2. Pizza makes everything better

You bring me warmth

“I like you“






Chanyeol panicked and threw himself into the water.


His body splashed against the river bed and he was pretty sure that his momentum brought the kayak out of balance. Confirming his theory, he heard Jongin’s muffled screams before he face planted into the water as well. Chanyeol couldn’t see the other’s body or anything else as it was too dark and very dirty underwater. Fortunately, Chanyeol felt refreshed and not as sticky as before although he knew that he was going to remain dirty from the water.


His plan of catching his friend off guard had been successful but now he had to suffer the consequences. He didn’t want to break Jongin’s heart but he had to tell him the truth, although he did a great job at avoiding it with his limited abilities (he was stuck in a kayak, he didn‘t have any other choice). If possible, Chanyeol would have ignored his friend’s confession, preferring on being pals, and would continue to paddle as if nothing had happened. However, that wasn’t possible and Jongin had to face rejection and possible awkwardness between them after this.


Chanyeol went up to breathe for air and noticed that the river wasn’t deep at all, so he was able to sit on the ground floor. The water barely reached his shoulders and he could easily continue to relax in the cool water. His hair clung onto his face, as well as his clothes as they sticked onto his body. Chanyeol pushed his locks to the side after grabbing his wet snapback which was floating on the river. Jongin appeared out of water, gasping for air. During the process of coming back up, he had splashed Chanyeol’s face with water, resulting into him coughing as droplets of freshwater landed into his mouth. After his coughing fit, he noticed that they were gathering attention from the group that had caught up to them.


“Going for a swim now? “one of the guys had asked, earning a chuckle from his comrade as they kept paddling further. Chanyeol faced Jongin who seemed to be speechless by the whole situation, eyes wide open as he stared at Chanyeol who had turned back to the guys before replying. “I lost my paddle so I jumped after it.“ He easily lied. The paddle had been washed over to the stones on the edge while the other one was floating further away from them. The two guys chuckled, already further off than they had been before, leaving the two males on their own again.


Chanyeol turned to Jongin who was pushing his wet hair out of his face. The male dreaded saying anything, so he swam over to the paddle which had floated to the stones. He stepped on the rocks, careful not to trip before grabbing onto the paddle and returning to the male.


“Sorry“ He apologized, setting his hand onto the kayak so it wouldn’t flee from him too. It might have sounded as if he was apologizing for tipping the kayak over. However, this was him apologizing to Jongin, knowing that he couldn’t return his feelings back and give what the other one wanted.


Jongin swam over to the other paddle, ignoring the giant. Chanyeol couldn’t tell if the other was annoyed or not and he started to feel bad for avoiding his confession by tilting the boat over. But Jongin shouldn’t have confessed in the first place, especially not on the kayak with no way for Chanyeol to run away. (He was stuck on a damn river).


“It’s fine man.“ Jongin stated, smiling as to reassure the older male. Chanyeol smiled back, although a bit awkwardly. It stayed silent, uncomfortable silence between them as the two males swam over to the kayak. The two tried flipping the boat over, chuckling at the stupidity of the situation which eased the existing awkwardness a bit between them. Problems continued to arise as they tried climbed back into the boat. Jongin tried his luck. However, failed to balance his weight as he got into the kayak, resulting into falling into the river again. Chanyeol laughed out loud as his friend emerged out of water soaking wet yet again. They wasted half an hour trying to keep their boat still whilst climbing onto it. Part of Chanyeol was glad that he had avoided the confession, but he knew that he had to say something.


He didn’t.


They kept paddling in returning awkward silence. Jongin had probably realized by now that the male still hadn’t answered him. Fortunately, they reached another kayak with a single guy who apparently knew Jongin. He had started a conversation, diverting Jongin’s attention on to the other male. Chanyeol innerly sighed in relief, glad that the unbearable silence was gone. He listened to them converse, not interested in joining them. He slowed down his paddling, although he wanted it to finally end.


Chanyeol lifted his head up, searching for the sun to indicate the time. The sun had passed the half point in the sky and Chanyeol was sure that it wouldn’t take long before they finally finished the course. The water had quickly dried from his skin, leaving specks of dirt on him and unbearably hot again. If he could, he would have jumped into the cool water again, but he knew that it wasn’t the right moment to do so.


