We Would (be together) (forever)

Would U (wait for me)?
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"Sorry to keep you waiting. Now ready for some bedtime stories?" Irene who's just freshly showered asked as she elegantly makes her way toward the white fluffy king sized bed. Or more like toward the person that currently laying on her stomach on that bed.


Irene with her total bare face, slightly messy wet hair, in her bunny pajamas, yet still managed to look etheral.


"YES PLEASE!” A now 26 years old Seulgi eagerly nodded her head as she flashed her infamous big bear grin. Her eyes are literally twinkling!


Irene just chuckled at the obvious excitement. Guess she's still dating a KID after all.

Seulgi might be a successful-famous singer and songwriter now. Who owned and managed her own dancing and singing-recording studio with more than 50 employees working for her, but she's still a baby when she's with Irene.


But suddenly Seulgi’s grin turned into a deep frown, alerting Irene.


“What what? Why you’re suddenly frowning?” Irene eyed her lover worriedly.


“Nah, i just remember you must be tired with your all day shooting today. It’s okay, we can have the story telling session next time. You should just rest. Come here! I’ll give you a massage.” Seulgi said, patting an empty spot beside her.


Irene’s eyes went soft. As always, Seulgi is the most selfless person she ever met. Especially when it comes to her. Well Irene would do the same thing for Seulgi.

Their love for each other is to that extent.


“I’m fine, baby.” Irene flashed Seulgi a soft smile to reassure her.


“You sure?” Seulgi’s still pouting.


“100%.” Irene grinned.


“Fine. I believe you. Now come here quick!” Seulgi cutely whined.


Once Irene stands right in front of her, Seulgi waste no time to gently pull the older girl down, making sure she sits comfortably on the bed before she helps Irene to dry her hair with a clean dry towel that she already prepare beforehand.


“Let dry your hair first. Then i’ll give you a massage as promised.” Seulgi mumbled.


Simple things like this.. Never fail to make Irene's heart melted.


"Thanks, baby." Irene swiftly turned around to rewarding her sweet girlfriend with a thank you kiss on her cheek.


"You're most welcome." Seulgi grinned. "Now now.. You can start telling the story while i'm drying your hair." Seulgi said with her hands skilfully drying Irene's hair.


"Eager i see." Irene chuckled.


"Of course i am! You know i always like it when you’re retelling our stories. Because they’re like the best fairytale i ever heard. But better since it’s real. Don’t you agree with me?” Seulgi flashed her bear-eye-smiles as she rambles.


Irene can’t resist the cuteness of her girlfriend. So she leaned in to give Seulgi’s pinkish lips a peck. Also to shut her up because she talked too much already.


"Alright alright. I think I ever told you about it, but just to refresh your memory and fill in some parts that I haven’t told you before. When you were 14 and i’m 20..”


(When Seulgi is 14 years old.)


"Unnie, this ice cream is seriously yummy! The best ice cream that i ever eat in my whole life! Seriously the best! And you're the best! Thank you for bringing me here for the second time!" Seulgi exclaimed with a big smile, her eyes went missing in the process, curved into crescents, while her arms flailing in the air to express how happy she is at the moment.


Irene's tiredness is all get washed away as she sees Seulgi's smile. It's all worth it, she tells herself.

She made another right decision again, she tells herself with sense of proudness.


Actually she had a rather rough day today. She almost went berserk because of it.

She had an argument with her management regarding some of her schedules that suddenly get re-arranged. With such a short notification.

The management being a jerk again by overworking her without discussing with her and delaying her concert that she badly wish can be hold as soon as possible. She feels bad for keep making her fans to wait for the concert.

To make it worse, she can't say anything either to them because nothing is fixed yet so her fans can only wait in uncertainty. Irene felt helpless. So she can’t help herself from feeling so mad, fuming, but luckily she got the best manager anyone could ask for. Taeyeon calmed her down, told her to just go home to cooling down and get some rest while she will try to talk and bargain with the upper management again.

And Irene, no matter how stubborn she is, she trusts her Taeyeon unnie. So she listened to her to retreat for now.

