Rainy Day at The Bus Stop

Rainy Days at The Bus Stop

June 3rd 2011

“Why should i live in this place?I hate him tho and she’s not my mother anymore”

He stared at the gray sky and cursed under his breath

“I hate rain” he hissed

He took a bus and sat beside the window and stared blankly at outside,he walked towards his school and like he used to be,he just sat on back of the class and waiting for the school to an end.

He left the school and walked towards the bus stop.

“It’s still fcking raining”

He waited for his bus but someone bumped into him,he doesn’t care and not even care to take a look.

“I’m sorry” he said

He turned his head and saw that boy smiled at him

“Yeah” he said and he turned his head again,shifted his gaze.

“Bye” that boy whispered and ran towards his bus

He just stared weirdly at that boy and his mind back to “I hate my life” again

June 14rd 2011

“Stupid kid,he’s not my brother anyway. I don’t wanna live in that house anymore..” he sighed and tightened his jacket into his body

“God,I hate rain so much!” he hissed

He took a bus and sat beside the window and stared blankly at outside,he walked towards his school and like he used to be,he just sat on back of the class and waiting for the school to an end.

He left the school and walked towards the bus stop.

He sighed when he saw a lot of people on the bus stop,he turned his body but someone bumped into him again.

“Oh it’s you!I’m sorry again” he smiled

He just stared blankly at this boy and started to walked away but someone pulled his arm

“You’re not going to wait for your bus today?it’s raining”

“Too crowded” and he left that boy behind

June 29th 2011

“I hate my life so much!I want my father not that stupid fat filthy rich man” he hissed and put his jacket on

He took a bus and sat beside the window and stared blankly at outside,he walked towards his school and like he used to be,he just sat on back of the class and waiting for the school to an end.

He left the school and walked towards the bus stop.

He took out his cigarette and smoke it,not even care when an old guy patted his shoulder and begged him to turn it off.

“Just own your bussiness” he hissed

Someone patted his shoulder again and he almost kicked that person but he stopped when he saw that boy smiled at him

“Waiting for your bus again?”

“Do you think what am I doing in here?are you retard or something?” he hissed

That boy looked shocked

“I just trying to..”

“Don’t need to” he throw his cigarette and walked towards his bus,left the boy behind

July 5rd 2011

“This scars,I have to cover it” he stared at his wrist

He took a bus and sat beside the window and stared blankly at outside,he walked towards his school and like he used to be,he just sat on back of the class and waiting for the school to an end.

He left the school and walked towards the bus stop but it’s raining all of sudden and he didn’t bring his jacket. The bus stop is still far away from him.

“GREAT!” he yelled at the sky but suddenly he saw an umbrella above him

“What the...”

“I guess you forgot to bring your jacket” he smiled again

“Stop smiling” he hissed and walked away towards the bus stop

“What’s wrong with you?” he said

“None of your bussiness”

“You can tell me your...”

“Shut the up!” he yelled and lucky him that his bus already arrived,he left that boy behind.

July 7rd 2011

“Who are you?!you’re not my father!!”

“Watch your mouth!!”

“I’m out of here!!!”

He ran away from his house towards the bus stop but maybe he’s right,this universe hates him so much

Raining all the time,he hates rain so much.

He took a bus and sat beside the window and stared blankly at outside but something bothered him today,he remembered that boy but he shook his head and stared blankly at outside of the bus. He walked towards his school and like he used to be,he just sat on back of the class and waiting for the school to an end.

He saw that boy with his white umbrella,waiting for his bus while chewing his gum.

He stand not far away from him and that boy turned his head,he wants to shifted his gaze but that boy’s eyes locked his eyes.

He walk towards him and smiled like always,like there’s nothings wrong,like he’s not yelled at him.



“You bring your jacket”


“Wanna gum?”


He took out his cigarette but that boy snatch it from him

“It’s not good for your health”

He stared blankly and took out another cigarette

“I said..”

