

Hye Mi POV


"So, I think we're done for today?" I spoke while clearing the table from my things. He was mumbling something along the line "yeah" and some incoherent words that I decided not to push on. Jinyoung and I is here at the Green Leaves cafe for 2 and half an hour straight, studying physics and other side subjects that Jinyoung think he needed help with. Honestly, even though he said that it was like a tutoring time, it feels more like doing a revision with a friend. Jinyoung is quite fast at catching up with the lessons and he is actually not a bad student at all despite his notorious lable, "The delinquent".

"Do you have any plan after this?" he said, flashing a smile. Shaking my head as an immediate response, I really dont have anymore plan after this. It's not like Jonghyun will be at home waiting for me to come back. Won't he?

"I'm sorry to ask this from you but could you accompany me to the mall? there is something I am looking for and I thought that I might need your help with it? It's still early, could you company me to the mall?" Jinyoung pleads, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. I take a look at my watch and it's only 5:30 p.m. It's still early so I guess its fine to go with Jinyoung.

"Urm, well, its not like I have anything to do either. Shall we go now?" We both smile and quickly stacking our books to get out of the cafe. A gentleman he is, Jinyoung offered himself to carry my thick revision books. He said it was his pleasure. I just wish myself didnt get any weird idea. I might not care about it, but I still have a husband at home.


-At the mall-

"So, what exactly we are looking for right now?" I ask Jinyoung. We have been in and out several stores in the mall yet still haven't got himself anything worth 'me helping' for. And after an hour going around, we are currently sitting in front of a jewelry store's display table.

"I don't know?" he said hesitantly. I am not annoyed, just a little amused with his behaviour. He wants me to help him looking for something, but he, himself did not know what is he looking for?


"O-kay. Since you're not sure, I guess this is where I am needed, right?"

"Um, yeah"

Chuckling at his bashful reply, I just rolled my eyes playfully.

"First, I need to know what is the occassion, what is this 'thing' for"

"I want to buy a gift for someone special, it's her birthday" Jinyoung answered, eyes looking at the jewelry displayed intensely. Someone special? Her?

"Your lover?" I asked, pretty much curious of who is this special person. He just laugh but deny nothing.

"I guess"

"Yah, answer me seriously," I pouted which is for the first time in front of him. He look at me with wider smile.


"It's for my sister, it's her 16th birthday soon and I want to give her something special" aww, what a sweet brother. If there is something that could make me swoon easily, that would be sibling love, because I never get a chance to feel it. I am always the one and only.

"You love your sister very much, aren't you?"

"She's the only one I got" his expression darkened, the smiles turn into a straight line. Oh , I think I just hit a sore spot.

"I’m sorry" he shook his head and smile again,

"There is nothing to be sorry for. We have each other, that is good enough" He continue looking at the expensive pieces before calling out the staff asking for her to take out a ring. It is a silver band ring with a small diamond. A minimal look but precious in its own way.

Handling the said ring, he suddenly turn to me and ask, "Can you help me?"


"Can you try to put this on? My sister ring finger is about your size I think"

"Okay" This is what I am here for so there is no reason for me to say 'no' to his request. Rising my hand upwards makes me realize something. I actually put on my wedding ring before I went out earlier today so I had to take it off first. Gently placing the vow ring on the glass surface, I allow Jinyoung to slide the ring he has chosen for his sister on my finger. It is a nice ring, but it doesnt feel right. It doesnt feel right like my ring. I was about to say something when the phone in my pocket suddenly vibrates, incoming call. With the foreign round silver on my finger, I answer the phone,



"Have you done?" the familiar voice ask,

"With what?"

"Tutoring" it was a straight but harsh tone that he never use on me. Not that I remember.


"Then, why are you not home yet?"

"Well, we're going shopp.."

Jonghyun cut the line off before I finish talking and it irks me so bad. I swear that guy is damn bipolar, he act all oh-so nice with me when we talk last night and now he become a rude jackass. And here I am the female who supposed to have unpredictable temperament.

"Your mom?" Jinyoung questioned, I just smile at him. I can just vent on him by saying, 'oh no, its my rude jackass husband that I barely know and we dont even talk that much but now he's acting all superior on me' kind of thing but what will that makes me, so I just changed the topic.

