V. Thin Lines

One-Shot Challenge ft. MyungYeol [hiatus]

Prompt #5: Love-Hate Relationship
Rated: PG
Genre: Semi-Angst
Warnings: None



[College AU]

"I hate you."

"I hate you too."

Those were the first words Lee Sungyeol and Kim Myungsoo shared upon their very first meeting in front of their group of friends. They were acquaintances of a mutual friend- one by the name of Nam Woohyun, who wanted the two to know each other more. It was Howon's idea from the beginning, being more the friend of Myungsoo than the former. But don't get him wrong, he did know of Sungyeol- they were classmates in dance, after all- but for some reason, he could see the hostile atmosphere radiating from him every time he saw Myungsoo. It was puzzling.

It wasn't until much later- when they were partying in a dance club after a strenuous week full of exams and cram school- that he learned why Sungyeol was so pissed off at Myungsoo.

According to Sunggyu, Sungyeol's friend from secondary school and Woohyun's boyfriend, the younger male had once dated Myungsoo from the beginning of secondary to the end of it; an experimental relationship, as they both called it. It ended in a break up so bad, Myungsoo was forced to move away to the other end of the country. They hadn't seen each other since.

Until now.

"What is he doing here?" Sungyeol demanded, eyes narrowed at the male standing indifferently beside Howon. They were standing beside the dance floor in the club they frequented; this time, it was a gang of five rather than the usual smaller groups.

"I invited him." Woohyun claimed, slinging a loose arm around Sunggyu's shoulders. "He's our friend."

"He's not mine." The taller male bit out.

"Come on, Yeol. Just keep calm." Sunggyu spoke up.


Woohyun spoke up for him. "Because we're here to celebrate, not to cause trouble."

Staring at the male for a long while, he eventually crossed his arms and glanced away in defeat. "...Aish. Fine."

"Good. Now let's go find ourselves a table."

It wasn't long before they found themselves seated at the edge of the room with drinks in hand and conversations filling the air. Throughout the entire session, Sungyeol couldn't help but to eye Myungsoo, who was sitting at the far end of the table, every time he thought the other wasn't looking. He hadn't changed one bit.

Just like the last time they met. His heart was still attempting to mend itself but with his...ex...present, he was sure it was going to crack once again. And he wouldn't be able to handle it anymore. The moment the two had broke up, Sungyeol had considered suicide. He really did; however, Sunggyu and his mother were able to prevent that and stayed by his side the entire time.

What about now?

He stood up abruptly, catching everyone's attention and claiming that he needed the restroom.

As soon as Sungyeol left the table, Myungsoo discreetly followed after him because he knew the other wasn't going to head straight there. Why would he bring his drink to the restroom, anyway? He was right- Sungyeol had left through the back door, either to leave home or to grab some fresh air.

Once the older vanished through the door, he pulled it open and soon, his eyes caught sight of the back of his ex. God, he didn't know how much he missed the other until now. Because this image reminded him of the last them they met, when all he could do was watch the person he love leave while he took the opposite path toward the airport.

"I knew you were going to follow me." the taller whispered, not moving from his position as his eyes trailed to the filled parking lot. Eventually, he strode to the left where a bench was located and took a seat there.

Myungsoo didn't say a word, opting to take a seat beside him instead.

Over the next few minutes, there was nothing but silence between them. Sungyeol was the first to speak, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"You hurt me, you know."

The younger didn't reply to the comment, but he could tell the other tensed considerably. His shoulders were stiff.

He continued to mutter, "You left me because I'm male."

"It was my parents."

"Why didn't you fight for our relationship?"

"I did." Myungsoo defended himself, a slight frown marred over his face. It was true; the male had argued and fought against his parents, only to receive a casual deal and an underlying threat from his father that he couldn't go against. He was just relieved they didn't force him into getting a girlfriend or even worse, marry. Still, it had hurt, even now.

"You lie." Sungyeol's voice cracked. He refused to believe that the younger had put the effort to hang on to their bond.

Myungsoo's eyes fluttered shut as a soft inaudible sigh left his lips. "It's the truth."

"How can I believe you?"

"Ask Sunggyu-hyung. He knew from the beginning."

Blinking in surprise and shock, the older barely managed to utter out, "...What?"

"He did."

There was no response.

Myungsoo took in a shaky breath before adding, "He can also inform you about...how much I called him. To keep tabs on you."

"...Why didn't you just call me?"

"You were angry and heartbroken. I was too...so I couldn't."

Sungyeol bit his lower lip. That was true. Those past few years were the worst time of his life. A few months back, however, he thought he had gotten over Myungsoo but apparently, he didn't. Focusing on school didn't work. Dating other people didn't work. Nothing worked.

"Stupid." was all he could manage. But the younger could catch a hint of hope threaded in his voice.

A hope that they could start anew.

Myungsoo quirked up a small smile; this time, he'd allow himself to agree with Sungyeol. Because he had regret making such a decision when there were multiple options of what to do after he left. He just didn't realize it sooner. "I know."

Rotating his glass, the older watched as the thick translucent pieces of ice clang together audibly in a slow, leisure pace. "Hey."

Myungsoo hummed in response.

Sungyeol tore his gaze from the cup to the male sitting beside him, eying him until their eyes met before he continued in a soft voice, "I hate you, Myung."

The younger turned his gaze over to him, his eyes growing wide with surprise. He hadn't heard Sungyeol call him that in so long, never mind the words themselves because there was no bite to it. Then, a quiet chuckle of mirth left his lips. "Mm...I hate you too, Yeol."

Both smiled at each other and resumed enjoying their company peacefully for the rest of the night.



A/N: Rushed :|
After this chapter, I'm not going in order anymore~!

heeien91: Of course~ ^^ Thanks for reading and commenting!
blabbermouthkissme: I will, don't worry :3 Thanks for reading and commenting~
PeachCherryProposal: Of course ;D Thanks for reading and commenting~
mitsuchan: lol sequel, yes ^^ soon. And I'm happy you like the concept. Thanks for reading and commenting.
DMace9: I've always wanted to try something relatively different, you know? 8D It was fun, lol
And I wouldn't mind either! We could all sneak into detention xD
I'll do my best~ Thanks for reading and commenting!


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 2: Sequel pleaseee
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 4: Wow so hot here
I share the sentiments of the person below me :)
lahdeedah000 #4
I don't care if this is on hiatus and hasn't been updated in like a year. I'm still subscribing. :P
Sneak into detention? Doesn't sound too bad xD

Aww..the part where the two of them thought abouts their past and Sungyeol told him he was hurt is my fav. So sad but the ending was sweet.
I think it's cute that Myungsoo didn't give up on Sungyeol and kept tabs on him through all these years.
asdfghjkl love-hate relationship was one of my bestest prompts. ;w; <3
my heart aches </3
it must be hard for both of them, but the ending is..too sweet <3
Teacher-student relationship is hot. Lol
Didn't expect Sungyeol's teacher to be Myungsoo's mom though xD
Sungyeol is such a troublemaker, but if Myungsoo was the person overseeing detention, I wouldn't mind being stuck with detention either. =P
Omg, sequel, sequel!!! I would totally love it xD

Yay for Seven Sins! And I'll be waiting for Acacia =D
sequel sequel sequel *y*
it kinda interesting imagine myungsoo being teacher and sungyeol being troublemaker and the best thing they are a couple xD <333