Sana's POV



Hello~ Im Minatozaki Sana, an only child in the family,  so my parents are kinda strick when it comes to me. Well who wouldn't right? Im the only one and a girl also but they allow me once they know my friends are there and mostly if Tzuyu is there. We're all childhood friends btw but Im closest to Tzuyu cause my parents and his are bestfriends during their highschool and college. They always went to our house and vice versa to eat lunch or dinner every once or twice a month but sometimes it gets more than that cause they always make sure to meet no matter what. I envy their friendship though, I wish and hope we'll be like that when we have our own family.


Well back to school, we're now on our Senior High and Yein, Tzuyu's sister hug and greet me once I get out of the car. I just pinch her cheek and greet her too. Tzuyu ask for a greeting too but I just look at him then to Yein who playfully greet him then they start arguing so I just stop them and went inside the school gate clinging my arms to Yein leaving Tzuyu behind.


As I sensed that Tzuyu is still not moving from his spot I grab my phone and message him. I know his still waiting for it. I waited for some time and he still not here so I called him and ask what does he waiting for, and to look at his phone.

'Does he not checks his phone' I thought
And Im right he clearly dont bother to look at his phone and check if someone message him.

Once he read my message he smiled to me so I just stick my tounge at him then continue to walk.

Did I mention that Yein is not with me anymore? No? So now you know Yein left me once we saw her friends so she bid her goodbye to me. She's a freshman and she took the same course as mine. She said I inspired her so she followed me. We're taking Fashion and Arts, because I want to be a model, that's my dream actually and I want to go in Paris.


Well our school is like this, although were just in our high school,before you enter here you have to make sure what you really want to pursue in college then you'll be enrolled in that course and be part of their department and they will taught you all the basics on that course to prepare you in the future.



"Yah where is Yein?"Tzuyu ask

" She went to her friends" I plainly said

"Where are they? Why did I not received any text from them?" He ask while looking anywhere to find our friends.

"Because they know you wont even bother to look at your phone" I said

I actually received a message from the girls telling me that they are waiting in front of our building but I dont see them here. 

"Btw Goodmorning too squirrel..... He said while looking at me then ...Pabo!!" And he ruffles my hair while saying that.

"Yaaaaaahhhh" I whine and playfully glare at him. And slap his hand away from my head. He just chuckle while helping me fix my hair.

"Saaannna" We heard a shout from afar. So we both turn our heads to the one who called me. There we saw them waving at us.

"Yah I thought you said your infront of our building" I ask Nayeon once they came.

"Hehehe Sorry" She said while smiling showing her bunny teeth to us. She then slap Momo's shoulder lightly and said " It' s because of him and his addiction to jokbal"

Momo then just make a peace sign while still munching his jokbal. 

" It' almost time, come on we need to go" Jihyo said then walk ahead of us.

So we're now in our classroom waiting for our first professor. Im sitting next to Tzuyu near the window. He's just looking outside while listening to music on his phone. We're at the back row by the way.

I look at my friends, Nayeon is sittting next to Jeongyeon infront of us. Mina and Chaeyoung are beside are table then in front of them are Momo and Dahyun. Then our god Jihyo is sitting infront of Nayeon. Gets? Its like this
(A/N: S = Someone)

W     S              S                S           S
I       S              S                S           S
N     S              S                S           S
D     S           Jihyo            S           S
O    Jeong.  Nayeon    Dahyun Momo
W   Tzuyu    Sana.       Mina     Chaeyoung


If you ask why we're all classmates?, does that mean we're in the same course? Actually all of the girls are the same course as mine, Mina and I wants to be a model. Nayeon and Dahyun wants to be an actress and Jihyo wants to be a designer. In our course it evolves around fashion, modeling, and acting. So we're all studying the three. While the boys are on the Sports department. It evolves around sports obviously. Well they just focus on three sports which is Basketball, Football and Swimming. Tzuyu is best at swimming so he's the one competing among them. Jeongyeon and Momo are best on basketball and Chaeyoung in football but still they compete four as a team in every tournament.

Why are we classmates with the boys if they are from different department? Let me answer that, well we still study the same subject as a normal Senior student so we basically are all seniors in this classroom but with different courses. Our course is just one meeting every day and its always on the last before we are dismissed. So when we're dismissed in the senior class, we will proceed then in the building of fashion department to take our last subject before we go home. While the boys will be on the Sports department building and the other students to their own department building. You get it? I hope so.

No professors attend in our senior class so were now going to our own department building which just one building away in the Senior's building. 

Before I got out in the senior building, a hand tap my shoulder " I'll wait outside your building"  Tzuyu said then walk pass at me. I just nod at him when he turn around to look at me then he walk to follow the boys.

" Sana unnie come on!" Dahyun called then cling her arms to me while smiling and I notice she's blushing right now, I just shrugged the thought and we catch up along with the girls.

'She seems happy , I'll just ask her later'




Authors note:

Well I dont know if its okay but I just write what comes on my mind I hope you like it though.








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Lolbub #1
Chapter 2: Plz update
Chapter 2: Nice intro. Keep up the good work