They reached the end as the last ones with the other guy who had sticked with them throughout the end of the course. People were waiting for them, enjoying a drink in an outside bar. Chanyeol noticed how the end point was closer to the city than the starting area. The bus was most likely to pick them up from here before driving them to the pizzeria.


They reached the edge of the river. Stone stairs lead them to the small bar which was on elevated ground. The males successfully got out of the kayak before carrying it to a field where all the other unoccupied kayaks were. They joined the other guys and waited for the bus to arrive.


Chanyeol honestly felt a bit uncomfortable around Jongin. The latter had decided to talk with other people who he knew but every time when they would bump into each other or when their eyes would meet, Chanyeol looked away or scrambled off with out saying anything. The bus arrived and they climbed onto it. The others who had done different things other than kayaking were already seated and were talking about their experiences. Chanyeol had been one of the last ones to enter the vehicle as he still went to the toilet. He met Jongin on their previous place, occupying the window seat. He was conversing with Sehun and Baekhyun, who seemed to be actively participating in their conversation. Chanyeol walked between them before taking the empty seat next to Jongin.


“I lost count of all the chickens after the first 5 minutes.“ Sehun said, catching the attention of the giant.


“You were counting the damn chickens?“ Baekhyun asked bewildered, a big smile was plastered onto his features. He seemed so much friendlier when he smiled, Chanyeol noticed, slumping his shoulders as he remembered that the male didn’t like him. Chanyeol sometimes caught himself thinking about a normal friendship between the two, where they could hang out with Sehun and Jongin without Chanyeol afraid for his life when Baekhyun was holding onto a fork. (It still scares him to this day).


From what he had heard, when he wasn’t guarding his back from Baekhyun, was that the latter was actually interesting and fun to be around. If it weren’t for Baekhyun’s strange hatred towards the male, Chanyeol knew that they could be great friends, or friends at all if Baekhyun tried.


Jongin broke out laughing, which had snapped Chanyeol back to reality. “There were so many, how did you come up with the idea to possibly count all of them?“ Baekhyun demanded, chuckling at Sehun’s amazed expression as he started telling them about all the chickens that were living on the mountain. He seemed so innocent, like a child who was retelling his favorite fairy tale story.


“I saw Junmyeon hyung as he was being attacked by a chicken.“ Sehun mentioned as he recalled the incident.


“And you didn’t bother helping him?“ Jongin questioned.


“Isn’t he from this province? Shouldn’t he like be one with the chickens?“ Baekhyun continued, earning a snort from Sehun while Chanyeol tried not to laugh. He remembered seeing a few chickens around the first place before the kayaking. The latter felt so at ease at the relaxed yet lively atmosphere. Everyone was having a great time, laughing at nothing, enjoying their time together.


“That guy lives in a mansion. I bet he hadn’t seen a single chicken until today.“ Sehun replied in a monotone voice, resulting in everyone laughing at how the conversation ended. Chanyeol felt the bus move as his hand flew over his mouth to stop himself from laughing. “Where we going now?“ Sehun asked as he took out his phone from his pocket. Baekhyun’s eyes followed the phone before they looked up to the other’s face.


“Supposedly to some pizzeria, but I’ll check the city out before. I know a friend of mine lives here in the area. I‘ll go say hi to him before joining you guys.“ Baekhyun explained. Sehun had stopped looking at his phone, seemingly bored from it and the conversation.


“You mean Heechul? I haven’t seen him since third grade.“ Jongin exclaimed. The two of them decided that they would go together before joining Sehun and Chanyeol in the pizzeria.


Jongin and Baekhyun had known each other since kindergarten, as Chanyeol was told by Jongin himself. But he also knew that they just recently became actual friends. Well before Chanyeol had associated himself with the bunch. Sehun had apparently befriended Baekhyun before he had gotten along with Jongin, so Chanyeol hadn’t been a complete outcast to the group which had only been formed recently. It’s been a few months since that day, but Chanyeol couldn’t say that they were all the best of friends. Especially now, after breaking one’s heart and being a dart-board for the other one.


