SYNDICATE >> Apply Open!

Hi so there is no layout here cause I wanna make this quick and short. Now you may or may not have noticed that I haven't been updating here for a while. Well that is because I have this lovely subject in class called "Research 04" which is what I refer to as hell on earth. I don't want to explain everything about the problem bit by bit but just know that this is the reason why I haven't been updating. I'm afraid to say this but I'd have put this story on hold for a while but the apply is still open I just won't be able to update it. Don't worry. For those who still need reviews and drabbles, I enlisted the help of some of my friends, who I am super grateful for, to create those and hopefully will be posting them soon. I hope you guys understand. Thanks :)

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Oh my god!! Sorry for being away for so long!!


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Chapter 5: Don't worry about it! Many of us are just excited but we understand that there are other things we are all busy with! All the best with with your school work!
Chapter 3: thank you so much for accepting him and im glad you liked him!

my bad on the two quotes though! i really thought i got everything rip. anyway i've fixed those up and added 2 nicknames for him as you suggested.
Chapter 3: OMG, I missed that you added his review. Thanks for accepting him and take your time in writing the drabble.
Chapter 4: will you be choosing the applicants soon? :)
Chapter 2: hi, does the syndicate have dorms? and in which city is the syndicate located in?
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: hi! i have a question, can we use another layout?
Chapter 3: Yesss Haewoo is basically a rip-off of Bakugo. Also, I forgot to mention that he used to take normal classes too in his previous years at Syndicate but decided to just concentrate on improving his skill and power for this year. Hahaha I kinda went all-in in the scene requests.
Ahhh I'm glad the pain brothers left an impression on you from the previous applyfic for you to remember them! We noticed that most applied as 99' so we decided to join in lol And I'm leaving Yitian's love-life in your hands.
Thank you for accepting and liking both of my characters. Can't wait for the drabbles!
Chapter 3: I'm so sorry!! I missed that you added his drabble! Uwaah I like it a lot! I really appreciate how you added his siblings and even Wooseo. His interactions with them are pretty on point and I DIED when you had his brother tell him Yeejin was still single. Ahhhh. Thank you for the nice read!
Chapter 3: THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING HIM. I was so worried it wouldn't be good. T^T Would you like me to answer those questions in the app or here?

YES!! I thought he would need friends and they seemed wholesome so I asked! Hehe. <3 Thank you again and I'm happy you liked him!
Chapter 3: *most of the time

Typographical error is so sigh