
The Prince
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UNBETA-ED I apologize for any mistakes ; - ;



Somehow he manages to minimize the fumbling and stuttering to a minimum and asks for Hyukjae to guide him to Fie X’hin. Now, he’s seated behind the redhead, once again, arms circled around a thin waist as they ride through the forest at a relaxed pace. In a sudden burst of confidence, Donghae leans against a warm back, resting his chin on Hyukjae’s shoulder. Despite his nerves, he finds himself relaxing, even with the looming thought of his marriage to some duke’s son.

For a moment he entertains the idea of being a normal person, how easy it would be to just let himself be swept away by Hyukjae despite just having met. He thinks about how simple it would be to fall for him as he learns more about the redhead, get married and live a happy simple life.  

It’s a wishful musing however as Donghae knows better than anyone that, as a prince, he will always put his duty first over his own desires.

“You are a prince before you are your own person,” his father always said, “you must think of the good of our country before you can think of yourself. It is the burden placed on those born as children of our ancient deity, a law engraved in the very blood that flows through our veins.”

And Donghae has never been one to disobey his father despite all the ruckus he had stirred up in his childhood.

“Donghae?” Hyukjae tentatively calls out, bringing the brunette out of his thoughts. “If you don’t mind me asking, what’s got you going all the way to Fie X’hin when Kei’sei is kind of, well, it’s a much better choice for most people.”

“Why do you think I’m from Kei’sei?” Donghae asks in return. Hyukjae snorts, and he can hear the redhead mumble about how that’s what he takes note of first instead of actually answering the question.

“Fair enough,” Hyukjae replies with an indulgent tone, “no one ever passes these woods except for the people of Kei’sei, and even that is a rare occurrence. It wouldn’t really make sense for you not to be from there when all the other countries are much farther from Fie X’hin.”

“Oh,” is all Donghae says in response. Hyukjae laughs, though it’s tinged with hints of resentment.

“Didn’t expect that from a guy that lives in a tiny little nation?”

Donghae’s eyes widen and he fumbles with his mouth, trying to find the proper words to say. “Gods, no, it’s just, um, I hadn’t thought of it like that. In Kei’sei, the backwoods is something the people are told to stay away from. I didn’t think anyone would actually pass through the forests, you know?”

“Well it is mostly merchants looking to trade and sell goods,” Hyukjae turns to peer at the brunette currently settled against his back, “and that brings me to my question; what’s a guy like you doing, heading to our little part of the world. You’re obviously not a merchant, so what’s your story?”

“I guess,” Donghae pauses, “I just kind of want to get away from everything.”

It’s not a lie. The purpose may have originally been to him to his fiancé – he supposes is what he should start calling his husband-to-be no matter how much he loathes the idea – before he had completely and utterly tore through that plan by running away from his . He had justified his actions as him fulfilling his duty as a prince of Kei’sei but deep inside he knows his running away had been mostly fueled by his desire to escape from all his burdens.

“Hey, you know, you a picked a good place to escape to. Fie X’hin has one of the best hot springs and,” Hyukjae hesitates and Donghae looks up at him, curiosity now piqued.

“If you want,” the redhead bites his lip, mumbling to himself what sounds like a scolding before he tentatively suggests, “I could take you to one and maybe show you around our little nation too.”

Donghae knows his duty as the last living member of his family, knows he cannot afford to simply run away from it. His pendant remains a steady weight on his chest – a constant reminder of the burden that rests on his weary shoulders. He tells himself it's temporary, this sort of deviation from his plan. He wants to indulge himself before he has to give it all up.

It's with this thought that has him biting back the denial he's always said to his previous suitors and smiles as he snuggles further onto the shoulder he’s resting his cheek on.

“I’d like that very much,” he replies. The ensuing relieved grin on the other's face is enough to drown out the conflict bubbling up in his chest.




It’s been hours since Donghae broke away from his – the sun has set and the sky is awashed in shades of reds and oranges – and it’s only now that he starts to think about the three guards he had left behind. He doesn't delve deeper into the guilt slowly starting to rise however; he mustn't start regretting his decisions else he'd never go through with his plans. Besides, not even the gods could ever convince him to settle for being someone's trophy husband – nevermind that he's engaged to the grand duke's son.

Right now though, there is the concern on where he'll be resting for the night. Donghae's just about to ask the other when Hyukjae speaks up.

"There's little cabin just a couple more minutes from here. It's where I stay when I want to just immerse myself in nature for a while and get away from the hustle of the city. Do you mind if we rest there for the night?"

Doesn’t that sound a little too convenient. Not that he’s complaining. A night in a cabin far away from the busy towns with just the two of them alone? Either Donghae’s getting himself a moment worthy of the kinds of stories the maids are always giggling about or he’s about to be murdered horribly. Somehow, he doubts it’s the latter.

The thought of getting to steal more moments with the other teen has him giddy – but he’s not telling the other that though. Can’t make himself look too easy or too desperate; it's unbefitting of a prince. With that thought, Donghae pretends to ponder for a moment before finally he intones, "I don't know, is it clean?"

"I don't like what you're implying."

"But I'm not implying anything," Donghae says with an innocent tone. Hyukjae snorts.

"What happened to the shy cutie I saved earlier this morning?"

This time it’s Donghae’s turn to snort. Him? Shy? Okay, maybe at first but ask anyone that knew him and shy would be the furthest thing from their minds. He’ll graciously accept cutie, though.

"Is that your type? Because if it is, you're going to be sorely disappointed."

"I never said that." Hyukjae turns to smile at Donghae who had taken to resting his chin on the redhead's shoulder, bringing their faces alarmingly close. "Just hadn't expected it. I like it."


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Chapter 3: It’s really interesting so far and the more I read the more I want to know more about the characters and what’s going to happen next . At first I thought Hyuk was the duke’s son but he’s not ? And Heechul too what’s his role here I wonder . I’m really looking forward for your next update ^^
Chapter 3: So hyukjae is no the duke's son and he appears to have powers or some affinity with the creatures of the forest and the forest itself. My interests is piqued. I love shy Hae.
965 streak #3
Chapter 3: The plot thickens. It seems that Hyukjae is not royalty. But he's got relatives in town. What could he be?
Thank you so much for the update. Please update when you can. Merry Christmas!
marionette1991 #4
Chapter 2: I like this story
hellogemini #5
Chapter 2: Aww this is so sweet.. I am looking forward to how it's gonna progress. Don't worry author. I personally like the pace as it is now. ^^
Chapter 2: Want to
I like shy Hae ^^
965 streak #7
Chapter 2: Is the Prince falling for his savior?
And is his savior the man to whom he is to wed?
So intriguing as the savior seems to have power over nature. Such an interesting character.
Thank you so much for the update. Please update as soon as you can.
Chapter 1: I love flirty hyuk & shy hae xD
Chapter 1: I enjoy it!!!!and i cant wait for moreee~~~
965 streak #10
Chapter 1: It is sweet and I love a blushing Donghae!
Thank you for sharing this story and I'm looking forward to the next chapters!