The short ride came to an end and they reached the inner city. All the guys boarding the bus stepped out, spending a moment outside before they entered the pizzeria. Sehun had decided to stick close to Chanyeol and the latter noticed that Baekhyun and Jongin were already gone.


The two males entered the place and searched for a vacant table. The big room was much brighter than the outside. The sun had been hiding behind a large mountain in the distance, almost completely gone. However, it was still fairly bright outside, but the interior of the room had blinded Chanyeol when he first had entered.


The tables were covered in a red table cloth. Different achievements and pictures decorated the walls. The room was very open, a single door heading towards what Chanyeol presumed was the kitchen while a darker hallway to his right lead to the bathrooms. Most guys had already chosen a table forming groups of 4. The tables weren’t squared but round, so pushing them together for all of them to fit on one wouldn’t make sense.


Sehun chose an empty table in the back. Chanyeol took the seat against the wall while the younger one sat opposite of him. The male knew that either Baekhyun or Jongin would sit next to him and he contemplated asking Sehun to move besides him.


A waiter arrived, asking what they wanted to eat. Chanyeol ordered a pepperoni pizza for himself. Sehun ordered a ham pizza and bottles of water for the missing two. They shared a small-talk before Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun and Jongin entering the restaurant. Jongin spotted them first and approached the table, Baekhyun following close behind him.


Sehun noticed Chanyeol’s absence during the conversation and turned around to where his eyes were looking at. His eyes lit up as he called them over. “Hyung!“ he exclaimed. Baekhyun, whose eyes were piercing holes at Chanyeol, smiled at the younger one. Jongin gave Sehun a small smile a swell before he sat next to him. Well what actually had happened was that Baekhyun had chosen to sit next to Chanyeol, surprising the latter as the other started talking to Sehun, forcing Jongin to sit next to the tall male. Chanyeol’s body stiffened as Baekhyun’s elbow accidentally touched his arm as he sat down. Chanyeol couldn’t tell which one of choices was better and if he hadn’t preferred it if Jongin had sat next to him.


The waiter returned after Sehun had called him over, bringing the the drinks as well as taking Baekhyun’s and Jongin’s order. “How’s your friend Heechul doing?“ Sehun asked after taking a sip out of his glass. Baekhyun spared a glance at Jongin before answering, telling that he was doing fine and that he had finally found a place to work at. From what Chanyeol could tell, the unknown male was definitely older and he wondered why Baekhyun and Jongin knew him in the first place. Their conversation went on and the pizza arrived. Chanyeol started stuffing food into his mouth. He was hungry and still felt a bit awkward to join their conversation. The great atmosphere that they had on the bus wasn’t present in the room. Sehun seemed to be only one who didn’t notice this.


An half an hour had past and Chanyeol had to use the bathroom. He hadn’t released himself since that morning and drinking all the water to swallow the dry pizza crust down was starting to get to him. He excused himself from the table and got up. Baekhyun’s eyes lingered on him before he continued talking to Sehun, stealing glances at the tall male as he left into the deserted hallway. Chanyeol easily found the washrooms and did what he had to.


After he had exited the bathrooms, Chanyeol collided into someone else as he walked around the corner. “Sorr-“ He spoke out but was interrupted by Baekhyun who shoved his chest away with all his might. Chanyeol was left speechless at the other’s sudden push, as if he were made of acid and only a single touch could burn Baekhyun’s hand off.


The latter was furious, the tip of his ears red as he fumed. His fists were tightly clenched around his hip, knuckles white while his hateful eyes were piercing through the male’s body. Chanyeol stared at him shocked yet nothing escaped his mouth, his eyes wide as he waited for something to happen, for him to speak, anything.


“How dare you break Jongin’s heart?“ Baekhyun started furiously. Chanyeol still felt dumbfounded. Why did Jongin tell him that? The male seemed to be raging, maybe not because of his friend’s heart that had been broken but because Chanyeol was the one who had destroyed it in the first place.