"This ring fits perfectly. It's really beautiful and I think this is suitable to give to your sister as a birthday gift. She will love it"

I hand back the ring to him and put on my ring hastily. I can feel his eyes on my band and I am right. Jinyoung eyed my ring and comment on it,


"I like your ring, it's beautiful"

"Yeah, I think so"

"Where did you buy it?"

"Well, its a part of a custom-made line, I think, and the worker there told me that they only have one of this,"

"Oh. Guess not my luck then. I really like the design but now to think again, I dont think I can afford it. But hey, I think I have seen a same ring before"


"urmm, let me see. Ouh yes! Remember Sir Jonghyung? The male teacher in our detention?" I nod nervously. Why the hell is this Jinyoung have a strong memory?

"He has one too. Yeah, now I remember vaguely. The ring he wears is just like yours"

"Coincidence maybe"

"Yeah. Maybe. Well, let's purchase this one"




We are patrolling the mall for the next hour before Jinyoung and I decided to go into a gift shop to find other materials for his sister birthday. Besides, I’m thinking about buying Jonghyun something since he sound upset when he called me just now. I don't know if he's mad at me but a little good gesture won't hurt, right? Our relationship can get better, if so.

We went around the shop seperatedly because I don't feel comfortable lurking around the male section with Jinyoung, afraid that he's going to ask me the same question I did to him back at the jewelry store.

I thought I was alone when suddenly someone called upon my name.

"Hye Mi?" I turn around, and saw Mi young standing behind the gift racks. Oh great.


"Mi young- ah, what are you doing here?"

"Buying gift of course. What else am here for, right?" She said, matter-of-factly. I was trying to laugh but all that out was a nervous 'ha ha', I hope Mi Young as dense as she is, won't notice it.

"For who?" I ask, her face suddenly reddened to a certain extent and she shook her head shyly. This is suspicious.

"Ohoho, may I take a lucky guess, a boy? Ha ha I dunno you have a crush Mi young- ah" I grin evilly before faking a gasp, "oh?! or you already have a boyfriend now?" Maybe I was too busy with my new life until I don't know bout my best friend love life anymore. We used to share everything but now, I basically know nothing going around her these past month. We casually text each other but most of it is about school. We don't even hang out with each other that much anymore. You know, a wife life.

"I will say yes on the crush but no for boyfriend" she answered me with pinky cheek. Aww the bestfriend have a crush~ and I have a husband. Damn.

"Who? Do I know him? How long have you known him? Is he hot?" I shot her with bullets of question while grinning.

"He's the hottest man I’d ever see and you know him Hye mi- ah" Man? As in... older guy? I know him? who?

"Man? You mean, older boy? Who?" she hesitant at first, but slowly come to me and whisper to my ear,

"Sir Kim Jonghyun"


I mentally screaming like hysteric in my head. WHAT IN THE EARTH? My best friend, having a crush on my husband? No other, but my husband?! God forsaken, Isn't there many other hot boy in the school that can rivalled up to thos idol groups but why must it be my husband?

Oh wait, should be freaking out like this? yes, me and Jonghyun are married but I don't even love him. Right? I don't love him, is it? Argh. But still, he is my husband. Now I don't feel bad only about myself, but for Mi Young too. What if she knows?


"Hye Mi? Yah Park Hye Mi!" Mi young waving her hand in front of my face, waking me up from my 30 seconds nightmare... or maybe longer.

"What's with that face? Huh? Don’t tell me you have a crush on Jonghyun sonsaeng too?"

(she's not but please, she's in love with MY hubbie, what else should I call her right now) just say what? I'm not having a crush on him, he's mine. Lawfully. Eventhough I didn't love him. Eh why do I keep convincing myself that I don't love him?!


Calm down Park Hye Mi, calm down. It's okay, she didn't know. It's okay. Act normal. Act like a good, supportive best friend you are even when you really should not.

"No. Hell I won't have any crush on him. You know how much I hate his class right? so I despise the teacher too" I technically is telling her the truth about hating the music class but not clearing on the last sentence after the question mark. I despise the teacher before but now, I'm still in denial whether I love him or not.

"Good news then, at least I have one competitor less" Mi young smiles and continue choosing the right gift for my husband. Okay, I think I need to stop emphasizing on 'my husband'.

"Competitor?" Is he really that popular? To have the students to compete for him? Curse you and your dino look, boy.

