1. The Collapse Kingdom of Oh

Adonis Next Door
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"The latest news; businessman Oh Jongup and his wife Im Sohyang died in a plane crash. Not yet known for sure—"

I didn't even hear anything else. But my cleaning movement on the surface of the table slowed down and finally stopped.

For no apparent reason, I ran out of the restaurant. Still complete in an apron, and a dirty cloth in my hand, I ran to Oh's family residence which was a few miles away from where I was working part time.

By the way, Iam Kim Seulgi. 

And I didn't know that later this would change all aspects of my life.

In the Oh family's rich mansion,  all looked deserted, except for the kitchen that was where I was standing now, in the midst of Jung's butler, and also the servants consisting of 5 people, along with personal driver and gardener.

My face free from expressions, but it's the same as the others. We were too shocked by the news. 

"The plane crashed in the fields not far from the residential area. They found their bodies, but hardly to recognized."

Aunt Youngrae was the longest servant to ever worked in the Oh residence. I was not surprised when she cried knowing the master she cared for since kid left her just like that.

"What about the young master?" I couldn't prevent my lips from asking.

"They will receive the body at the St Mary's hospital and hold a funeral there."

I didn't ask again afterwards. And let silence consumed us in each other's minds.

Mr. and Mrs. Oh are good people, I'm sure God will certainly put them in heaven. What became my mind was young master Oh Sehun.

No — hold on — don't think worrying about one person means you have one aspect of feeling for him. What I have was pure empathy, not in a romantic stage.

The whole city knew how the life of young master Oh working. Like the rich man who had a lot of wealth, he liked to party, wasting money and played with women.

I stopped in the Oh mansion's living room. A large family photo was located in the middle of a room that had shabby chic nuances — the result of Mrs. Oh's hand — my heart is pounding in pain.

Knowing that the two aristocrats would no longer  smiling for me or just asking me to do this and that like master to their servant.

When I was little and my parents died. Mr. Oh Jongup took me to his house, gave me permission to stay even  send me to a prestigious school with their son, young master Sehun.

I certainly didn't think it was free, instead I worked as a maid and accompanied  young master Sehun as his playmate. I thought we were quite close before he got older and started acting annoying.

Since then I have treated our relationship no more than just master and servant.

My cellphone suddenly ringing inside my apron, the contact belongs to Do Kyungsoo, I thought this had something to do with the work I left in the restaurant.

God! I could get fired!

I rushed out of Mr. Oh's house and walked to the bus stop after saying goodbye to everyone.


"Where are you, Kim Seulgi? The boss almost strangled me because suddenly you ran away!"

Do Kyungsoo's voice over the phone bothered me. But he was right, I shouldn't run without saying anything to him.

"Sorry, can you cover me for more minutes? I'm on my way back. I'll explain the reason later," I said. My sweat flowed to my temples, several times I waved my hand hoping to get rid of the hot air from this dry summer.

Do Kyungsoo hummed in response, then closed the call because he couldn't get much explanation from me. He already knew, when I said later, then I wouldn't talk until I knew it was the right time.

Upon my return from Mr. Oh's house. My boss was furious, but not enough to kicked me out of my job as a waitress.

It's rare for anyone to worked with him who cursed much like a sailor. Kyungsoo and I were exceptions. We

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Riris16 #1
Chapter 1: 1st chapter and I already liked it :) Can't wait till they meet again haha