Baekhyun’s eyebrows furrowed at the lack of response from the giant. “Jumping off the god damn boat? Really? Avoiding him after not replying to his ing confession?! He’s been wanting to confess to you for 4 whole months and you ing have the decency to jump out the damn boat because you didn’t want to answer him?“ Baekhyun continued. His voice increased in loudness but wasn’t heard over the masses of people sitting in the other room as they talked to each other.


Chanyeol’s noticed that his mouth was slightly ajar from pure shock at Baekhyun’s outburst. The male closed his mouth, his throat suddenly dry as he gulped down his nervousness. However, he didn’t speak. Too afraid of Baekhyun’s reaction and because he had nothing to say. The only thing he could give Baekhyun was the same what he gave Jongin, silence.


No, he didn’t like Jongin. No, the latter shouldn’t have confessed on a damn kayak in the first place and no, Chanyeol shouldn’t have been a scared wuss and jump off it. The time and place hadn’t been right and Jongin had successfully put Chanyeol, who doesn’t usually receive confessions, on the spot. He admits that jumping off the boat might not have been the right decision, but he had been panicking, in fear of losing his friend.


Baekhyun trembled in rage, his stern stare never leaving Chanyeol’s. The latter didn’t understand why he was this mad in the first place. He seemed ridiculously mad, as if Baekhyun’s most trusted friend had blamed him of murder. However, Chanyeol just hadn’t said anything but why was Baekhyun this furious?


“Say something you !“ Baekhyun demanded, but Chanyeol didn’t reply. He couldn’t bring himself to, his mouth was sealed tight.


Baekhyun noticed that the male wasn’t planning on answering him any time soon, so he ran past Chanyeol to the bathroom. The male stood there for a moment, taking in what just had happened before proceeding to go back to the main room. Everyone was still loud and the atmosphere was lively and cheerfuller than the hallway in where he was before. Chanyeol walked over to their table, taking his seat next to the empty one on which Baekhyun had been sitting on. Sehun and Jongin were both finished with their pizza and had started a conversation between the two of them. Something about their summer holidays that were about to start. Chanyeol was silent as he finished his last slice.


Baekhyun had returned, angrily pulling out the chair in front of him, but Chanyeol was the only one who noticed that. The male pretended to be fine, as if they hadn’t had their previous conversation before. Well technically it wasn’t a conversation because Baekhyun was the only one who had said anything. The older male didn’t show any anger in his expression as he joined the conversation. Although his actions spoke louder than words as he aggressively cut through his pizza.


After everyone had been done eating their food, they decided to drive back to the school grounds, so they could take their perspective bus back home. Chanyeol finally got to sit on the window seat and listened to music while staring out into the brightly lit city. However, he didn’t feel as satisfied but sad and disappointed.


Jongin hadn’t talked to him yet and Chanyeol wasn’t sure if he was asleep or ignoring him. In the end, Chanyeol noticed that he was indeed sleeping, which resulted into him trying to wake him up at the end of the ride. However, he wasn’t successful so Sehun repeatedly slapped the sleeping male while saying “Hyung wake up“.


Jongin spared Chanyeol a last glance, successfully making the situation awkward and uncomfortable for Chanyeol. He saw a hint of sadness in Jongin’s eyes that he tried to hide, but it was obvious what he was feeling in that moment. Chanyeol started to feel even worse and contemplated actually discussing with him, but he had left before Chanyeol could do anything.


“Bye hyung, see you next time.“ Sehun came up to him, bro hugging him. Jongin seemed to not have told him anything, or he was just good enough to hide his true intentions. Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun who was standing a little bit behind Sehun, waiting for the latter. Chanyeol glanced at the male who still seemed to be a mad at the current situation, although he didn’t show it.


“Bye“ he replied courtly, crossing his arms over his chest as he avoided eye contact with the other. Chanyeol viewed him for a second, before saying his goodbye as well.




Again thank you for reading :3

I hope you had a nice week, I just got sick and I feel lightheaded and disgusting. Hope that you are feeling better than me.

bye ~


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Chapter 1: Oh poor jongin :(( but I am excited to read the rest of this fic! It seems really nice!