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"Oh, you're home", she says from where she's standing in the kitchen after hearing the sound of the door opening and then closing again.

Striding inside the apartment after kicking her shoes off, Tiffany stops right in front of her girlfriend with arms crossed against her chest and a not very amused expression on her face. The grey dog is barking at her feet, wanting some affection from the recent incomer. Tiffany steals a quick glance at the small dark animal before returning to stare at the woman.

TaeYeon stops herself from leaning in to peck her girlfriend's lips when she realizes Tiffany is not in a good mood. She frowns, tilting her head the slightest as she glances at the woman once again, yet paying attention on pouring the hot water in her mug carefully, "What's wrong? Did something happen at work?"

"Am I some kind of charity case to you?", Tiffany asked without hesitation.

"W-What?!", the older one asked, not believing her ears. Taeyeon set everything on the counter, turning her body so she could face Tiffany as well, confused eyes searching for any kind of sign that Tiffany was not serious.

She could not find it and it got her worried.

Her mind is working quickly, trying to understand Tiffany's words and remember if she has said something wrong to get the woman upset like that. But the only time they actually talked that day was before Tiffany left home to work and through texts, with Tiffany reminding TaeYeon to pick up Zero from the pet salon. Nothing else. She was sure of it.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?"

"Forget it", she huffs before marching out of the kitchen to the hallway, heading to their bedroom.

Taeyeon trots her way to the other, "Tiffany! Wha— Stop!", she grabs her by the wrist, not letting her take any additional step away, "What is going on?"

"It's nothing, TaeYeon. I'm just mad and tired", she explains after taking a deep breath to calm herself down. Which didn't help at all, "Please, let go of me".


Taeyeon does as she's told, but doesn't fail to follow the other closely, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern.


"You are mad, so of course it's something. What is it?"

 "I don't wanna say."

 "So it is something."


For a moment, Taeyeon just stands there by the door, watching Tiffany making herself busy around the room, taking off her jacket, putting her purse away, checking her messages on her phone, picking up a new and clean set of clothes so she can take a shower. Her mind has been working non stop since she read a few words, that were the reason of her distress, a couple of hours ago. So yes, that's what the woman feels she needs right now, a very long hot shower.

But Taeyeon is on her way.

"Let me pass, please."

"You're not a charity case."

"TaeYeon... Let's talk about this later, okay?"

 "But, baby—"



After a soft sigh, Taeyeon nods and takes a step aside, letting Tiffany make her way to the bathroom.


When Tiffany is done after half an hour later, Taeyeon is snuggling with Zero on the couch after drinking her tea, watching some animated movie. At the time she hears steps coming from the hallway and heading to the kitchen, Taeyeon sits straight, watching the dog jump off the couch and run in search for his mommy.

Tiffany returns a minute later with a can of soda in hands, already open. The brunette takes a seat on the couch, a considerable distance between herself and the other woman who's watching every move she makes as Zero lies on the carpet, eyes attentive on both figures. Tiffany feels Taeyeon's gaze without ever taking a glance at her direction, just paying attention on drinking her soda. The silence stays there for a few more minutes, just the soft sound of the animated characters coming from the TV, until Taeyeon can't take it anymore.


"Are you going to explain to me why would you say that?"



Hearing her korean name and the tone of Taeyeon's voice, she can't help but turn her gaze from the screen in front of her to a pair of worried dark brown eyes staring back at her. She sighs again, placing the can on the coffee table, "It's stupid. You'll laugh."

"I promise you I am not going to laugh", she lifts her pinky to show Tiffany she's being sincere. Her heart starts to pound faster at the look on her girlfriend's face and promptly moves herself closer to her, a hand resting on her knee now, for reassurance, "Please, tell me what's wrong so I can at least try and make it up for whatever I've done to make you feel like that." 

Tiffany shakes her head softly, "You didn't do anything."

"So— Someone said something at work? Was it Sooyoung again, because I swea—"

"No! No. She didn't say anything this time. It was, mm...", she bites the inside of her cheek, "Remember you promised, okay?" Taeyeon nods and Tiffany looks down at her hands now fidgeting with the hem of her own shirt. "I read something on the internet that got me a bit insecure."

"Oh? About me?"

"Well— Not exactly."

"Tell me. You're getting me nervous, baby."

"It was a zodiac thing."




Tiffany couldn't bring herself to move her eyes away from her lap at first, but after hearing nothing she was too curious so she had to confirm Taeyeon's reaction. And, yes, she knew the woman was fighting back the laughter.


"Kim Taeyeon, you promised!"

"I am not laughing! But, come on, Tiffany, what are you saying now?"


The younger then exhaled softly while sinking further on the couch, looking up at TaeYeon for a moment longer. The latter is just there, waiting patiently, trying to find a little bit of rationality so she can make sense of Tiffany's words.


"Okay, so, I was just scrolling through twitter like I always do, right? And someone retweeted something about 'what the signs are attracted to' and I got curious, I wanted to see mine. Well, I ended up reading yours and it got me thinking... A little bit too much, I guess. I-I'm sorry, I had time to think in the shower, so just please, don't mind me. I know it's silly".

Taeyeon takes Tiffany's hand between both of her own, fingertips caressing gently the skin, "It's not silly when you were clearly affected by it." Leans in and pecks a sweet kiss to her cheek, "What did it say? That we're attracted to charity?", the smaller woman grins a little. She could see Tiffany's cheeks were turning a soft shade of pink with the question.

"No", shakes her head, "It said that... Mm— Pisces are attracted to someone that... they can 'help'".

She blink

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 1: Yeah communication is a key in relationship
Glad fany want to talk about it and taengooo willing to hear it patiently
Chapter 1: Thankfully Tiffany decided to let out her thought and feelings. Taeyeon is such a sweet girlfriend always so patience . Thank you for the hard work
Chapter 1: I'm glad that Fany let it all out at least now Taeyeon knows. I guess it really just hurt the former's pride but I understand. I'm sure she only wants the best for Taeyeon as well.
Icantlivewithout801 #4
Chapter 1: Can’t lie this is the best!Soo cute and i love it how taeyeon can be soo calm:*
Chapter 1: Cute story. It's funny how horoscopes is just a bunch of cr** but we all still like to read it. ;)
Chapter 1: Awww now I'm curious about their background story
1137 streak #7
Chapter 1: Aww good thing Tae was calm during the conversation because not all can do that thnx for the story authourssi it's simple but beautiful like the comment below said
Kaylala #8
Chapter 1: I like this. The storyline is simple but beautiful. I hope that you can make it a full story though, thanks for this authornim :)
wanderluzt05 #9
Chapter 1: this honestly happens in many types of relationships... and so realistic! i like that you wrote something like this! and the romantic fluff air vibe makes it comfy
332yrma #10
Chapter 1: Thank you for this story author! :)