But instead of going straight home, Irene found herself driving her car to KIJ's dorm, still in her fancy outfit that she wore today to a magazine interview. She was too tired to change her clothes. She was too tired to even move a muscle. But she knows she needs to see her.

Because if there’s anything that can make her day gets brighter, it has to be her favorite bear.

And so here they are now. Sitting closely beside each other at the back of Irene’s car, devouring their ice cream.


"You're welcome, kiddo." Irene playfully ruffled Seulgi's hair with an affectionate smile plastered on her face. It’s the first smile curved on her face after she left SM building today.


The two fall into a comfortable silence. With Seulgi focusing on her ice cream, and Irene focusing on watching the younger eating her ice cream. Then something hits Irene.


“Seul, how’s your school? I mean with you being in KIJ, the dorm life, the training and all.. I hope it didn’t disturb your study.”


“Ah. No, it’s not, unnie. I still got good grades for all subjects in class. I got it cover! Don’t worry.” Seulgi proudly said. Wanting to make her Irene unnie proud of her.


“Aigoo.. such a smart kid you are, eh?” Irene patted Seulgi’s head softly. Making Seulgi smiles even wider at the warm gesture that she secretly likes so much.


Soon they fall into a comforting silence again. But this time, it was Seulgi who breaks it first.


“How about you, unnie?” Seulgi softly asked, carefully eyeing Irene as she put down her ice cream spoon on the plate.


“Me? What about me?”


"What’s bothering you, unnie?”


"Huh?" The sudden question caught Irene off guard. Irene turned her head toward Seulgi only to find the younger is intensely looking at Irene with her worry eyes.


"What is it, unnie? What's bothering you today? Or maybe, who? Should I kick someone for you?” Seulgi firmly repeated her question when she received no answer from Irene.


If it’s in the normal situation, Irene surely would laugh her off. Because Seulgi looking so serious while threatening to kick someone for her, that’s just toooo adorable, cute, and funny of course to witness. But no, Irene can’t laugh right now. She was too surprised.


How can Seulgi see through her mask? She's always an expert in putting up facade to hide her true feelings and emotions. Being an idol taught her that.


Seeing Irene being stoic and stoned, worries Seulgi even more. By now Seulgi already forget about her ice cream, totally pay no attention and interest on it and solely focusing on the older girl that she adores so much.


“Unnie..” Seulgi softly called out, tucking on Irene’s sleeve. "You're okay?"


Irene tried to speak but she suddenly found it hard to find the right words. So she's stuttering. “I.. I.."


Seulgi put her hand on top of Irene's slightly bigger hand and give it a squeeze. "It's okay if you can't tell me. Just please know that i will always be on your side! Always." Seulghi emphasized. "Because i’m Bae Irene’s number one fan!” Seulgi continued, dorkily make a fist pump to the air still with her super serious face, to prove how serious she is with her words.


But poor her, instead of seeing Irene feeling touched with her words like what she imagine in her head, Seulgi has to witness the older girl burst out into a fit of unstoppable laughters, clutching hard on her stomach with tears in her eyes.


‘What's so funny?’ Seulgi thought to herself.


"Hah..ha." Irene tried her best to stop her laughs. And once she finally did, she looks at Seulgi with her warm-glistening eyes. "Thank you. You're indeed my drug, Seulbear." Irene said with a giggle, but sincerity is reflected in her doe eyes.


That day Seulgi still doesn't really get it honestly. As to why Irene laughing so hard earlier, and also as to why she called her as her drug just now. Drug? Is she sick or hurt somewhere? Seulgi wonders.. But for whatever reason it is, Seulgi believes it meant something good. Because Irene looks happier now. Earlier she looks kinda somber, she looks sad, and Seulgi hates to see that. She just know that she somehow managed to make Irene smiles again.


She feels happy knowing Irene is happy. And that's enough. She feels okay to not know the rest of the story.


That day Irene found herself opening up to the younger more, rather effortlessly. Something that an introvert like her found it hard to do. But with Seulgi, everything seems just right.


