One Last Love

{ONE-SHOT} Last Gift



By: noona-


He stared blankly at his reflection in the huge mirror that stood on the practice studio. Jung Jinyoung wasn’t exactly the type who gave too much attention to socializing and attending star-studded events but tonight was no exception, since they were also asked to perform, it was inevitable. It’s not that he hated gatherings but rather, he just doesn’t like to be bothered by such trivial things and preferred to be by himself with his music.

Even he, himself was surprised that he even had friends. Well, of course the other members were not just his friends, but they were more like his second family, being the leader, it was unavoidable to have such a strong connection or relationship with the boys.  “Hyung, we have to go now” the youngest, Gongchan called out from the door and he just gave a small nod before straightening his bowtie.

Moments later, they arrived at the venue. Several cameras flashed as they walked out of their van and headed to the red carpet along with greeting the sea of fans that were gathered behind the metal railings and were holding up signs for the idols. The boy group was all smiles and waving happily to the crowd as they got their photos taken in the red carpet. Jinyoung couldn’t help but laugh at the silly expressions and poses that Baro and Sandeul were doing, as always.

Once inside, the boys headed for their reserved seats and watched as the first performers got on stage for the charity event. Jinyoung observed as the other idols in their respected tables chatted away and introduced themselves to one another, the members were too busy watching the performances though he would notice Baro whispering something to Sandeul and would make him burst out laughing from time to time. Jinyoung glanced at the empty seat beside him. Where is she?

Shinwoo noticed this and grinned at the boy, “I heard there was traffic, they’ll probably arrive in a few more minutes” he assured him, not that he needed it. She was his friend, his only female friend to be exact, but it wasn’t as if he liked her that way. He just found it odd how she was late when she was the one who had been anticipating this event and had been talking to him about it ever since they got invited. He shrugged off the inappropriate comment his friend gave him and excused himself from the table to get some fresh air. “Call me if it’s our turn, I’ll just be at the rooftop” he told Shinwoo and the older member gave him a small nod.

Jinyoung had taken the stairs on the fire exit and reached the rooftop of the building, finally some peace he thought quietly. He rested his arms on the railings and stared at the amount of people that were waiting outside the building, fans, journalists, photographers and etc. as he lost himself in his own thoughts.

Found you.” Said an all-too familiar voice as gentle hands covered his eyes, the scent of cinnamon or whatever perfume she had sprayed on her wrist was present. “You’re late” he replied with a small smirk, not bothering to take her hands off his eyes. She let out a giggle and rested her hands on either side of his shoulders. “Sorry, were you waiting for me?” she asked, a smile playing on her pink lips as she walked beside him, her back leaning against the railings and was looking at his blank facial expression. “Not really,” was his reply as she hit him playfully on the arm and shook her head. “Ah Jinyoung-ssi, always the gentleman” she said with sarcasm overflowing in her voice and rolled her eyes before hitting him again.

Who told you I was here?

I just assumed you were, didn’t see you in your table, Baro and Sandeul looked like they were having a great time.

It had always been like this, sometimes he couldn’t help but feel there was something behind her words, Jinyoung wasn’t exactly sure if she was like this with the other members or just…him. Not that it was important or anything, just out of curiosity. But it felt nice whenever he was with her, she had always been there to support them, of course, she was their vocal coach, he would find solace in her company despite the amount of stress they’ve been receiving from their managers and from their busy schedules. She’s a good friend.

So, did you bring a date? I heard you guys (the staff) were allowed to bring a plus one” he asked her even though he already knew the answer, she was pretty enough to have boys asking her out, heck, even Gongchan had a crush on her that one time. He turned to look at the person beside him only to see a beautiful girl, wearing a simple light blue dress and her wavy hair tied down, flowing neatly on her right shoulder with a wistful look on her face as she gazed at the people gathered below them. It was his first time seeing her all dolled-up like this but it was clear to him that she was more beautiful without the make-up and the fancy accessories.

After a few moments a small smile crept up her face as she shook her head. “Why?” he asked curiously, he found it impossible as to why she came alone and didn’t bother to bring a date. Yet there was also that feeling of relief inside of him. No awkward introductions needed.Just because,” she grinned before sticking out her tongue at him and stretching out her arms. “Because?

You’ll find out later.

Come on, I hear there was a famous idol who asked you out” he pressed on.

If you’re referring to Infinite’s Kim Myungsoo, no, I have yet to hear from him with that fan letter I sent him…” she said with a disappointed expression as Jinyoung raised an eyebrow, not exactly sure whether to believe her or not. “Just kidding, no, I have not been having idols hitting on me, wouldn’t want to make you jealous” she continued followed by a small chuckle.