“Who are you anyway?” he asked harshly,he doesn’t know why but he wants to slapped his mouth for saying that

“I’m nobody” he smiled at him

He stared at that smiled and can sense something hurt inside behind those bright smile

“That’s your bus” he mumbled

“Oh,you’re right!goodbye stranger” he waved

July 8rd 2011

“Dad,I’ll finish my senior year just like I said so keep waiting for me” he stared at the dark sky

He took a bus and sat beside the window and stared blankly at outside,he walked towards his school and like he used to be,he just sat on back of the class and waiting for the school to an end but there’s something that made him ran towards the bus stop that day. He doesn’t know what it is.

He’s there with his white umbrella but he looked different.

“Hey” he’s the one that greeted him

“Hey” he startled but smiled happily

“What’s up?”


“You should talk and smile” he smiled

He stared and streched his mouth,it’s curved up but it felt weird

“Better” he smiled

He’s back to his poker face and stared at the ground

“I can see that you love that jacket so much” he broke the silence

“Yeah,it’s my dad’s”


“He’s dead”

“I’m sorry”

“Don’t need to,I’ll be with him..soon..” he wanted to slap his mouth,he doesn’t understand why did he told him about this

“What?” he widened his eyes

“Never mind”

“Hey,look at me” he pulled his arm

“Don’t touch me” he hissed and that boy stepped backwards

He saw that his bus arrived and he left that boy behind

July 11rd 2011

“Hey,can I borrow your jacket?” he touched that black jacket

“Do.not.touch.my.things” he hissed

He stepped away and ran away from his room. He walk out from his room,held his father’s jacket tightly.

“Stop bothering your brother!” she yelled at him

He doesn’t answered it and just walk out from the house towards the bus stop

He took a bus and sat beside the window and stared blankly at outside,he walked towards his school and like he used to be,he just sat on back of the class and waiting for the school to an end.

He straighten up his jacket and walk towards the bust stop,it’s not raining but still windy. He saw that boy without his umbrella standing with both hands on his pocket.

“I’m sorry” that’s the first sentence that he said when he stand beside him

He turned his head and smiled at him

“Don’t worry” he smiled and scratched his neck

“I just think that there’s no one love me in this universe” he mumbled

“That’s ridiculous” he shook his head

“He’s dead because of me”

“It’s not because of you”

“That’s what she said”

“Don’t listen to her” he reached out his hands and hugged him

He widened his eyes and all he want to do is just push him away but he didn’t do anything

“Don’t think about it” he smiled

He stared at the ground,he never felt that warmth anymore since the last hug from his father that morning

“That’s your bus” his voice brought him back

“See you tomorrow” he said

“Yeah” and he answered him

July 15rd 2011

“It’s raining again,that accident..” he shook his head

He took a bus and sat beside the window and stared blankly at outside but suddenly a boy’s voice brought him back

“Dad,I’m sleepy”

“You have to go to school,you have to be a smart student,okay?”

“Am I going to get a reward if I become the smartest studentin the class?”

“Yes you will” that old man pinched his son’s nose

He just stared blankly at them but when the boy stared at him,he smiled widely.

“Listen to your father,okay little boy?”

“Yes hyung”

He smiled at the kid and the old man then stood up,he arrived at his school

Like he used to be,he just sat on back of the class and waiting for the school to an end. When the bell rang,he walk out from the class and ran towards the bus stop and smiled at that boy


“Wow,you’re excited”

“Hahahaha yeah” he laughed and then they both stared to each other

“I’m laughing....” he whispered

“Your laugh is beautiful” he said

“Stop it”


“By the way,we’re going to have a long break” he mumbled

“Yeah” he still smiled

“We’re..I mean..”

“We will meet again” he smiled and patted his shoulder


“You looked happy”

“Yeah,maybe it’s because of you”

He widened his eyes and bite his lips shyly

“I mean it,I’ll never talk to someone like this. Thanks” he touch that boy’s hand and pulled him away right away

“You’re welcome”

“I really miss my dad” he said it all of sudden

“Tell me about him”

“I insisted him to come to my football match on rainy days and..” he stopped

“That truck crush our car and took his life..” he whispered and bite his lips

“Ssshhh..” he hugged him

They talked till late,they don’t even care about the weather and not even understand why don’t they search some coffee shop but they’re just talking on that bus stop.