"Yeah, you know, almost 96% girls in our school have crush on him. The other 4% either already have a boyfriend or just not into relationship like you..." 96%? For real? I hope that is just her blunder and not the truth because if its true, man, someone need to be locked in a closet. Oh no I am not a possessive wife, I just want to keep him safe. Girls are scary. That is the truth.

"Ahaha, well, that's me" I fake a laugh and canceling my intention to buy Jonghyun a present. If everyone who is into him are doing what MI Young is dong now, he will get so much present that if he sell it on a garage sale, he might support his life for a whole year. The hell, why must he be so good looking? And those girls, don't they have anything in my except for flirting with their teacher? The hot, drop dead teacher? gahhhhh....

"Oh, Hye Mi, why are you here?" Mi young ask me out of the blue,

"Oh, I’m accompanying someone buying a present" I answer truthfully,

"Who? Aunt Sun Mi?" Aunt Sun Mi is my mom in case anyone didn't know. I shook my head but not answering,,

"Kyaaaaa" Mi young suddenly cheering causing me to startle. I look at her and she is holding a medium sized snow glob with a couple miniature inside. The male doll is holding a guitar and the female is kissing his cheek. Swear to god I’ll smash my head on the wall if she tells me she's going to give it to Jonghyun.

"Hye Mi! Isn’t it cute? I'm thinking about giving this to Sir Jonghyun," God, please let someone come and stop me from banging my head to that nice, white painted concrete.

"Hye Mi?" Thank you god, you grant my wish. I swear I will do good deeds for this week full and I will go to the church on friday. I look at the owner of the voice and smile, my savior,

"Yeah Jinyoung?"

"Are you done?" He stepping closer to me before stopping at my side and bows slightly to Mi young,

"Yes, are you?" He smiles and rocking his shopping bag back and forth,

"Yes, should we go now or you want to stay here with your friend?" Jinyoung-ah, I would do anything just to have you ask me that question. Of course I will go with you, this girl are driving me insane today (but she still my best friend no matter what).

"I think I’ll go with you, besides I need to go back home now. Is it okay with you, Mi young?" I look at Mi young who is unusually standing silently in front of me and Jinyoung. She nods,,

"Oh by the way, Jinyoung, this is my best friend, Choi Mi Young. And Mi young- ah, this is Jinyoung, my tutor friend" I introduce them to each other since I’m very sure they haven't meet yet. Jinyoung give her his infamous smile that will melt everyone's heart (except mine since Jonghyun already did that /I think/) Mi young nods, lowering her head down to hidw the pink tinted cheek.

Jinyoung offers Mi young to shake hands and she shyly accept. I smiled when she quickly retract her hand and Jinyoung awkwardly bringing his hand back into his jeans pocket. I wish I can smell love in the air but unfortunately, I'm just a human with a blocked nose.

"Shall we?" Jinyoung hinting me that its time to go and I went to girl hug Mi young before making my way out of the store with Jinyoung by my side. I take a last glance at the shy Mi young and smile brightly at the scene where she placed the snow ball she wanted to buy for my husband back at its rack.

I guess she's crushing (is that a correct word?) on someone else right now.

"Jinyoung-ah, thank you" I squeezed his arm lightly,

"For what?" he ask, confused,

"For stopping me from a criminal mind" I let go of Jinyoung arm and jumping like a happy kindergartens, leaving him behind with more confused look.



Jonghyun POV


It’s been 2 hours since I called Hye Mi and she still not home yet.

Is she still with Jinyoung right now? Where are they? What are they doing?

Hundreds of question came flooding in my mind, causing me to anxiously be in my position right now, wandering back and forth in the living room for an hour straight. I was about to call her once again when I heard her voice behind the front door. She's talking to someone that must be Jinyoung. I slowly creep to the door and steal listen their conversation,

"Jinyoung- ah, thanks for the nice ride," Hye Mi speaks.

"Anything for you, Hye Mi, and I also wanna say thanks for tutoring me" Male voice, of course its Jinyoung.

"Welcome. But I told you there's no need for you to send me up here"

"It's okay, nothing wrong in make sure of your safety right?"

"You're such a sap. Well, I guess you need to hand all those to gifts to your sister? I still think you got too much for her. She is well loved by you"

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that" I heard Hye Mi soft giggles and my blood boiled, she's giggling, with other guy. Has she ever did that in front of me? but we don't talk that much. If she suddenly giggle like that, I might think she's crazy instead. A cute crazy.

