Bang! Bang! Bang!

A Shot In The Dark

Sunggyu circled a spot on the map in red before turning around to face the six others intently listening.

"The room the diamond's in is on the fifth floor. That's our target, pretty simple."

"So what's the plan?" Woohyun crossed his arms and squinted at the corkboard littered with blue prints and various markings in red ink.

"Okay, listen close, because I don't want to keep going over this," Sunggyu took a deep breath before continuing. "Sungyeol and Hoya will start us out. You two will be disguised as security guards - that's your entrance. You'll make your way up to the second floor - right hallway - and you'll find an unlocked janitor closet. Change in there. Meanwhile, outside, L will hack in and shut off the lights. Yeol and Hoya will then start heading out to the fifth floor. This is where things get tricky."

He took another breath. "Every room from the fourth floor up, where the exhibits are, have motion sensors that automatically turn on whenever the lights shut off. Sungjongie's going to repel from the roof and cut his way in so he can take out the sensors and any additional security from the inside. Good?"

Sungjong nodded. Sunggyu kept going.

"Good. Everyone will meet up in the diamond room. You all already know how to crack the case, right?"

"Yep, we're all good in that department." Sungyeol grinned, his excitement growing. Woohyun crossed over to a stack of crates and picked up the security guard uniform resting on top of them.

"What about the guards? The building is crawling with them and they're not dumb enough to just sit by while the lights mysteriously go out." He frowned.

"That's why I need you and Dongwoo. You two are our hitters tomorrow night. Once Sungjong's got the security down, you guys can walk right through the front door and tail them to provide fighting assistance. Those guards may not be the sharpest tools in the shed but they bounce back so you have to move fast."

"Sweet." Dongwoo rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"L will be waiting with the cycle in the back and I'll have the chopper for an air exit. Once the target's secure, Yeol, Dongwoo, and Sungjong - to the roof. Hoya and Woohyun will go to L. Then we get out of there and rendevouz to deliver the merchandise." Gyu clapped his hands together with a smile. "Any questions? No? Then let's get ready."

The boys started to disperse, chattering amongst themselves. Woohyun didn't follow them; however, and closed the door once the last member had left. He turned back to his leader and with a sigh, unplugged the cameras' power chords. Sunggyu dropped the file he was holding and looked up at Woohyun.

"Did you tell them?"

"I made sure no one was watching. They all know. Didn't have to tell L much though, he caught on pretty fast."

Sunggyu nodded. "He usually does."

"So... this is it?"

"Our last one."

"What made you come to this decision, if I'm not too bold to ask?"

"We've been doing too much for him. It's bordering life-threatening and I don't like it."

"We probably could have left sooner." Woohyun shrugged.

"He was black-mailing us, in case you'd forgotten. Now we're practically his dogs." Sunggyu's expression got dark.

"Safe dogs, though. You have to admit, he hasn't been bad. He's been covering our tracks better than we could ever do. Before we met him we were always running hot, now we're barely under suspicion. Are you sure about this?"

Sunggyu nodded adamantly. "I'm sure. I've put you guys through too much already."

"We're doing it because we're your friends, you know."

"I don't want to keep putting you in danger. What kind of leader would I be?" He walked up to the corkboard, arms crossed. "We pull this off and we can retire - for good. No more dangerous jobs. We're done."




"You guys in place?"

"We're all set. Ready to move." Hoya responded to Sunggyu's voice crackling in his ear. He glanced over at his partner, who was staring at his hat distastefully. Hoya sighed. "Just put it on, for Godsake."

"Alright, alright. We moving?"

"Waiting for his signal."

"We have 20 minutes - clock starts now. Move."

"That's our cue."

And they were out, flashing their identification at a few officers and easily slipping into the building without raising suspicion. It didn't take long for them to be heading up the stairs to the second floor. "We're in, no problems so far."


"Good. L, you in position?"

"Yes sir."

L was hunched over his laptop that he had carefully balanced on the back of his motorcycle. To his surprise, and dismay, it wasn't a hard system to crack. He was in and waiting for the signal with several minutes to spare. Something stood out in his peripheral vision and his eyes snapped up. Two or three dark figures were passing by the alley. L checked to make sure his lights were off - all clear. He checked his watch.

"We're in the second hallway heading to changing point."  Yeol's voice chirped in his ear.

"Lights in one minute." He began his mental countdown, his eyes never leaving those shadows by the road. Something weird is going on here...


"I'm heading down."

Sungjong double checked his rigging one more time and took a deep breath, his feet teetering over the roof's edge.


He jumped. The feeling of falling kept his adrenaline pumping even after he came to a halt outside the security room window. He secured the wire and reached into his backpack for his cutting tools, attaching them to the window and waiting for his cue.

"Lights are out. You have one minute."

He began cutting, the tools making the quietest of sounds but still causing Sungjong to grind his teeth together. Once the knife returned to it's starting point with a click, he popped the newly-cute glass out of its place and slipped through the hole, stepping on the desk to detach the wires from his harness.

As the group's acrobat and lightest member, it was obviously his job to deal with getting across the floor and shutting down security without tripping any alarms. Great. Luckily, the console wasn't far from the desk he was standing on. He leaned forward on his toes and let himself fall, stopping by grabbing ontot he console. His arms shook and slid, his face only inches from the floor.

"Phew, that was close."

"Don't say that."

"Hacking security - 30 seconds."


"So remind me again why you're wearing that eyepatch?" Woohyun gestured at the cloth obscuring Dongwoo's right eye in between wrapping his hands.