She of course didn’t get into details with Seulgi because she can’t. Some informations are confidential and cannot be shared to outsiders of her artist management. And Irene being a professional she is, she knows her boundaries. Personal life cannot be blend with work life. But aside from that, she feels happy to have Seulgi that attentively listening to what she has to say, comforting her with her smile and warmth. Even offering Irene a hug because Seulgi read it somewhere that hug could help in relieving someone's stress and pain. Irene of course gladly take the offer, because stress or not, she just want to hug Seulgi.


That day Irene also realized another thing.. Seulgi is indeed too mature for kid around her age.



(Present time)


“Come to think of it, our relationship at that time was more like siblings. An unnie and her dongsaeng. We cheer each other up if one of us is having a bad day. You would sulk from time to time if I got too busy with my work and could not have an ice cream date with you. Your sulking only lessen when you were 16. Thank God..”


Seulgi shyly chuckled after getting exposed by her girlfriend.


“But you loved to spoil that brat.” Seulgi pointed out.


“That.. i did. And i still do. That day, we both brightened up each other’s day. Me by buying you ice cream, and you, by just being you and staying beside me.” Shortly after saying that, Irene chuckled at herself. Maybe just realizing how cheesy she sounded. That’s so not her but she thinks she has to say it still for Seulgi to hear.


“Aww, unnieeee~” Seulgi immediately pulled Irene into her embrace, giving her a tight hug and refuse to let go. She keeps clinging onto the older girl, even now attacking her with kisses.


“Okay okay. Enough with the cheesiness. Let me go.” Irene wriggled herself free. Because as much as she enjoyed it, she can’t concentrate if Seulgi being too close to her. She might can’t control herself and they surely won’t hear the end of the story today if she did lose her self control. So for everyone’s sake..


And as if Seulgi can hear Irene’s inner voice, Seulgi relented without much force with a knowing smirk on her face.


“And now when you were 16..” Irene continued with her furrowed eyebrows, trying to regain her consentration. Seulgi secretly hide her smile from her girlfriend who’s at the moment trying hard to rewind the invisible recorder inside her head, recalling the memories.


Seulgi smiles because she remembers everything now. Crystal clear.

But she won’t tell Irene that. She still wants to hear how her girlfriend would retell their stories from her point of view.


“It’ll be fun!” Seulgi inwardly squealing.




(When Seulgi is 16.)


It’s getting hard for Irene every year as she’s witnessing how Seulgi blooms prettily.

From a cute bubbly kid, to a pretty-mature girl.

It’s like she gets more beautiful each time she sees her. She gets taller too. She's almost as tall as Irene now.


Irene is of course feeling proud seeing her future girlfriend growing up very well. Seulgi is hers. This pretty girl is belong to her. That thought alone is enough to makes her heart flutter mess.

But it’s actually like a blessing and a curse at the same time for the idol. Because there were times when Irene almost lost her self control. Almost. But thank God she still managed to keep it together.


Irene always remind herself to not act reckless and do something that she might regret later. She doesn’t want to take any advantage from the younger girl even when Seulgi said she wants it too. No, Irene will not taint her until she’s legal. Just a few more years. She can wait. She must.


While Seulgi, now she hates it whenever Irene called her with ‘kid’ or ‘kiddo’. Something that never bother her before. But it does, it really does bother her now. She doesn’t want Irene to see her as a kid anymore. She wants Irene to see her as a girl. A grown up adult who is in the same level, in the same league with Irene. Someone who’s deserving her.


And so one day, Seulgi determined to let the older girl know something that actually both girls are pretty aware already. But no one ever verbally say it.


“Unnie.. i like you!” Seulgi nervously confessed one day after gathering the courage for days.


Seulgi thought Irene might needs some time to register what sh

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Well this chap is really the ending, guys! Thanks for the love and support for this story :) but if many of you really want a sequel, well.. maybe i can try to come up with another chap. Lol no promises tho. Maybe after 100 upvotes? ;P


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
2189 streak #2
rereading this story<3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 3: 😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 4: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 4: never get enough of this beautiful work ❤❤❤
Dorkydory_X #6
Chapter 4: Easiest upvote for this.💯

This takes me back to my childhood, the puberty thing.😆
279 streak #7
Chapter 4: ❤️❤️❤️
Iamsoshi09 #8
Chapter 4: Ioooooooo this one is good
Ohhh on my list <3
Chapter 4: Now I love this stor!