“It’s late and it’s raining..again..” he shook his head

“We should go home” he said then he took out his white umbrella

“Yeah..” he took off his jacket and gave it to him

“Wh-waht is this?”

“Take this” he took his white umbrella and slung his father’s jacket around his neck

“That’s my bus” he whispered

“Yeah..” he tightened his grip to his umbrella,won’t let it go or him go.

“What’s your name?” he asked while playing with that white umbrella

He stared at him then leaned closer,he kissed his cheek.

“See you tomorrow” he said then he ran away,he ran towards his bus left him behind

July 25rd 2011

“Dad,I met him. You said that someday I will met someone. He made me smile and i’m sorry but I guess you have to wait for me a little more longer” he smiled toward the bus stop and chatted with random people on the bus

When the bell rang,he ran towards the bus stop but he’s not there

“Where’s he?”

He waited till midnight and he’s still not there,he tightened his grip to that white umbrella and get into his bus

August 3rd 2011

“I miss him,where’s he?”

August 20rd 2011

“Is he playing with my heart?”

He waited for him everyday but still,he’s not there,he’s nowhere.

“Dad,what should I do?”

He’s graduated already and looking for a job on that rainy day,he doesn’t think about suicide anymore and keep his mind on his future.

He walked towards that bus stop and he saw that familiar figure wearing his black jacket,he widened his eyes and walked slowly towards him. All he want to do is hug him and slap him at the same time but he just stared at him.

“Why is he wearing shades on rainy day and is that a stick?”

“Hey” he greeted him

He turned his head and smiled at him,he reached out his hands but he got nothing but air. He took his hand and placed it on his shoulder

“What’s wrong with you” he hissed

“Hello again,I miss you so much”

“What with this shades?” he took off that shades and he widened his eyes,those gray eyes stared at him


“I’m Hoya and you?I’m not really well today..” he smiled at him happily

“I never know your name” he keep smiling at him

“I’m Dongwoo..” tears rolled down to his face

“What happened with you?” he whispered



i didn't do spell check so I'm really sorry if there's some mistake

it's already 12.07 AM in my country (Indonesia) and thank god that I finished this one shot

hope you like it and see you later:D


the explanation: It seems like a lot of people confuse with the story,I purposely left the fanfic like that so the reader will use their imagination to guessing what is happening with Hoya but let me put this straight so you will understand:D

That night after he kissed Dongwoo on the cheek,he rode the bus that got an accident,he survive BUT he lose his vision. It took several months to recover mentally and physically and after that he’s back to the bus stop and he know that he will meet Dongwoo and finally reveal his name to Dongwoo.

Once again,thank you so much for read my fanfic:D

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Chapter 1: Ahhh, this is nice. Ehehe ^^
Why did this have to happen???? I mean when Dongwoo finally got better, Hoya had to disappear like that!:-(
But thankfully Hoya returned, even if he is blind...
BTW thanks for the explanation in the end, I was really curious about what had happened to Hoya... *___*
ohhh thanks for the explanation well the awkward moment is when i kept thinking the boy who always at the bus stop actually a wonderer spirit....pwihihihi okay so he's hoya after all
jenkki #4
I really really liked this!! but I didnät get this at all :( but anyways I liked this :>
oh... *_* it was sad but sweet and the same time...
how to save a life... :)
waaa why I'm crying .. why ! ; __ ; ?? I don't know but I just ... * sob sob *
anyway .. is he blind ?? but why did that happen ? I really don't get this ; w ;
can someone explain it to me please ~~

Thanks for this amazing piece ~
I will look forward to read other of your YaDong fiction again ! :))
btw, did u have twitter account & tumblr ? :D
seanjie #7
I love this story. It just left me speechless.

The story speaks for itself. No need for extra words.

Thumbs up. Good Job! :D