Worry (Baekhyun)

In Your Eyes

He wasn't ready. He wasn't ready to face him yet he doesn't have any choice but to go to school and face this tragic reality that he won't be ever be with him. 

After Jongdae dragged him to his comfort room to go and take a bathe, he knew he had no choice but to comply. He has missed school for 2 days. Well for him, missing school isn't really a big deal but seeing Chanyeol for the first time after his indirect rejection made him contemplate if whether he should go or not. 


As he gets inside the room, he saw that Chanyeol wasn't in his usual place. He really mean to distance himself huh? Baekhyun thought, but looking around he didn't see the riduculously tall guy. Looking at the time, he thought that Chanyeol was never this late. 


"If you're wondering, maybe Chanyeol's absent again." Jongdae dropped his bag on the floor. 

Baekhyun frowned.


"He was absent yesterday and the other day, remember." Baekhyun sighed. 

Really, what's wrong with Chanyeol?

"Do you know why?" Baekhyun tried to be subtle but worry was evident on his face. 


Jongdae shrugged, "Man, I don't know. Maybe he decided to stop but there was this man yesterday looking for you. You know Mr. Kim?" 

Baekhyun felt nervous. There's really something wrong. 

"You mean, Chanyeol's butler?" 

"Uh, maybe if that man who was with him the whole time and his half bald head is his butler, then yes he is?" Jongdae said as if contemplating whether he made sense. 

"Why was he looking for me?" Baekhyun was about to get his phone ready to contact Mr. Kim, when it started ringing. 

"Mr. Kim?"

"Baekhyun! I really don't want to disturb you or anything of that matter but..."

Baekhyun heard some glasses breaking. "Mr. Kim what's happening?" 

"Baekhyun, can you come here? Chanyeol isn't going out of his room for 2 days already. Everyone here is already worried." 

Baekhyun immediately went outside of his room as soon as he heard Chanyeol's name. 

"Okay, Mr. Kim I'm coming, can you send me the adress?"

"Thank you, Baekhyun. I'll message it to you right away."



As soon as he arrived at the address Mr. Kim sent him, he looked at around the place. He was doubting if this was really it or maybe he got it wrong. But he saw Mr. Kim going out of the house or is it mansion?

He didn't know Chanyeol was this rich. He realized, he didn't really know everything about him yet. 

"Baekhyun! Chanyeol's inside of his room, and I know only you can make him open his door." Baekhyun stopped walking. 

"But Mr. Kim, I don't think so. We're not really in good terms now, but I'll try, I guess." Mr. Kim nodded in agreement.

"I know and that's why he's sulking there." Baekhyun didn't really understand that because right there he saw a woman knocking to a door and was repeatingly calling Chanyeol's name. 

"Mrs. Park, the guy I'm talking about is here." He heard Mr. Kim, and Mrs. Park? 

Wait. This is Chanyeol's mother? 

He wasn't definitely ready for this. 

"Baekhyun? You're Chanyeol's close friend?" Baekhyun was about to anwer her when they heard another crashing sound inside the room. 

"Chanyeol! Son, please just open the door." Mrs. Park talked gently. 

"I said go the away!"


Baekhyun gulped as he waited for Chanyeol's response. 

"Chanyeol it's me. It's Baekhyun, can you open the door? Don't worry, it's only me here. They left already." Baekhyun hated to lie but he just wants to see Chanyeol so bad.

They waited for a moment before Chanyeol hesitantly open the door. 

"Baek?" He saw how a mess Chanyeol. "Chanyeol, I'm here." Baekhyun held his hand assuring him he's there. 

Baekhyun ever slowly entered the room and as he was finally inside, he saw how hesitant Chanyeol was and for the first time he finally saw his eyes.  

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I am so sorry but I only got time now to start updating since it's my Christmas vacation so yeah. I'll be more active starting today


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174 streak #1
174 streak #2
What an adorable couple 💕
Beau1996 1385 streak #3
Chapter 9: Really sweet - Chan deserves a great boyfriend like Baek💕
Chapter 9: They are a couple they are a couple yehh yehh yehhhhh
Chapter 8: *dances around happily* ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ they confessed!!! Ah, that was sweet! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 8: Finally they confessed !!!YAY!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Asdgjkkfssgjl (♥ω♥) I want to comfort them both so much! Poor babies! I hope Baekhyun can talk some sense into Chanyeol and everything will be ok (⌒_⌒;)

Thank you for all your hard work! I really like this story (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: They both are idiotsin love
pcybbh_6104 #9
Chapter 4: When I saw it was blindau, I thot it was baek who is blind. Tables turned haha Thank u for the change, authornim
Chapter 4: Awww (/♥ω♥)/ Baekhyun must like him too! *excited*