Chapter 4


“You!” Hyukjae turned his head to find a Heechul walking towards him. “You're the worst friend in the world!” And with that he pushed him slightly, causing Hyukjae to take a step back.

“Calm down,” he replied calmly. “I already asked for your forgiveness yesterday, I was busy, I was not ignoring you.”

“It doesn't matter, you're a bad friend,” Heechul went on doing drama.

“Stop, shh,” he gave him a playful kiss on the cheek. “Calm, Heenim.”

“This doesn't fix everything,” Heechul said, squinting but relaxing.

“I'll give you food.”

“Done!” He jumped to land with a kiss on Hyukjae's cheek, returning the gesture the latter had given him.

“And I'll go to the trip.”

“Excellent!” Heechul held him in his arms, after all it was an dream not only of them both, but of all the guys, to attend the trip organised by the college to visit a pair of legendary theaters in which recognised artists would be presenting only for them.

Hyukjae laughed briefly when he saw the black haired among the people. He released himself from Heechul immediately remembering that he had to meet him for his first lesson.

“I have to go!” He exclaimed, starting to hurry away as the rest of the boys came to join them. Siwon looked at him confused, he didn't remember that Hyukjae had something to do.

“Where are you going?” Siwon asked before he walked away completely.

“I have things to do!” He exclaimed loudly and disappeared among the people following Jongwoon's trail.

He reached the end of the corridor, where there were almost no people and saw him turning around as if he was lost. He approached then slower towards him.

“Who are you looking for?” Hyukjae inquired calmly, although inside he felt his heart beat a thousand per hour to the point that he felt it would come out of his chest, not only because he had run a little, but because of the presence of the black haired and this time Hyukjae knew it was because of him, what he didn't know was why exactly.

“Oh!” He exclaimed, turning to see him. “For you.”

“Forgive me,” he hastened to apologise. “I should have told you where to meet.”

“Don't worry,” Jongwoon looked at him straight in the eyes for the first time. Directly. Not like the day before seeing him without not really doing it, no. This time he made sure to observe him. Hyukjae stirred a little feeling the strength of that gaze that saw him as if he could read what his eyes said, as if he could go deep into his soul and know all its secrets. That's how Jongwoon's gaze felt once he observed you well. “The good thing is that I found you and we still have forty minutes to take advantage of.”

Hyukjae felt unable to respond with words and just nodded, with lips parted, breathless.

“Mmm...” he murmured. “Can we go to the music room? I know it's open.”

“Sure,” Hyukjae managed to articulate.

“What would you like to practice?” Jongwoon asked as they entered the empty classroom except for all the instruments and materials for daily use for the students.

“Everything really,” he admitted. “I know how to rap and I've tried to sing, but it's not something I'm so good at naturally.”

“What do you like?” That question left the vocalist's lips as he sat down without taking his eyes off him.


“Sure, I should have guessed,” he released a barely audible laugh that Hyukjae could hear as he was close enough in the nearest chair.


“Your personality,” he simply said. “You have that presence that only dancers can possess.”

Hyukjae didn't know whether to feel flattered or, on the contrary, insulted at being generalised. He didn't know exactly what he was referring to, so it was difficult for him to react to that.

“Uhm... Thanks?” He muttered hesitantly.

“Do not take it the wrong way,” Jongwoon apologised looking slightly nervous. “It's great, believe me.”

Hyukjae smiled. “I will."

He felt something stir inside him when Jongwoon smiled at him. Not like the grimace he had given him before, but actually smiled, as if he had tried to respond to the smile Hyukjae had shown seconds before. After a few moments of silence, Jongwoon cleared his throat.

“Well, imagine the sensation that dancing causes you, that sensation that I know you should know very well and to which you are addicted, which makes you continue to dance and give everything in each practice or presentation,” he paused momentarily, waiting for a signal, at this Hyukjae nodded, as if telling him to go on. “Project that satisfaction in your singing. Imagine that once you feel comfortable with your voice, you will be loved by many people, just as you are when you dance. Would not that be great? Would not you like it? Isn't it part of an artist?”