"How can you forget? You are the one who eager to buy all those right?"

"You made me" Jinyoung shortly answer. And for a painful minute, nothing was heard, only my own heartbeat or mind cuss. This guy clearly flirting with my wife.Out of all people, my wife. The girls at the school are so cute that they are comparable to those girl idol group and you still made your way on my wife? what is wrong with you, student?

"Hahaha. You are funny Jinyoung. You better get going, that ice-cream will melt if you keep idling here. I’m sorry I can't invite you in, my housemate doesn't like me bringing outsider home, especially boys"

Luckily Hye Mi still know her limit as somebody else's wife, but somehow its hurt to hear her said her 'house mate' not husband. I know we cannot reveal our status yet but, I dunno, I want everyone to know she is my wife, mine.

I heard them bidding each other goodbyes before the sound of key slipped into the locks is heard, with the speed of light, I sprint back to the living room and sat on the couch, like a boss.

"I'm home" Hye Mi greets as soon as she's inside. I pretend not to hear her. Seconds later, Hye Mi put her bag down near the coffee and throw her body on the couch next to me,

"I'm sorry I'm late" she sighed, I know she's tired but the jerk in me still wanted to show itself. Result from being held down for two hours.

"Busy celebrating your first date?" I said sarcastically, she sat up straight and frown,

"What are you talking about? I told you, he just needs me to tutor him, nothing more"

"When I called earlier, where are you?"

"I'm at mall, shopp..." I roughly cut her words,

"So you're tutoring him at the mall? Where? In the cinema? Tutoring or dating?" my voice started to get higher much to my own surprise that I can't keep myself calm. Her brows furrowed before she retorted back,


"Can't you at least let me finish talking and not cutting me off like you did today? We're at the mall to shop for her sister, it’s her birthday!"

"You sure that is not just an excuse?"

"I told you the truth, me and Jinyoung have nothing special"

"Really? I thought he is your ideal man?" I continue to provoke her, still in sarcastic tone,

"You know what? I'm tired and have no time for this, night Jonghyun" she stands up and grab her bag, ready to walk away but I held her wrist tightly.

"So it’s true? He’s your ideal man and you enjoying your 'tutoring'?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?! I told you there's nothing between me and him! Why are you so sarcastic? Yes! Yes, he is my ideal man but that doesn't mean I love him! Now let go of my hands! I want to rest"

"Why so eager to hide in your room? Cannot wait to text your boyfriend? See if he safe home?"

"I think you really had a major problem with your head right now, why don't you go to sleep and we'll talk about this later?" Hye Mi speaks in softer tone, try to make peace for the both of us, but I don't want peace. I don't know what I want. I don't know what I am so mad of.


"None of us going anywhere, not till you tell me the truth!"

"I've told you everything Kim Jonghyun, now just let me go! You are hurting me!" She snapped her hands and rubbing her bruised wrist. Now she looked equally mad.

"I heard him flirting with you just now. In front of our house! Tell me, do you like it? do you like him?! Speak the truth!"

"What truth do you want? I realize he's hitting on me but what's important is I didn't go on with it! I never like him! I just went to tutor him, before he asks for my help to accompany him buying gifts for her sister, and i help him out of friendship! that's it! I even met Mi Young there, you can ask her!"

"You could've create a black ally with that Mi Young to lie to me, to cover your doings. Like I can believe what a pair of highschool bestfriend says. I've been teaching for years, you can't fool me"

Dammit! I did not just call her that! I know that's not true. I know Hye Mi won't do something like that but my mouth, it keeps betraying me. I look at her and the view hit me, Hye Mi, she's crying.


"y- you call me a s- ??" her voice shakes. Oh my god, what have I done?

"WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE TO CALL ME A ?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME TO SPIT THAT ON MY FACE?! IS THAT WHAT YOU TAKE ME FOR? A ?!" She yelled on top of her lung, killing me with eyes full of hatred.

A sudden silence quickly wrapping both of us as I stand here in regret and she's still throwing invisible daggers at me while breathing heavily.


"I- I..." I just lost my words. I just...

"I thought you trust me! I thought our relationship is changing! I thought I'm your wife! but looks like I’m wrong. There's no second in your day that you are not doubting me! What are you even doing here, Kim Jonghyun? What did I do that you hate me so much? It's seems like you're finding a reason to leave me, all this time. Fine Kim Jonghyun, you can leave now!" she screams at my face, tears running down her face, stiffening me.