Is she flirting with me? Or is that just a joke?

Aigoo, uri Jinyoung, always so serious, lighten up a bit will you?” she said before gently pinching his cheek and he could feel the blood rising up to his face as he slowly looked away from her gaze. It was strange, how she was making him feel at that time but he ignored it and shook off the thoughts that were slowly forming in his head.

I’m really proud of you boys, it feels like my work there is done, you’ve improved so much from when you were just trainees” Jinyoung smiled at her, she was not exactly the most gentle voice coach at first because she had been strict and barely gave them time to rest but it was thanks to her that they were able to sing so well. “What are you saying? We’ve only released our second mini album, we still need to improve” he told her and giving her a small nudge by the arm.

You’ll do just fine.

The two chatted away about random topics from Baro’s bleached hair to why idols wear shoe inserts and how comfortable was it really which led to both of them bursting out in fits of laughter. Soon enough, Jinyoung’s phone was ringing and Shinwoo had called him as they would be performing next. She accompanied him back to their table only to find out that the others had already headed backstage.

Good luck, I’ll be watching from here” she told him as she took the vacant seat beside his chair. He smiled and nodded before heading off to meet the other members and prepare for their stage.




All of them were already in their stage clothes and were receiving finishing touches with make-up and hairstylists. Jinyoung noticed that the staff didn’t look so well and couldn’t help but think that there was something wrong going on. The other members took notice of this as well but chose not to talk about it right then and there, better save it after the performance wouldn’t want anything distracting them.

Ah, noona isn’t here?” they heard Sandeul ask as the others looked around and the crew remained quiet. Jinyoung was checking his make-up on the mirror before answering the vocalist, “She’s outside in our table,” he said as-a-matter-of-factly. The crew were looking at Jinyoung incredulously then turned to look at each other with confused expressions. “It feels weird not having her here to wish us good luck,” Gongchan added before their names were called on stage and it was time for their performance of Beautiful Target, O.K. and Only Learned Bad Things.

Much to Jinyoung’s disappointment, as he scanned the tables during their performance, she was not there.

After their stage, the manager quickly told them that they had to leave urgently and won’t be able to stay until the closing ceremonies. The confused boys started to panic, why must they leave? Did a relative got in an accident? Who was in the hospital? Several questions were thrown at the manager while Jinyoung remained silent. All he could think of was why wasn’t she in the table watching them? Did she leave early? Maybe something came up? Maybe she’s at the hospital too?

The fifteen-minutes ride to the hospital seemed like hours for them as the manager struggled to find the words to tell them. He knew how much the boys loved her, they were like a family, and he couldn’t bring himself to tell them about the tragic news.

When they had arrived, a look of disbelief was evident in Jinyoung’s face as they stood outside the hospital room…her name was written just beside the door and the tending physician’s name just below. His hands trembled as he held on to the door knob of her room, afraid that it was real, that it was actually happening, but at the same time he just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. “Hyung…” Gongchan said in a weak voice but loud enough for him to hear, he turned the doorknob only to see her.

There she was in all her beauty, in the hospital bed, several bandages were wrapped in her arms, her neck and left leg it seemed as if she was just sleeping peacefully. She showed no sign of movement. “Ya,” Jinyoung called out to her as he took slow steps before reaching the side of her bed and getting down on his knees, he could feel the water forming in his eyes as he held on to her free hand, it was gentle…yet cold. “Ya! Wake up!” he repeated with a much higher tone of voice and the sound of Gongchan’s soft sobs could be heard in the room. Shinwoo was trying his best to soothe the maknae while Sandeul leaned on the wall for support and slowly slid down the floor, covering his face with his hands as he sobbed quietly meanwhile Baro placed a comforting hand on Sandeul’s shoulder and was biting back the tears. “H-Hyung, you said she would be there w-watching us” the youngest managed to say out loud even though his voice cracked and it seemed unclear in between sobs.

She was there! I was with her at the roof top! I talked to her!

Their manager was skeptical and approached the leader. “That can’t be, the crew was late because they had to rush her to the hospital, apparently she wanted to buy you boys a congratulatory cake and got in an accident because of some drunk driver, she couldn’t have made it to the event.” He explained calmly, confused as to how Jinyoung could even be getting these hallucinations. “Are you sure you didn’t drink any alcoholic beverages?” Jinyoung shot their manager a glare and furiously punched the nearest wall, strong enough to bruise his knuckles.

Just then the doctor had entered the room, shocked at the amount of people present in it. “I’m so sorry for your loss…there was nothing else we could do…” he tried to explain, Baro’s eyes were tightly shut; Sandeul had stopped crying and was still cradling his face in his hands; Gongchan was sitting at the foot of the bed, still crying as Shinwoo comforted him by rubbing his back and Jinyoung… Jinyoung shook his head in disbelief.

