The Apology

The Heartbreak Plantation: The Kidnapping

"Um...I don't feel too good" Stateed Jin

"Babe!" said RM

Just Then! Jin's eyes fell shut. And he fell to the Ground Completly Unconcius. 


"DONGWOON" YELLED J_hope "HELP!!!!!!!!"

"WHA- oh no"Started Dong woon "H-H-his DEAD!!!!!!!!!"

RM quickly sliped off his white converse high aND SOCK to expose his toes and swiftly brought his toes to jin's face and let out sigh when he felt jin's warm breath on his toes.

"Guys Jins not dead!!!" rM voiced out in happiness and refielf " hes oi just onconcius"

"Whish is basically the same thing as sleeping, so he's fine,l right?"Asked Dongwoon in a hesitant way

"No hes not fine at all!!!" Said RM with tears in his eyes "since weve been chained up down here In the Basemnt, we haven't even been able to eat or drink anything! my poor JIn passed out cuz hes starving!!!"

"I mean, i did throw you guys that kimchi fried rice..yesterday...or whenever"

"We. are. chained to this wall!!" J-Hopes inner darkness suddenly burst out again, scaring Dongwwon with how dark he got.

"Oh, im s-s-s-s-s-s-sorry! so sorry1" Downgwoon hurriedly started to undo everyones chains "is that better??"  

"NO! CUZ WE STILL NEED TO EAT!" yelled rm as he held and caress jin's almost lifeless body

Dong woon escalated in a hurry to make a mess of ramyeon

SUga just sit there thinking abuot how he didn't get to sey anything to jimin  if he could go back in time he would have gathered enough courage to conffess to his secret crush jimin

"Hey Suga.........Im Sorry For Throw me shoe  at you"  J-hope said apologetically

"............" Suga siletly didn't reply

"...Suga?" J-hope asked 

"........................." but suga still didn't respond

"............Suga.." J-hope asked again while tapping suga on the shouder

"......................................WHAT!!!!!!!" sreamed Suga shocking everyone in the cold hard stone basment 

"why did you yell at me i was just trying ti apologize" J-hope said sadly while tearing up

"BECAUSE I DON'T ACCEPT YOU APOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!" yelled suga agreyly

"Please i'll do anything JUST PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY!!!!!!!" J-hope walled out

"" replied suga " you throw shoe at me" 

"I didn't mean too do it!"  wailed J_hope 

"YES YOU DID!" screeched suga "I HATE YOU J-HOPE!"

Just then dongwooon walked down the stares with the ramyeon in hand \

"Tim to eat" said Dongwun as put down the ramyeon 

swifty Rm grab the steamin hot ramyeon with his bare hands and stared to feed jin's unconsice body

"Jin you have to eat Or you will never get better" RM says worrily

jin only repond by  leting out a horribile coughung and gagging

" i think his getting better he's finally reponging" ROM SAys happly

everyone lets out a sigh of releaf

"well im going back up stares" sad dongwoon " im going to take a nap"

"Bye" says eveyone

"guys....................................................i think we should escape now" siad RON 

"" j-hope said " you guys go i'll stay"

"WHY!" said rM "What the hack attack man!?!"

"Because i don't deserve to ever leave this Cold hard Stone Basement! Not after I Abused Suga in this like manner. I'll never forgive myself!!!" J-Hope slammed his fist down on the Cold Hard Stone Floor, angry at his Inner Darkness and embarrassed by what he had done. "You guys should all just leave me in here to Rot, really, just leave me, try to forget about me and My Inner Darkness and try to live the happy lives you all deserve"

Just then J-Hope started to weep ucontrollably, he grabbed the chains that had held them all to the Cold Hard Stone Walls., "I'll chain myself up! So I can't hurt anyone ever again" he wrapped the chains around his neck, still Sobbing "Why haven't you guys left yet?? JUst go!"

"But we can't leave you because we are a family" says RM " and a family sticks together"

"I SAID JUST LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" J-hope sobbed out while screaming

"j-hope..........................I-i forgive you" Suga said with tears streaming down his face " because i-i love you"

"W-what??" j-hope questioned

"I-i love you J-hope" Suga repied

Just Then  J-Hope Threw off the chains and Ran over to Suga Wrap in a Warm Embrace filled with Love. and whispered in his ear

"I Love You Too Suga" Responded J-hope 

Suga looked into J-Hope eyes with pure love and affection burning deep within his heart, driving away the inner darkness Forever, turn him back into the shining ray of sun shine of BTS. J-hope wrapped his hands around suga's small waist, drawing him closer and leaning in eagerly and affectionetly thier lips united ina passionate kiss. Suga Blushed a deep Red.

"I Love you Jhope" says Suga

"I Love you SAugasays J-hope

'Can we leave now??/"  asked rM 

"Yea.." they both said while holding hands

So they walked up stairs to the door carrying the unconcise Jin. They snuck pass Dongwoon who was sleeping angrly on the couch. and they walk out the door.

"I bet the other members are stilll looking for us the'll be so surpised that we already escaped" stated J_Hope

"Yea" he agred

They wakled back to their dorm. They got to there Dorm. 

"HEELLLLOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!WERE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!" J-Hope shouted exitedly"Chungmin? V? Jungkook? Jimin?"

So they walkied in the Bath room because thay heard kissing. And they saw chungmin and Jimin holding hands and V and Jungkook kissing .

" Oh my gosh Jimin i thought you have a girlfrieng?! Why are you holding hands with Chungmin!?" questions RM

"are you gay after all??" Suga whispered in a confused and hopeful manner

"What? no this IS my Girlfrieng" Jimin answered

"WHAT?!?!" they all said

"hey guys it's me Jimin's girlfriend Mekena Kim"

"oh" Suga whispered

"well i was so depresed wiothout my Minie that i was willing to do ANYTHING to be with him so i joined BTS and things got.......................complicated but long stroy short everythins better now and me and my Minie are more inlove than ever now" Mekena explained

"Wher were you guys?!? And what happend to Jin?/!?!" Asked V

"Well we got kiddnaped by that crazy dude from highlight, dongwoon. he chained us to the cold hard stone wall in the basment of his dorm" J-Hope Explained "And i thought you guys would come and save guys never came.."

"*Gasp* You guys were Kiddnaped!!?" asked Jungkook in shock and surprise "Omg we never realized!!"

"after you guys left, this guy came up to our door and told us not worry about you guys, and not to ask any questions, because you guys would take a long time at Panda Express" says V

"That must have been Dongwoon!" stateed J-Hope

"And what Happened to Jin?!!? Is he Ok?!!??!" Asked V concerndly

"he was kinda like..uh..dehydrated and like...uhh...starving yea he was starving" Rm explained

"oh wo" says Jimin

JUst then Jins eye lids flutter open. 

"W-w-whrer am i/?// What happened?" questioned Jin confusedly

" like hit your head like fell down the stairs" RM explained/lied

"Okay i Love you" responded jin

"I love you too" said RM lovingly with a big smile





                                                                                                                     -The End-






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