Delivery gone wrong

The Scarecrow's Necklace

Your Pov

  I stepped from the bus nito the busy streets of Seoul, holding a fresh piece of paper with an address printed on it. I took a deep breath.

  As always, that little tinge of hope fluttered about in my heart, making me smile. I hoped my smile wouldn't falter this time.

  Out of all the hundreds I had met, he was the most possible one. His name had a 'min' in it, which was the only thing I could remember about the name of the person I was trying to find. He was a year older than me and we came from the same hometown. Most importantly, he was from the village school.

  None of the previous hopefuls had been from the village school. Most from my hometown were too poor to afford the school fees, and precious few made it to this modernized world of Seoul.

  I wouldn't have made it, if not for this special person I was trying to find.

  I started on my walk to this possible person's house, my heart filled with expectation.

  Suddenly, the loud ringing of bells filled the air, and an urgent voice started shouting, "Move move! Coming through!"

  Without warning, a blue bicycle ridden by a brown hair lad came rocketing towards me. I tried swerving to the left, but his bike was steering to the left. I stopped midway and dived to the right, but his bike just veered right too, crashing right into me.

  I flew a good few metres and landed on my , the impact of the hard ground knocking the breath out of me. The bike's spokes were turning slowly and the boy was sprawled on the floor, his few pizza boxes scattered around him, unopened.

  I tried sitting up, and a few bystanders moved forward to help me up. I gave them a weak smile.

  I saw that the boy had already sprang up and was collecting his pizza boxes from the ground. He then swung onto his seat.


  He was just gonna go like that?!

  I pushed myself up, and limped with great effort towards him, stretching out both arms to block his path.

  We glared at each other.

  "Aren't you gonna apologise?" I demanded.

  "Apologise? You should do that! You blocked my way, just like you're doing now! Move, won't you? Or I'll be late for my delivery!" he said in an irritating tone.

  I was fuming mad.

  "Whatthehell?! You ride through this crowd like a maniac, knock me down, and now you're demanding an apology from ME?!" I screeched.

  "Yes. Now if you won't give it to me, can you at least move?" he asked cooly.

  I couldn't belive this guy.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but he was already beginning to pedal. Automatically, I jumped out of the way, and he pedalled away furiously.

  "YAH YOU!" I screamed, but he was already gone.


  "Okay, calm down ~~~~, you're gonna meet Choi Minho," I told myself.

  Taking a deep breath, I straightened my skirt, adjusted my hairband, and started off on my walk again.

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Thank you guys, for 1000 subscribers, that's beyond my imagination, honestly! It feels like ages when I first started this story XD I love all of you!


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taetae29 #1
Chapter 46: AWEEEEEE, ok can i just say my heart warmed up sosososo much after reading this story? Like it makes me want become a better and stuff. (Another new wish for 2017 i probably wont fulfill) haha merry xmas and happy new year author :)
taetae29 #2
Chapter 27: Ofcourse jonghyun, Ofcourse -_______-
Chapter 46: The story was really beautifull. Glad to find your fic ^0^
Please keep writing ♥
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was very beautiful story!!!!!!!
Chapter 45: I can't believe I'm just now reading this. This story is wonderful!
Chapter 46: this is sooo beautiful! Amazing! :)
Umparubadum #7
Chapter 46: woooow,this story is amazing!! I like very much,altough i have to read it slowly because english isn't my main language,hehehe~
This is my favourite fanfic,i think the best parts are part 44 and 45,i almost cried when i read it!
Keep writing,author! :DDD
aww~ this is the 1st story i ever subscribe to ~ :3 love it!!
vbng23 #9
Chapter 46: love this story! <3
this used to be one of my favourite fanfics omg!