Only his secretary

Fluffy kyuwook πŸ’“
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"Your meeting tomorrow has been postponed to Friday," Ryeowook says as he walks into kyuhyun's office. "I need you to sign these papers. And if I ever again think it's a good idea to have lunch with anyone here that isn't you or yesung, please kill me."

Kyuhyun looks up from the files he has spread over his desk, accepts the papers Ryeowook hands him, and smiles. "That bad?"

"Bad? It wasn't just bad, kyuhyun," Ryeowook groans. He sinks down into the chair across from kyuhyun's desk. "It was torture."

"Did you really at any point think it was a good idea to have lunch with Donghae and Eunhyuk?" Kyuhyun asks, raising an eyebrow. "They're terrific at their jobs, and I'm sure they're good guys, but even I know they single-handedly run the office's gossip mill."

Ryeowook huffs. "Well excuse me for thinking they were being sweet, inviting me out to lunch. And I never would have gone if you hadn't been busy."

"So it's my fault?"

Ryeowook his head to the side and thinks about that for a while. "Yes," he decides.

Kyuhyun laughs. "Okay. I'll make it up to you tonight," he says with a wink. "Steak and a movie work for you?"

"Yeah," Ryeowook replies.

"So, wanna tell me why lunch was so bad?"

"Because those two evil beings spent thirty minutes trying to get me to share gossip about you."

"Hmm, what did you tell them?" Kyuhyun asks with a grin.

"That you're sleeping with your assistant," Ryeowook deadpans.

"Hmm, I heard whispers about that. You sure that's not just a rumor?"

Ryeowook groans. "Actually, there really is a rumor that you're seeing someone from the office. But everyone's money is on Seohyun from accounting."

"She is very pretty," kyuhyun muses.

"Good thing pretty girls aren't your cup of tea," Ryeowook replies. He stretches his legs out, crossing them at the ankles, and then rotates his shoulders, trying to work out some of the kinks. "Also, Eunhyuk is convinced you must have had plastic surgery done at one point."

"Yeah? What kind?"

"Lips, definitely. implants,

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Chapter 3: Awww Kyuhyun trying to tutor Ryeowook in English is absolutely adorable!
HAHAHA Poor Kyuhyun doesn't realize Henry helped with the tutoring more...
Kyuhyun is a better suited to just being his boyfriend XD
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD!!! So Sweet!!!!
I always enjoy your stories, they always give me a lovely dose of fluff!
kyuwook87870 #3
Chapter 1: Aw so cute