"Hy- Hye Mi, I'm s- sorry, I didn't mean t-to..."

"Stop! I don't wanna listen anymore! Just go! Leave!" she stops me and cover her ear with both of her hands. I'm so ed up. I'm just making thing worse isn't it? Why you have to be so stupid Kim Jonghyun?

I went closer to her and try to hold her, but she slaps my hands off,

"Why are you touching me now? I'm a aren't I?! Didn't I disgust you?! Why are you even looking at me? Do I worth it?!"

"Hye Mi, I’m really sorry I don't mean it, I..."

"You don't want to leave? FINE! I'LL LEAVE!!!!"

Hye Mi pushed my frozen body aside and stormed to the front door. Realizing that I need to fix my fault so it wont get anymore bad that this, I ran after her. I was so close behind, when she pushed the door open, revealing someone who is not supposed to be there but here he is, standing right in front us. Staring at Hye Mi and I with shocked expression.



"J- Jinyoung?"





Yay! a new chapter! the first conflict but will not be the last. I hate to say this but the main plot has not even start yet, and my updating pace is slower than your grandma running in a marathon. lol.

I don't know what I do to deserve new subscribers, but hey, welcome.

Shout Out to ElmoBrew, I hope you are still here to read and comment to the chapters. You are a really nice person (I don't know you personally but I can feel it <3 *wink wink*

My university life has been nice to me, I just got listed on the Dean's list, and hopefully the more relaxed schedule will help me to update more often. BUT! its not a promise because life always has its way to me up. Hoho.

This chapter is not Beta-ed for now, so read at your own risk.

Oh and one more thing, I was thinking to change the title of the fic to THE LIFE WE HAD, anyone agree or disagree? Please tell me at the comment section ya!


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Chapter 34: Pleaseeeee i love this!!!
pinkypn #2
Chapter 34: The decision is up to you. Since his pasting, I keep trying to find good stories about him. In a way these stories makes me feel like he is still here and how his life would be. I haven't really found any good one since most are about a farewell to him. If you know any good jonghyun stories can you recommend some. When I watch videos of him or shinee I block out that hebis gone cuz it makes me sad and I can't watch or listen to their music.
sakura92 #3
Chapter 34: Authornim thanks for coming back to leave this message. Depending on what you decide, wishing you the best in life.
Chapter 8: "I love you" Aww bebbiiiiiiii. I'd forgive him straight up ahahahha but that's just me haha
Update soon ♡
Chapter 7: Jinyoung, you know how much I like you, but I have to let my BANA side go and start shipping Minyoung with Jonghyun, I'm sorry :'(

So it wasn't me, you actually changed the title ahahah
EXOticsMia #6
Chapter 7: Update more!! Good to see you back
Chapter 7: Oooh new title still suits the story well.
Damn, I hate it when people don't let me explain and they jump to conclusion or don't even TRY understand or empathise with my situation ahaha.

Jinyoung was so sweet allowing her to stay at his house. And Jonghyun making all that effort to get her back -- I understand his desperation but he could have been more discrete, less rash and spoken to her in private once he saw her at school rather than beginning that drama ahhaha. Poor child.

Miyoung needs to play her role as a best friend and not as just a regular "mate" -- understanding is what is needed.
Great chapter sweetie, update soon ♡
Also, in regards of the title change; do as you wish, really. If you feel that the new title is better suited then by all means, go for it ^-^
If anyone disagrees with your decision, personally message them and remind them who the author is :P
Chapter 6: Yo~ Hahaha don't you worry, I'm still reading heh.
Thank you for the shout out, I appreciate it.
I'd like to think I'm a nice person ahaha thank you ♡

I wish you all the best with uni. My first day is tomorrow and I'm hella nervous...because I feel like I'll wake up late and miss my train/bus. Legit the only reason hah.

Anywaaays, I was quite surprised to see you update again, it was a good surprise nonetheless aha.
I don't know how they're going to get out of this situation. If they don't lie their way out I sure hope Jinyoung keeps his mouth shut >_<
Chapter 6: I'm a BANA and a Shawol...who should I support? D: Jong, what the ? I want to slap you on her behalf! Jinyoung, what you did is kinda creepy, so don't do it again...