coochies collector wants to have a talk with yall, come closer.


click click. bang bang.


it's that time of the month again and no, I'm not talking about menstrual period but instead I'm here to ask (force) y'all to be my friend. what a nice thought, isn't it? well let's go straight to the point. 

gmt plus side but still having some tiny minor difficulties where i can't reply that fast during day since I've school and stuff but I'd try to make time for you. i swear in the name of holy guacamole, I'd do my best to reply. don't worry, yeah?

i want to be honest, straightforward and truthful about this but for now i ain't looking for plot partner or partner. sorry but we can still have rabbit arrangement or plato or whatever stuff that cool kids do. 

as for platform, I've already stated in tags. 

kindly give me your id and TIMEZONE. i repeat, TIMEZONE. because there were some of you who didn't give me their tz and expected me to be there for them 24/7 like i don't have anything else to do. 

ladies and gentlemen are welcomed and i don't really care about your fc. be whoever you wanna be, do whatever you wanna do, eat whoever you wanna eat, be gay or be het i don't care as long as you're here to be my friend and able to endure my [inserts the gang sign emoji because aff won't allow me to use any emoji]

with all being said, thank you. drops mic.


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