought her to the hospital that instant."  

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"You were tired everytime you came home." The conversation end there. Chaeyoung made herself comfortable on the couch but her heart was heavy. 

"She'll come back."


It has been a week Jennie stayed with Chaeyoung. They acted like they have no problem when Alice was around but behind the closed doors, they're strangers. 

Jennie would make coffee for Chaeyoung but she never drink it. Let alone touch the food that Jennie cooked. Chaeyoung usually had take out. They always took turn to take care of Ella even if the child didn't wake up.

But tonight was different. Chaeyoung actually asked Jennie to make her a cup. She sat back on the chair across the room, opposite from Jennie. 

"Do you still love me?" It wasn't Chaeyoung who asked this, it was Jennie. 

The corner of Chaeyoung's lips pulled into a small hurtful smile, "I do. " she says as she stir her coffee, "I don't want to but I do and still loves you." when Chaeyoung look up she saw Jennie's eyes glistening with tears but her smile never left her lips. "But I still can't forgive you." 

Yeah it crashes the hopes that Jennie that planted but as long as she still had chance to make things right, it'll work.

A doctor came in and interrupt their little moment for Ella's nightly check ups. Chaeyoung saw there's a form along with him. "Mrs Park, can I talk to you alone." Both Jennie and Chaeyoung stand up. "I mean the dad." he says apologetically at Jennie. 

When they were far enough from Jennie, he gave Chaeyoung the form, they talked a little and Chaeyoung constantly give Jennie a worried glance. Before the doctor leave he pats Chaeyoung's shoulder and says "I know it'll be hard, but you're torturing her." 


Chaeyoung  her lower lips, trying to form a less hurtful sentence, "They suggest to cut off Ella support systems."  

Jennie gritted her teeth in anger, "No." Chaeyoung nodded. She didn't oppose either. 

The night was silent and Chaeyoung was watching Jennie clasped her hand together as she prayed. It hurts to know that the only monitor beeps that tells them Ella's still there. But they're losing her. 

"There wasn't a night that I never prayed for you baby," Jennie sniffed before she plant a kiss on Ella's lifeless hand, her eyes closed when she said: "If...-If you're going to leave us" Jennie couldn't help but choked on her sentences, it pain her alot to say it like she's giving up on her, "please, comeback for one last time and bid us goodbye." Chaeyoung herself was tearing upon Jennie's request. 

A night after another. Ella still hasn't wake up. The form, Chaeyoung has filled it up and it's due four days before today. The night feels strange, and for the first time in a month Chaeyoung let Jennie hugs her. 

The comfort Jennie has been missing all this time had finally content. And they finally sleep side by side on the couch. 

Chaeyoung didn't know what time is it when she heard a faint 'mum'. 

"Mum?"  was the first word she speak. It was above whisper but Chaeyoung and Jennie woke up from their slumber. 

"I'm here, baby" Jennie whispered. An exhausted smile sat on Ella's pale face. Chaeyoung's jaw clenched tight as tight as how the sight clamped her heart. 

Ella sat up on her bed with Jennie's help, her oxygen mask was taken off and she looks like she's blooming, like an angel. Her usual cheeky grin was shown for her daddy to see and Jennie gulped down the sadness she's feeling.

Chaeyoung walked around her bed and leaned into Ella's arm and hugs her securely, "I love you.." she whispered, the feeling is overwhelming that she couldn't stop a tear dropped onto Ella's shoulder. 

"I know." she whispered back. Chaeyoung let go of her and Ella help to wipe her daddy's tears off, "It's okay, pa," she smiles, a tired smile. 

Ella then patted the space on the bed and motion Jennie to sit on it. Of course she oblige. Ella open her arms, "Carry me, mum" and Jennie did. She cradles Ella in her arms, her head leaned against her mother's hand. Her eyes were looking up at Jennie, almost shutting close. 

"I love you." Jennie sobbed. Ella's lips curved into a beautiful smile, "Never a second I've stop loving you, mummy" Jennie shut her eyes close, she bit down her lower lips to prevent herself for crying out loud. It burns her heart. 

With Chaeyoung standing at the end of the bed and Jennie close by her, Ella shuts her eyes, her breathing becomes slower. They watch every breath she takes until she stop. Still and stone cold in her mother's arm. 

Ella had finally left them. 

(10 years later) 

Footsteps of a child running around bombard her ear drums. Chaeyoung had to force herself up and find the culprit. Putting a jacket over her topless body, Chaeyoung tiptoes around her house. 

The culprit was cunning. If she meets a dead end she'll hide in her mother's embrace. "Hmm- I smell little rascal that had woken me up earlier"  

Chuckles erupted in the kitchen, Chaeyoung lazily made her way to the source of sound but only to find Jennie washing the fresh veggies. "I thought I heard child giggling and running around" 

"You're prolly too tired, hubby" Jennie says. 


There's only the sound of running waters in the kitchen. Well, until little Hyein bolted for the back door but Chaeyoung caught her in time.

"Ahh!" the little girl shriek when Chaeyoung got a hold of her and lift her up to place her on the kitchen counter.

"I'm going to gobble you up mhm nom nom nom" Hyein pushed away her father's face with her small hand. 

"Okay that's enough. Both of you." both Chaeyoung and Hyein give Jennie a cheeky grinned. "I'm thinking of group hug." Chaeyoung and Hyein share a knowing smirks. 

"Nope- Nopidy nopedy nop-" Chaeyoung carries Jennie nevertheless made the latter squirms in returned. Hyein sat on the counter joins in the group hug and exchange kisses between them with giggles and laughter. 

Jennie had quit her job, become a full time house wife and Chaeyoung's business expand with Lisa's help. 

You see, we don't need much to get a happily ever after. Jennie might not always be satisfied under some circumstances but Chaeyoung will always be there to put up with it. There will be time where it snap but if you're meant to be, you'll fall back to one another. 

~The End~ 



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I gotta admit chica pushed me through this HAHAHA.

p.s I think my writing got bland.


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reader555 #1
Chapter 2: in chaeyoung, i trust. amen.
Chapter 2: this gave my heart a cut bro ;;
I had malfunction after reading this. Write more angst so I could cry
Chapter 2: I think I'm the kind of person who doesn't forgive infidelities, So if I had been in the chaeyoung place ... I would never have forgiven Jennie, I would have separated from her.
But chaeyoung is an angel and if she's happy with Jennie ... it's all that matters.

(this is the first story where I did not want jennie and chaeyoung be together) TT
Chapter 1: I can not believe that seriously Jennie cheated on my poor and beautiful Chaeyoung!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to cry, I feel so bad for Chaeng and Ella
Chapter 2: it's 4am and here i am crying over this au. oh gahd you sure do write really that it nade me tear up. bah it hurt my heart so bad huhuhu
_mtothepink #7
Chapter 2: Re-reading again coz I miss them :3
Chapter 2: Thats heavy... my poor Chaennie heart suffered a lot through this
Dianaparker #9
Chapter 2: This fic made me cryyyy
1740 streak #10
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this is sad ㅠㅠ poor ella :(((