“But how will I do that?” Hyukjae asked making a slight pout that did not go unnoticed.

“Establishing a goal. Wishing to achieve it. Do you like music?”

“Yes.” He answered without hesitation.

“So you like to sing, you just won't admit it. Find that taste for music and exploit it, just as you feel the music when you dance, feel it when you sing.” Hyukjae nodded again. “Transform the language of dancing into words, into your voice. This is how you start.”

Hyukjae remained silent for a few seconds, ingesting what that beautiful man had told him, affirming in his mind his initial thought: this man was a mystery. And not because he had many secrets, but because his personality and way of thinking seemed different, or so Hyukjae could perceive. He found the answer to why Jongwoon called his attention so much; as a person, he was different, he was beautiful. And that was what Hyukjae liked. The different, the real.

“Do you have anything to practice?” The raven haired man's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

“What?” He tried to compose himself. “Oh, yeah,” he rummaged through the things in his backpack and pulled out a couple of sheets. “This.”

“Oh, it's not so bad,” he commented once he had glanced at it. “You must first learn to breathe correctly.”

“I've always had problems with that.”

“And that's probably why you feel that your voice is not enough. Sing a little for me.”

Hyukjae opened his eyes how big they were scared and nervous, at no time had he thought about singing in front of him and how he would feel, but definitely nervous, was little.

“Mmm...” he stirred. “Okay.”

«So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell 
Blue skies from pain
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?»

Hyukjae didn't dare to look in Jongwoon's direction, he was afraid of what he would have thought or what he would say about it, but all doubt dissipated when Jongwoon spoke.

“It was very good,” he flattered a little emotionless, but he could hear sincerity in his voice. “You sing well, I don't think you need my help at all.”

“I'm not comfortable, I feel like I'm not as good as everyone else.”

“Probably while others can afford to give less than one hundred percent of their capacity, you have to give strictly one hundred percent without loosening, but that does not mean you do it badly,” Jongwoon searched for his eyes and Hyukjae didn't have a choice but to hold that intense gaze, no matter how nervous it could make him feel. “I think you do it well. But if you want to improve, I will help you. Look, there is a very easy exercise that you are not taught here, clearly. Lie on the floor with a book on your chest and breathe normally, what you should do is try to identify everything that is involved in the breathing process and once you have identified it, compare it with the abdominal breathing that is the ideal for singing, you know?” He made a proper breath to show him. “Remember constant pressure and open ribs, without lifting the shoulders or puffing up the lungs.”

“Very well,” he analysed, seeing what he did wrong most of the time.

“This is how you should start, you alone at home,” he returned the sheets. “On Thursday we can start practicing your song.”

“Do you have time after school?” Hyukjae stood up followed by Jongwoon to leave the classroom.

“Yes, we can meet right here.”

“Great,” he smiled, thinking maybe he should pay him a little. “Thank you very much for the help today, how much do I owe you?”

“Oh it's nothing, I want to help.”

But Hyukjae felt a wave of confidence rush through him at that moment as he had felt when approaching to ask for help and send a message, and without thinking, he put a couple of bills in the front pocket of Jongwoon's pants, leaving him surprised.

“Thank you!” He exclaimed walking away, beginning to feel embarrassed.

What's wrong with you, Hyukjae?


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394 streak #1
Chapter 9: I love this, I hope you will come back soon >___<
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 8: Those two, so self-depreciating - Hyukjae with his singing and Jongwoon with his love life.
I like this chapter and the careful treading they are doing getting to know eachother <3
Chapter 8: woah,they had a deep talk..i wish Jongwoon would open his comfort to Hyukjae,it will be easier to go further tho...
TaiShanNiangNiang #4
Chapter 4: So Hyukjae carries around Pink Floyd music in his knapsack? ;) I recognized "Wish You Were Here" right away.
Great job! I love Hyukjae's attraction to mysterious Jongwoon <3
Chapter 2: I'm so excited fo curious ^^