We found this in her pocket, I believe this unsent message would be for all of you” the doctor announced, pulling out her phone from his coat and handing it to Jinyoung who was still holding on to her hand. He accepted the small gadget and started reading:

Ah, it seems that I might be running late today! I was so excited about it too. But that’s alright, since I have a surprise for my favorite boys when you get back! Don’t ask me what it is (esp. you Sandeullie!) because it’s a surprise, OK? Anyway, since I will be a bit late, I might as well send my encouraging words now right? It wouldn’t be complete without these right? Right?

Jinyoung paused for a moment and looked at the members who were listening intently to him. With a deep breath, he cleared his throat and continued.

To my favorite duckie Deul! I know you always do your best in every performance, remember what I told you whenever you get nervous and feel the jitters? ‘Sing like no one’s listening’

They could hear Sandeul mumbling the exact words as Jinyoung read it and he had bit his lip to prevent himself from crying again. Baro gave the boy a comforting squeeze and pursed his lips.

Yallu Sunwoo! Aigoo, baramjwi, try not to get too excited this time arrasso? We all know how jjang your rapping skills are, but let the other members have the spotlight once in a while! You know how cranky halbae gets whenever there’s a mistake in your performances. It’s actually quite funny, oh nevermind, try doing something different today so we can later. PS. Don’t let Jinyoung read this!

A small smile formed on Baro’s lips as tears streamed from the corner of his eyes. “Pabo…” he muttered under his breath.

Gongchannie, I look forward to spending more vocal training sessions with you kekeke. Just kidding! Try stealing some of Jinyoung’s lines once in a while, and let’s see how he reacts to it! Don’t worry, noona will protect you from your hyungs. Do your best today! And don’t forget aegyo for noona~

Gongchan was a sobbing mess and had been crying uncontrollably, he shook his head as Jinyoung read the message.

Mama Bear CNU, please look after the members along with halbae today, and do continue with providing fans such glorious fanservice. Have a great stage today! Hwaiting!

Shinwoo smiled weakly, though they weren’t that close, she had always been the first to approach him and would randomly crack jokes just to lighten the mood. Jinyoung hesitated before scrolling down the message as it would be the last one, it would be for him.

Jung Jinyoung, I’ve always admired everything about you, from your dedication to music to your ability to stay true and honest to people, especially people who are close to you, you never pretend to be anything that you’re not and that’s really amazing, ah it feels so awkward since I’m what? Well, basically I’m just a year older than you, but still. I just want you to know that I’m so proud of you for having made it this far and the improvement in your voice is just tremendous. Mind being my plus one to the event? …even if you’re actually invited too. Ah what am I saying? Hmm.

I love you. I hope that’s okay.

He stared at it for what seemed like an eternity until he turned to look at the lifeless body that lay there on the hospital bed. Jinyoung didn’t read it out loud, the members waited for him to say something and he remained silent. Instead, he had pressed the ‘send’ button and soon enough every member’s phone started ringing with the message that she was unable to send earlier.

Moments later, all of them had calmed down and the manager entered the room telling them that her family had already arrived and they need to leave the room soon. Everyone had said their goodbyes to the girl until Jinyoung was the only one left in the room.

And now you’ve found out” she said, sitting on the edge of the bed and staring back at her own lifeless body, she had become a translucent figure. Jinyoung sighed before reading her message again and tucking his phone inside his pocket before placing hers on top of the bedside table. “You did great today, the performance was daebak!” she continued nervously with a wide smile as Jinyoung stood in front of her and cupped her cheek, not knowing what came over him, he gently pressed his lips against hers with his eyes closed as he could still feel the subtle tenderness of her lips though it was slowly fading away.

He opened his eyes to see her slowly fading in front of him; her lips were curved to a smile. “I’ll always be here for you, remember that” she said before completely disappearing. “I’ll remember you, and just so you know, it’s okay, because I love you too.”

With that, Jinyoung took a deep breath and smiled as he walked out of the room and gently closed the door behind him.


Author’s note:I got too carried away. I feel extremely awful for doing this when I have other on-going fics that I have yet to finish. Sorry. orz Anyway, hope you liked it! It’s a bit sad…Mianhae. I couldn’t help myself. And L is so adorable I just had to. Comments are very much appreciated~

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it was beautiful.... really...aigooooo
it's morning yet i'm tearing here...
daebak :)
but but but it was beautiful, this is depressing
Bluecassy7 #3
awww.... so tragic bby TT^TT no conffession directly but the love message had been sent successfully . or should I call it goodbye message?