"It's a really long story. You didn't remember it the first time?"


"Security has been taken care of."

"Good job Sungjong. Woohyun, Dongwoo?"

"We're heading in." Dongwoo gestured for his partner and they slipped inside the now-pitch black building.

"We're almost at the fifth floor. There's two guards on our tail."

"We're almost there."

It didn't take long for the pair to catch up to Hoya and Sungyeol. Sure enough, two rather nasty-looking security guards were right behind them. One managed to grab Hoya's ankle and pull him down.

"Hyung!" Sungyeol stopped and reached an arm through the railing to grab Hoya's hand. Dongwoo immediately grabbed the guard by the shoulders, spung him around, and punched him square in the jaw with a smile. It wasn't too hard for the hitters to take the obstructions out and leave them unconscious on the stairs.

"Don't trip."



Dongwoo clutched at his toe. "What do they make tazers out of these days?"


"We're on the fifth floor."

Sunggyu sighed in relief and climbed into the helicoptor, putting the headset on and starting the engine. Everything was going as planned, they just needed to grab the diamond and get out. He couldn't shake the nagging feeling at the back of his skull that something was wrong. As if confirming his fears, L's voice suddenly flooded his ears.

"Something's... off."

"Talk to me."

"There's these shadows. They look like a bunch of men - two, three, maybe four it's hard to tell. They just keep pacing back and forth in front of my alley. I'm concealed pretty well but it's still giving me the creeps."

"Don't worry about it and focus. We're almost done. Once the others reach the target, flip the lights back on for that room and that room only."

"... Yes sir."

Sunggyu sighed again as L's voice cut out. With an uneasy feeling in his gut, he started the chopper and prepared to fly out to the museum's roof.


"We're here. Lights please, L. Let's see this baby." Woohyun's grin was uncontrollable. But as the lights flickered on and he saw the display case, it immediately dropped. Hoya's voice echoed from beside him.

"Oh my God..."

"What the hell?!"

"What's going on? Somebody talk to me!"

"There's no diamond!"


"I am staring at a bulletproof, armed, touch-sensitive, empty display case, that's what!"

"They knew we were coming..." Sungjong could feel his panic welling up. Woohyun was circling the room and pulling at his hair as he and Sunggyu yelled over their earpierces. "We're screwed."

"Hyung - I was right. Those men? Here for me. I'm running too hot, I've got to bail. Sorry guys."

"Okay, L's out. New plan - get to the roof and meet me there now!"

The five thieves paused, still incredulous.


Sunggyu's order snapped Woohyun out of his stupor and into survival instinct-mode. He grabbed Sungjong and darted for the door, immediately punching a guard in the eye and throwing the youngest into the stairwell. Hoya and Sungyeol followed with Dongwoo and Woohyun bringing up the rear, fending off anyone trying to get in their way. Even though they only had to climb two or three flights of stairs, it seemed like an eternity before Sungjong finally broke through the roof doors...

... and immediately froze.

"Sunggyu hyung!"

"Don't move!"

Sungjong did as he was told, holding out a hand signalling s to do the same. Sungyeol made a choking sound when he saw the scene laid out before him.

The helicopter was perched on the landing pad, propellor spinning and ready for take-off. But instead of seeing Sunggyu behind the controls, they saw him on the roof, forced to his knees by a hand in his hair and a loaded gun pressed to his head.

"Yes, do as your leader says. You always do." Their employer sneered and applied more pressure to Sunggyu's head, causing the man to wince in pain. Woohyun's hands balled into fists, but he didn't move. "Like my surprise?"

"What's the meaning of this?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Kim Sunggyu. Did you really think I didn't know about your little plan to take my diamond and run away? Did you really think I was only keeping tabs on you through bugs and video cameras when I knew you had quite the tech-savvy thief in your team?"

Just as he said this, the roof door crashed open, revealing the three shadows from the alley - L struggling against their grip. They released him and roughly pushed him to the cold ground, earning a growl from Sungyeol. Hoya put a hand on his shoulder. L struggled to his feet and met Sunggyu's gaze.

"I'm sorry. I didn't get away fast enough. I tried but-"

"Oh, shut him up."


"L!" Sungyeol's yell echoed off the rooftops as his friend slumped to the ground, unconscious.

"I have to admit, it was a pretty well-thought out plan..." Their employer left pushed Sunggyu harshly and left him to stand in front of Sungjong. He cocked the gun and aimed it at the terrified boy's forehead. Sungjong whimpered - Hoya tried not to rip the weapon out of his hand and Woohyun's blood was boiling. Nobody dared move.

"... but I'm not easily double-crossed."

"Leave him alone, Se7en! We weren't trying to double-cross you, I swear. Please, put the gun dow-"

"Liar!" Se7en all but screamed and Sunggyu. He was angry, only having to take a few strides before his gun was once again pressed to their leader's skull.

"Nobody screws me over-"


"-and lives."



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What just- did you kill all of them? Nooooooo! But fabulous writing all the same~
Oh. My. Gawd.
DevyLee #3
this isn't a one shot - you can't just end it like this!
I need more, more I tell you! and SE7EN wae yu so mean? lolol.
no but seriously, please write more, it cannot end like this.
my baby sunggyu and infinite ;____;
I hope someone killed se7en and he didn't kill Sunggyu...that's what happened right? Don't kill my baby hahaha
Lol but SE7EN, hehe.
Your writing is just beautiful, omg.
I loved this ^-^!
Onebrightstar #6
Awww, this made me sad :(
Good story though!
I cant wait!
I just saw the teaser too, so I'm more excited :)