Chapter 1

My Annoying Boyfriend !





"What's wrong with your hair? You look like a boy!!" Sungmin teased IU who had a haircut.
(her hairstyle) 
  she's wearing 

"Ya!! I don't look like a boy, it's fashion" she said and smiled.

"Why is she smiling all of a sudden?" Sungmin thought to himself.

"Ya, IU!! What's your ideal type?" her friend asked her excitedly.

IU looked to see if Sungmin was completely asleep.

"A model" IU said while blushing.

"Woah, with your looks and personality, you will surely find him!!" her friend said while smiling.

Sungmin smiled upon hearing that too.

                                                5 years later,

"IU! Look here!" the cameramen said as she posed for the pictures.


IU had become a famous model in USA and had recently came to Korea.

"Woah, Lee Sungmin's outside!!" the press shouted and they charged towards the door.

"Who's Lee Sungmin?" she asked her manager. "It can't be Lee Sungmin" she thought to herself.

"He's Korea's best model, everything he models for, becomes an automatic hit, you don't know him?" her manager questioned her out of amazement.

IU shook her head. "I heard he went to the same school as you though" her manager said and walked away to check on the car.

IU received a text ~"Missed you tomboy"

IU knew it was Sungmin who sent it as he was the only one who called her a tomboy, automatically, a smile appeared on her face.

"I want to meet up" she texted back hoping to get a fast reply.

"I can't, I have a photoshoot with my girlfriend today, ps : I am a model!!" IU felt something weird in her heart.

Somehow she didn't like the fact that Sungmin had a girlfriend, her manager called her over and talked to her about a photoshoot.

She agreed, when she entered the set, she saw Sungmin and his girlfriend posing which made her more upset.

"IU?" he said out of amazement.

"Woah, your hair is so-" IU interuppted him.

She just ignored him making him smile.

"Wah Sungmin oppa's so cool!" Sunny said while getting her make-up done.

IU looked at Sungmin who was handsomely posing for the camera, she had never noticed that Sungmin had a flower-like face. Most of the time the two would just be messing around.

"You're lucky to be his girlfriend" she said while sighing.

"Bwo? I am his dongsaeng!! Jieun unnie, I am Lee Sunny!" Sunny said and IU's eyes widened.

She hadn't recognised Sunny as she was very young when they were in school.

"Woah, you look so pretty!!" IU said out of astonishment.

"Unnie were you jealous earlier?" she curiously asked IU  who hesitated at first but nodded.

"He's loved you since high school and I don't think he's gonna ever even think to love somebody else" she confessed.

IU's eyes widened.

"You really didn't know?" Sunny said out of astonishment, IU shook her head.


I think it's your first time to
see IU and Sungmin 
couple ?
i don't know why did 
i request this story 
hahahah !!


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Chapter 2: so cute, I very like it ♥♥
xxw00uxx #2
Chapter 2: so cute story ... make anither IU ff please :)
xxw00uxx #3
Chapter 2: so cute story ... make anither IU ff please :)
My name's in the chapter ?
I like this, I've never seen IU and Sungmin before :D
WeiShan #5
IU and Sungmin? I never see their fics before.