Expectations really hurts


“I’ve always wanted to tell you this, but I can’t seem to find the right timing.” Wendy inhales a very deep breath before uttering her next words. “Unnie, I love you.”

Irene widened her eyes. She cannot believe what she had just heard.

“I’m sorry, but what? Seungwan are you serious??”

“Yes! I’ve never been this sure, unnie. I love you, way more as a friend.” She slowly steps forward towards joohyun but then stops when she saw joohyun steps back.

“No, you can’t be seungwan.”

“Unnie, please, hear me out. Let me expl-” 

“I’ve never thought of you in that way! I only love you as a friend! Nothing more beyond of what you wanted!”

Wendy felt her heart breaking into tiny bits upon hearing those from her. Tears are now forming in her eyes while slowly telling Irene, “But unnie, I thought you feel the same way. You kissed me back! What was that-”

“Seulgi was around! I thought you knew about this already? Haven’t we talked about this before? You said you’d help me with anything. And this was I’m referring to! To help me make seulgi jealous! She’s the one I love, seungwan. Not you.”

Wendy held her breath once more. Suddenly she can’t feel anything. As if the world literally stops.
“But I thought you had feelings for me too. All the things you did to me, all along, was that only pretend?”

“How could you actually think of that way?! Ofcourse I wouldn’t have those feelings towards you! I only thought of you as a friend! Nothing much nor beyond of what you assumed!”

Suddenly, the air feels suffocating for wendy. Feeling her legs giving up because of the mixed feelings, she slowly sat on the floor, hurt evident in her expression with now tears streaming in her face.

“Don’t you think that’s too much for me to know, unnie?” she smiled sadly with tears, looking down, “So I was expecting something unimaginable, all along. How foolish of me.”

Joohyun “wan-ah, I’m so sorry if you misinterpreted it all. I thought-”

“Unnie, aren’t those things you did not genuine?”

“Seungwan, you expected too much to the point of assuming things that will not really happen.”

Hearing more of those words, wendy cried. She thought of all the things that are in her mind lately. She thought that everything was in the right time. And she did expect to be reciprocated. She was backfired by her mission. She did all the things she wanted to do, but didn’t think of what could be the pros and the cons of her actions. By realizing it, she wiped her tears, but still crying, stood up and faced joohyun, “Unnie, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for ruining the relationship we had right now. I was really excited to confess, assuming you are feeling the same way as me. I expected too much.” And with that, she left the joohyun.


Expectation really hurts.


I tried.

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Thank you so much to all who read this! This inspired me a lot! :')
Sorry for my typos and grammatical errors, tho. English is not my first language :'(


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 6: ~T_T~
MaraxSam #2
Chapter 5: I kinda want a continuation of this.. to know the effect of her death on people like Irene, knowing that it's somehow because of her...
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 6: Why???
I am sad but I love this
Please do continue this fic
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 4: Wendy?
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 3: I had time to think of the dead Joohyun and Wendy living but all were answered
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 2: Who's that?
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 1: CRYING
Chapter 5: .

I like your writing. I hope I can read more of your writings. But The Happy Ones :')